The Official 2008 Chicago Bulls Off Season Thread: BG Signs 1 Year Deal; No one cares; BASEBALL FTW

Ex-Knick Jackson on Paxson radar
BULLS | ESPN analyst is set to interview on Wednesday

April 29, 2008
Recommend (2)

BY BRIAN HANLEY [email protected]

The Bulls' coaching search continues with no favorite having emerged and no hiring imminent, according to those close to the situation.

General manager John Paxson is set to interview Mark Jackson in Los Angeles, likely Wednesday. Jackson, the longtime NBA point guard and currently a TV analyst, reportedly is the front-runner to land the New York Knicks' vacancy.

Jackson met with new Knicks president Donnie Walsh last week in Phoenix. Current Bulls assistant Ron Adams and former Bulls interim coach Jim Boylan are among the candidates Walsh reportedly would consider to assist Jackson.

Paxson already has met with Rick Carlisle, a former coach of the year in Detroit who is interested in the Bulls' job.

Once the first round of the playoffs ends, Paxson is expected to interview some of the losing teams' assistant coaches. One assistant he is expected to interview is Utah's Tyrone Corbin, the former DePaul star. The Salt Lake Tribune reported Monday that as of late last week, no team had asked for permission to talk with Corbin.

Corbin was a candidate for Seattle's head coaching job that went to P.J. Carlesimo last offseason. Corbin is respected for his intelligence and the way he relates to players, something the Bulls want their next coach to be able to do.

Paxson's list of candidates also includes Boston assistant Tom Thibodeau and Detroit assistant Michael Curry, who is looking more like the Pistons' next head coach if Flip Saunders can't get the heavily favored team through its first-round series with Philadelphia.

Other current head coaches who are coming under fire for their teams' postseason play -- and who might be candidates for the Bulls' job soon -- include Dallas' Avery Johnson, Phoenix's Mike D'Antoni and Toronto's Sam Mitchell.

D'Antoni has been criticized in Phoenix for a lack of interest in developing young players, something that is important to Paxson. And some Suns players, notably Steve Nash, have questioned D'Antoni's game plans against San Antonio.

It's hard to imagine Paxson scrapping his defense-first philosophy to hire the offensive-minded D'Antoni. That's why Johnson seems a more appealing candidate if the Mavericks fire him.

If Mitchell is let go in Toronto, look for D'Antoni to be the favorite to take over the Raptors because former Suns boss Bryan Colangelo is GM in Toronto.

According to reports out of New York, an available Mitchell could put Jackson's odds-on status with the Knicks in trouble. Walsh, then in charge of the Indiana Pacers, was set to interview Mitchell last spring when it looked like Colangelo was not going to renew his contract.

One current coach apparently not headed to the unemployment line, despite his team's poor postseason play, is Denver's George Karl.

''George Karl is our coach,'' Nuggets executive Rex Chapman told Denver media when asked about Karl's future.
Do you guys want either one of these guys???


I think with Avery, the guys would tune him out after a while... just cuz he always looks angry and hes always yelling on the sidelines.
I dont think we gave the kind of point guard to run Mike's offense.

I wouldn't mind seeing Joakim, Tyrus and Thabo running though


I still like Rick Carlisle the most
According to sources close to the Suns, D'Antoni is the front runner for the Bulls job.
Tribune story has been updated....

The Bulls will move to interview Phoenix coach Mike D'Antoni in the next few days after Suns general manager Steve Kerr granted D'Antoni permissionSunday to do so.

League sources confirmed a report by the Suns' flagship radio station, KTAR-AM, detailing Kerr's change of mind. Last week, Kerr said he wouldn'tallow teams to speak to D'Antoni, who has two years and $8.5 million remaining on his contract.

Bulls sources said D'Antoni would be interviewed as an intriguing candidate. Sources said D'Antoni also would be allowed to interview for the vacantKnicks' coaching position.

D'Antoni met with Kerr and owner Robert Sarver for more than two hours on Friday and had planned to meet again this week. Instead, the parties talked byphone over the weekend, according to the Arizona Republic.

D'Antoni and Kerr have acknowledged their philosophical differences related to basketball, but Kerr will not fire D'Antoni and swallow his contract.Should D'Antoni land another job, the Suns' financial obligations are offset.

Bulls general manager John Paxson has interviewed Rick Carlisle and Mark Jackson for the job thus far. Carlisle dropped out of contention even before he stoodpoised to land the Mavericks' job. Jackson is considered the front-runner to land the Knicks job.

Paxson also plans to interview former Mavericks coach Avery Johnson. Now, D'Antoni officially is added to the list.
I would actually like D'Antoni. If the Bulls are going to be mediocre, they might as well be exciting.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32


Trade them for what exactly??

There isn't much out there to trade them for.

An aging star?
Bad contracts?
Exactly, we all know that's the New York Knicks style

I wonder if Mark would make the impact we need.
I could give two craps about who they select as coach. I am more curious to see if Paxson makes any worthwhile moves this offseason.
I just want to see what kind of moves we will be making in the off-season.

But i wouldnt mind Jackson or D'Antoni
Originally Posted by aRog27

I want D'Antoni........lets run and gun.

And not play defense so we can get get bounced in the first round. D'Antoni is a **+%*# coach, keep that bastard out of Chicago
I actually think the Bulls could be a successful run & gun team. If Hinrich could play well in that sort of system, we have the offense to run & gun.
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by aRog27

I want D'Antoni........lets run and gun.

And not play defense so we can get get bounced in the first round. D'Antoni is a **+%*# coach, keep that bastard out of Chicago

I knew someone would say doesnt matter though, D'Antoni is gonna be the coach.

I hate the Cardinals.
Originally Posted by aRog27

Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by aRog27

I want D'Antoni........lets run and gun.

And not play defense so we can get get bounced in the first round. D'Antoni is a **+%*# coach, keep that bastard out of Chicago

I knew someone would say doesnt matter though, D'Antoni is gonna be the coach.

I hate the Cardinals.

Great our Basketball team can keep sucking just like your baseball team
Originally Posted by AM 1 FIEND

Originally Posted by aRog27

I want D'Antoni........lets run and gun.

And not play defense so we can get get bounced in the first round. D'Antoni is a **+%*# coach, keep that bastard out of Chicago

Coach D Antoni is 267 - 172 with a winning percentage of .671

and that was in the West.
Its worth a shot.

Avery Johnson is more of the same
I'm still not liking D'Antoni...

the offense would improve but he's not a defensive minded coach at all... this team in 2007 was on the right track IMO to becoming legit contenders.. allthey would have needed is a FA signing/draft pick

we'll see what happens this summer
What the hell does it matter if the coach is more offensive minded than defensive ?

These are grown %!# men making millions of dollars. Playing defense is part of basketball, hell, i know i don't need anyone telling me to play defense wheni ball, and i play strictly for the love of the game. Coaching is over-rated. Avery Johnson would be more of the same. The Bulls as a team needs to man thehell up and make it to the playoffs next season. I'm not gonna take this below mediocre #%$*%#+! again.
I'm just not sure if his run & gun style can win a championship.. If he is hired, and the team doesn't play D at all, I don't see them beingbetter than they were two years ago, unless they somehow bring back Elton Brand this off season. I really wanted Carlisle though and he's gone to Dallas

I'm not saying the Bulls won't have success with D'Antoni, because they will, but unless there are some major roster changes I don't see thisteam going past the 2nd round..
Carlisle reminds me of did that turn out. It doesnt matter who the coach is, the players need to step up. I'm talking to you ...Deng,Thomas, Gordon, and Hinrich.
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