Yall must be new to paypal. The cc and their customers relationship trumps any and everything outside of it. Credit card companies could care less about a paypal denied claim. They protect their consumer against any unwanted charges, period. His credit card company will contact paypal and paypal will fall in line. They are fully aware their position in a dispute with a cc company. There isnt a no refund policy in place here, and it wouldnt matter if there was, the customer does not have the merchandise or his money. The cc will take that money back and there is nothing anyone can do about, paypal or whoever, especially considering op has both money and merchandise. If it were a debit card or a bank transfer or a pp balance it would be a different story, a cc company will trump everyone involved in this situation and they are not about to side against THEIR customer based on a third partys dispute process unless there is clear evidence of cc fraud. A chargeback is filed and its over with, op's account goes negative and the buyer wins, end of story. Im not just talking outta my ***, ive been using pp for many, many years and have been on both sides of this situation multiple times. Read ur pp user agreement, u are not protected against chargebacks. If all you had to do was follow pp's selling guidelines you'd win every dispute and no one would care about a chargeback or being worried about one wouldnt be a thing.