The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I love Hajime no ippo. I started reading the manga after watching all the episodes but couldn't keep it. It's just too long for me to keep up at the moment. I imagine im gonna be an old retired man that reads manga and watch anime all day :lol: all the stuff I couldn't keep up with due to no time to.
Hajime no ippo manga is great as well. Just when you think they can't take it any further, they take it further. Easily one of the best mangas I've read. You're def. missing out.
Man if you haven't been on gundam iron blooded orphans slap yourself and get to it

What a final episode...
My hero Academia being 25 episodes this season means that we might get the Stain arc and maybe the retreat incident arc as well. :pimp:


Lol adult swim does a April fools day prank every year but this was the best since we've waited over a year for season 3 of rick and morty so it was all good for me [emoji]128579[/emoji]

AOT EPISODE 1 SEASON 2 IS OUT?!!!!?!!?!?!?
Yeah. It was okay. Cutting out story just for action is not good in my book, but I'm guessing that's what they had to do in order to keep the viewers from the first season from running off and saying bad things.
Lol yea I'm sure more people were happy about rick and morty than sad about samurai jack lol
Aot season 2

Im sure we speak the same language

Tower of God
I think I missed last week. But it was interesting, especially Hockney's ability to see the future not giving him the ability to change fate. We have 1 character who has changed fate in Hell Joe and we have a character who is trying to steal another's fate in Rachel. 
It also seems like Yuri has ruined Hwa Ryun's plan, also this should make her vulnerable or force Garam to move. But Garam's loyalties also has to be questioned more.
Anyway on to this week. Mata is probably the spy feeding information into Emile. He's been suspicious and probably knows more than he's letting on, which was really clear this chapter. Especially the scene where when confronted by De Jah, he panics and tries to explain himself, like he was part of wronging either De Jah or De Sah. 

What makes Yura Ha want to stick with Rachel so much? It's not friendship or something like that, its more that she has more faith in Rachel than FUG or anyone else that will help her get to her goal, so what did Rachel tell her or do to prove that? 

I get the point of Rachel, the person who is trying to change their fate/steal another's fate, but she's a tiring character. I'm glad Baam is now able to see through her. 

Baam seems to be going with the flow of his fate and not yet really understanding it or defining what he really wants. He seems to have a lot more growing to do, which I hope happens during this arc. He seems to be headed down the same path as Zahard in many ways. Still he's an interesting character and his path has been so hazy thus far. The GoG said there is a nuanced difference between Baam's goal and Zahard's but still it isn't clear and the path he's on could easily be wrong. But what else is interesting is that while Baam is growing Rachel is regressing. On floor 2 she had the best score outside of Khun for light bearers, while Baam was barely getting by. He was able to grow and understand people and make friends, while Rachel has been isolating herself and has now lost the only person who really cared about her. He answers he questions head on while when he asked her she pushed him again and ran. Baam completely understands Rachel and can empathize with her, while Rachel no longer understands Baam at all.

What's crazy is Rachel could have gone along with Baam to achieve her goals. She wanted to get in the tower, Baam opened the door for her. She wanted to climb the tower, Baam has the power to carry her up. She wants the fate of opening the 135th floor, that fate is Baam's and he would have brought her along. The problem is, to her it only means anything if she is the only one who can do it, because it makes her important in her mind, but she's willing to use others, besides Baam to get to that point, but that's probably because in those situation she sees herself as in control. All she knows is greed at this point. Even when Baam is in front of De Jah, Rachel says oh he's only here because I brought him, like he could have never made it on his own if he wanted along with taking credit for achievements that aren't hers.

It's clear even to a character that has lost his eyes. She's like the kid at school who wants to pass the test so badly she cheats and gets caught, while the genius student puts in less work and cares less, but achieves more. So she hates them, even if it's no fault of the genius. 

Going to the point where Baam asks De Jah to allow Rachel to take the test, again is similar to Zahard, who has been claimed to have wanted to allow even the average people in the tower be able to climb, because he pities them. 

The question is what happens now? Rachel shouldn't be able to win this other than the fact that she's now at her limits, cornered, and will be at her most sinister. It may become the first time ever in the Tower she actually works hard. Her biggest ally Yura Ha should be done for as well. But that would be too simple I think. Plus what does Baam become with another piece of thorn while he's still learning his normal powers and with just those has near infinite potential? SIU will probably show is that it's possible to fight fate, we know it is because of Hell Joe, but how can someone who has been as pathetic as Rachel do it? Also, if Rachel were to win, what would this do to Baam, who has just been told this is his fate and he's the child of prophecy? But I'm not about to start betting on Rachel, especially with so many other variables, but Rachel needs something to stay relevant, because her importance to the narrative is at an all time high or she dies because how do you fight fate to become the heroine, but give into complete corruption? If she has completely lost herself and Baam is determined to climb and she gives up her secrets, she can be removed from the story and to the narrative it becomes, you can only fight fate if you're true to yourself, like Hell Joe or White - who is fighting fate of killing his father, a man who is immortal. If Rachel dies, how does Baam handle it, knowing it's because he made it so she could take the test, even if it's what she wanted? Another option, is while Baam goes to save the floor and confront Hell Joe, does Rachel try to steal the thorn? I don't see Rachel winning, but if she does it would need to be on a floor like this and now probably. 

Let's touch on Hockney's eyes. Apparently they were De Jah's eyes and were supposed to guide the savior to him, but that's not what happened at all. It was Garam who guided him there so something is off. 

The pacing to the whole story has gotten way faster. I know SIU mentioned there are a lot of chapters in the arc, but I think he also wants to finish this season and take a break to rest his wrist. 

Also, is Traveller going to become important at some point since he's still around?
I'm so tired of Rachel. I just want her to die already. 

I'm really feeling like she gets the piece of thorn now and it's ticking me off.

She's just disgusting. She's a disgusting person who doesnt deserve anything but Ls.
I'm so tired of Rachel. I just want her to die already. 

I'm really feeling like she gets the piece of thorn now and it's ticking me off.

She's just disgusting. She's a disgusting person who doesnt deserve anything but Ls.
True. but she might win this arc or she'll lose again, maybe potentially die. We'll see. SIU said he's one of her favorite characters though. I like how these characters keep calling out how disgusting she is like Headon and now De'Jah
Hajime no ippo manga is great as well. Just when you think they can't take it any further, they take it further. Easily one of the best mangas I've read. You're def. missing out.
It was a great read for me until I saw there was no end in sight :lol:

1000+ chapters and Ippo still has a ways to go.
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