The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

facts I really hope there is a fight the following chapter (after the one that drops tonight). I dont want oda to waste these moments where luffy and zoro together. they should be fighting...straight up
Well, speaking of fighting, new chapter is out. :lol:
I find it hard to believe that that yokozuna didn't realize Luffy's hand winding back to slap him out. :lol:
And it indeed does look like a good fight is gonna happen in two weeks.
I never want it to be said im a baseless hater, that just likes to hate.

I have been rewatching MHA season 1
and just caught up to the manga......
I still think the execution is just terrible.
The Endevor and hawks arc/story line has serious potential I loved it.
It shows how much All - Might really outclassed everyone else.
Shows Entrigue and mystery with this Hawks double agent .Plus Hawks is a character done right, like a mix of archangel love it.
Not so much a fan of these Nomus being so powerful that the #1 hero is near death... and it was just an Experiment.
I like the mystery of Dabi. and Todoroki's family in general.
The Arc could have stayed exploring this whole thing and I would've been completely happy with MHA and turned a new leaf.....
but what happens................
the same thing that always happens in MHA..........................................
let's have another student arc doing another test. and not showcasing everyone.
MHA just bites off more than it can chew.......
Why couldn't we get more history about one for all and all for 1. I understand the todoroki story line being over for now (the way this manga goes we'll probably never get that again) , but now to just teach the history ..............AGAIN..................
This story is just too all over the place. and doesn't give us the goods. only the trash. with a wow fight every now and then .
TSURU is still the most underrated star of this manga too me, strong battle sense. they give her a little shine then take it away.
Oh look Shinso is back... he gave deku trouble and he has Shotas garb now he must be a beast...........NOPE..... Still trash.

I see why people like this story I do..... it just seems like way too much going on and the author doesn't know if he wants to complete one arc over the other or not. seem s like more fan service than trying to complete your story which is what bothers me the most.
I never want it to be said im a baseless hater, that just likes to hate.

I have been rewatching MHA season 1
and just caught up to the manga......
I still think the execution is just terrible.
The Endevor and hawks arc/story line has serious potential I loved it.
It shows how much All - Might really outclassed everyone else.
Shows Entrigue and mystery with this Hawks double agent .Plus Hawks is a character done right, like a mix of archangel love it.
Not so much a fan of these Nomus being so powerful that the #1 hero is near death... and it was just an Experiment.
I like the mystery of Dabi. and Todoroki's family in general.
The Arc could have stayed exploring this whole thing and I would've been completely happy with MHA and turned a new leaf.....
but what happens................
the same thing that always happens in MHA..........................................
let's have another student arc doing another test. and not showcasing everyone.
MHA just bites off more than it can chew.......
Why couldn't we get more history about one for all and all for 1. I understand the todoroki story line being over for now (the way this manga goes we'll probably never get that again) , but now to just teach the history ..............AGAIN..................
This story is just too all over the place. and doesn't give us the goods. only the trash. with a wow fight every now and then .
TSURU is still the most underrated star of this manga too me, strong battle sense. they give her a little shine then take it away.
Oh look Shinso is back... he gave deku trouble and he has Shotas garb now he must be a beast...........NOPE..... Still trash.

I see why people like this story I do..... it just seems like way too much going on and the author doesn't know if he wants to complete one arc over the other or not. seem s like more fan service than trying to complete your story which is what bothers me the most.

Your analysis seems a bit contradictory to me. You're irritated that the show doesn't give us the goods because there aren't enough "wow" fights, but then you say that the story is more fan service. Meanwhile, the pacing is the way it is because 1) having these kids have serious fights every other week is unrealistic given the planning involved with the main villains' plots and 2) because there are no internal motivations for the characters to actually explore things like "what is Dabi's full background" and no mechanisms to become more knowledgeable about One for All given most of the holders are dead and even All Might's knowledge is limited. It feels like you don't like it because everything doesn't fall quickly and neatly into place (which is life IMO), not because the story is unrealistic or the motivations don't make sense. That said, I do understand the pacing frustrations in general - it's what makes it difficult for me to always keep up with One Piece, since there are tons of fluff chapters that are slowly building to something. I can't blame you for the impatience there.

Either way, these are all just my opinions on your opinion. Everything's valid here.
This was a good chapter. Classic Food wars feel with what made the series enjoyable. Not sure about the ending, but let's see where it goes. Still skeptical on how good things will be going forward, especially withh Asahi.

These Wano chapters have been really fun. I keep seeing people complaining about "nothing's happened" or the pacing is bad. It's so dumb. This is going to be a massive arc and we're what, 7 chapters in? The pacing has been pretty quick, especially for One Piece where Oda takes him time building the story, setting, and players, which is exactly what's made it good and makes the big moments everyone wants impactful.

Anyway, on to the chapter. I love the Luffy Zoro team dynamic. I know Law can teleport, but is he going to go from the mountains to Bakura town in one shot, leaving Bepo behind? The most interesting thing is Hawkins. It looks like he saw something in his fortune readings. I think he's been trying to measure teaming up with Luffy or waiting things out with Kaido. I don't think we'll get the big fight next chapter, it might be Hawkins flipping sides or something, but we'll see.

Is Kiku's personality a gag or something else? I'm not sure exactly what Oda's trying to convey with out. Zoro seems to feel she's strong enough that he doesn't need to protect her. I also actually like how ambivalent Luffy was being regarding Urushima wanting to attack Kiku. It's nice to see him have fun after WCI. Also it looks like Luffy's gotten bigger. I like that he's being portrayed like a top tier fighter now as well. Also I just realized he's still holding the sword when fighting but not actually using it.

Zoro just saying "So what" when being called out for killing the Magistrate is great. No one being around to reign the two of them is the best.

How does the sumo roof stay floating? I've seen people saying maybe it's from Shiki which could be interesting. Also, I wonder if Urushima is actually the weakest of the Yokozunas. That could be an interesting layer.

Is Holdem's lion only non-cooperative when he's not fighting? Seems pretty tame now. Hopefully next chapter Oda doesn't cut away to another group, but he probably will.
Its hard to rewatch Kuroko smh, well it makes me appreciate Slam Dunk more its a top 3 anime of all time imo the ending in the manga was perfect.
I really don’t see how u could say anything bad about the my hero anime. It’s easily blowing every anime out the water. Every episode feels so emotional and hype. It seems people are starting to get salty at the praise the show is getting. Sad because it’s really good. Like naruto bleach good. Joint make me feel like I’m 10 again watching toonami :pimp:

There’s a one piece vs my hero stream happening today on rogersbase YouTube. Should be cancerous but fun hahaha
I really don’t see how u could say anything bad about the my hero anime. It’s easily blowing every anime out the water. Every episode feels so emotional and hype. It seems people are starting to get salty at the praise the show is getting. Sad because it’s really good. Like naruto bleach good. Joint make me feel like I’m 10 again watching toonami :pimp:

There’s a one piece vs my hero stream happening today on rogersbase YouTube. Should be cancerous but fun hahaha

You see that stream Roger did where people ranked their top 20 strongest One Piece characters? That was awful.

I hear the One Piece anime is bringing in a 2nd company to help improve the animation quality. Makes sense with big arcs coming up in the series. I heard they've also been using all their best directors and animators for the Luffy Katakuri fight.
Haha nah I didn’t. I rarely watch his. Idk why he’s just not that captivating to me.

I watch tekking, sawyer, joyboy, and dustanreacts. I used to rock w KOL but he don’t be on YouTube anymore.

Yeah I was literally talking about it on discord last night, if one piece had like hxh 2011 quality animation and they made the series a little more mature it would easily be the best anime of all time. EASILY.

Katakuri vs luffy looking nice. But they need to get the dude who did luffy vs three admirals, zoro vs kuma, and Sabo eating the mera mera back. Think his name is natoshi or something. He has ALL the best scenes in OP under his belt.
Haha nah I didn’t. I rarely watch his. Idk why he’s just not that captivating to me.

I watch tekking, sawyer, joyboy, and dustanreacts. I used to rock w KOL but he don’t be on YouTube anymore.

Yeah I was literally talking about it on discord last night, if one piece had like hxh 2011 quality animation and they made the series a little more mature it would easily be the best anime of all time. EASILY.

Katakuri vs luffy looking nice. But they need to get the dude who did luffy vs three admirals, zoro vs kuma, and Sabo eating the mera mera back. Think his name is natoshi or something. He has ALL the best scenes in OP under his belt.

Dustan was on that stream. I don't think his list was good either. I've never seen his videos. I usually only watch Sawyer these days then listen to the podcast on Tuesday. I feel like most of these dudes don't have a good grip on the story or they let their personal wants for the story shade their reviews too much. I think he did the very start of the fight or the last episode with Pedro maybe? he'll probably cycle in a few more times before the fight is over.

I think One Piece is more mature than people give it credit for, thematically. Part of what makes it unique is the look and feel. I don't think trying to use a more mature art style to put it more in line with other serious would make it lose some of its flavor. I'm definitely interested in seeing how much the animation quality will improve. The big thing would be fixing the pacing that'd be the best thing they could do. Half a chapter for an episode is trash.
Listen i know a good amount of shonen animes are the same. but MHA sort of Jacks the formula from a lot of the more popular animes. Nothing wrong with that. with that formula you're "suppose to win".
Again, i hate that the perception is im hating just to hate, like i haven't been with the manga / anime for the last 2 years. I've been following ive been reading. ive been watching.
It's a whole bunch of a good ideas with a bad pace/organization.
I'm just afraid it's going to end up like fairy tale. start out hot then be like wtf... and it doesn't have to be. they have much more they can dive in too.
the endeavor arc as I mentioned before was a perfect opportunity....Could have wrapped up all-mights true greatness. more about hawks. and went into that dark past. i was legit starting to dig it. then ruined with this current yet another training arc where we dont give the kids enough shine... MHA makes it harder to like other characters outside of deku and All might to be honest.
even after watching a bit of season 1 you would think Bakugo would be a bit more important. I mean we've seen the side kick type story plenty of times. Sasuke, vegeta.... , but then you add Todoroki ...then sort of let him fizzle out after that big fight with deku at exams then stain....
also the chick who can make material out of her stomach .. they had her so hyped up season 1.... has done nothing since.
Again I appreciate the way this manga showing deku's growth, but they damn near made him go from 0 to 100 in 1 season. (2 arcs)
It's almost as if he's already the top of his class and they should've never done that imo... we've seen other cool classmates but it seems like deku can over come EVERYTHING. Thats the fan service im speaking of. He sorta has no loses...other than beating himself up.
It’s a fun anime and I like the characters. I don’t analyze or go in depth like you guys.
Characters are meh.they ruin all the cool ones. All - might, Lemillion, Stain.......disappearance of baby sitter bakugo. , this fizzle out of todorki. ....
Even that Class B chick who keeps the crazy kid in check.
I like MHA very much and out of the shows out now it’s provably better than a lot of them. But imo it’ll never overtake a classic because it’s just not handled well. Which I guess is very commendable that it is very good while bungling a lot of things. Basically the set up and execution is very lacking. It’s captivating then It’s not, then it is again then it’s not etc

For example I just rewatched HunterXHunter again. That’s a masterpiece that makes every little thing intriguing to the reader/viewer. Even attack on Titan does a better job at engaging the viewer and building a world. MHA is straightforward almost to a fault. It’s only giving the reader viewer 1 thing at a time

Also it does a poor job with characters. Half the class don’t even have personalities. Naruto was able to juggle making people care about way more characters in a shorter amount of time.
Listen i know a good amount of shonen animes are the same. but MHA sort of Jacks the formula from a lot of the more popular animes. Nothing wrong with that. with that formula you're "suppose to win".
Again, i hate that the perception is im hating just to hate, like i haven't been with the manga / anime for the last 2 years. I've been following ive been reading. ive been watching.
It's a whole bunch of a good ideas with a bad pace/organization.
I'm just afraid it's going to end up like fairy tale. start out hot then be like wtf... and it doesn't have to be. they have much more they can dive in too.
the endeavor arc as I mentioned before was a perfect opportunity....Could have wrapped up all-mights true greatness. more about hawks. and went into that dark past. i was legit starting to dig it. then ruined with this current yet another training arc where we dont give the kids enough shine... MHA makes it harder to like other characters outside of deku and All might to be honest.
even after watching a bit of season 1 you would think Bakugo would be a bit more important. I mean we've seen the side kick type story plenty of times. Sasuke, vegeta.... , but then you add Todoroki ...then sort of let him fizzle out after that big fight with deku at exams then stain....
also the chick who can make material out of her stomach .. they had her so hyped up season 1.... has done nothing since.
Again I appreciate the way this manga showing deku's growth, but they damn near made him go from 0 to 100 in 1 season. (2 arcs)
It's almost as if he's already the top of his class and they should've never done that imo... we've seen other cool classmates but it seems like deku can over come EVERYTHING. Thats the fan service im speaking of. He sorta has no loses...other than beating himself up.

Your perspective is super interesting to me because I'm extremely familiar with the common shounen pitfalls you're mentioning, yet we have almost the exact opposite impressions on how these are being handled in MHA.

I think you believe that if an issue isn't wrapped up within that arc then the problem doesn't exist anymore, isn't being addressed, and is never coming back - almost like "out of sight, out of mind". For instance, it seems like you believe that since Horikoshi didn't go through Endeavor's past or in-depth about Hawks now, those things are never going to be resolved. You mention Todoroki "fizzling out" after the fight with Deku and Stain.

I see things the opposite way: this is going to be a LONG series - you can't give too much character development at one time. Frankly, people themselves take a while to develop and resolve their issues. Example: We see Todoroki use his flame side against Midoriya during the sports festival, something he'd refused to do because of his feelings toward his father. He then continues to use that flame technique in following arcs, but there's no further development. Then suddenly, with the introduction of Inasa Yoarashi, Todoroki has to come to terms with the realization that he ISN'T completely over the feelings toward his father, that he can't just forget his lineage but has to find a way to accept it. This dilemma takes place with huge stakes: he's facing down a Top 10 ranked hero and his provisional license is on the line. Through this encounter, he reaches another stage of acceptance and unlocks the ability to use both ice and fire abilities at the same time.

This progression takes place over the course of multiple arcs, during which many other heroes and students are highlighted; yet, once we're in that provisional license exam, the stakes still feel real and you root for Todoroki. Horikoshi is able to take a character that hasn't been in the limelight for a minute and still make them MATTER. Expect the same for other characters that have been introduced, for mysteries like OfA's true power and Dabi's lineage, etc. It's how you have to build a story that may last for 15-20 years - word to One Piece.
B blakep267 thank you for saying that those are the more articulate words I look for.

bruce negro bruce negro
I dont think that questions need to be answered immediately.
but we've known about todoroki's dark past since the sports festival..... this most recent arc was the perfect time to give us 1 extra chapter, or a few panels of the abuse endeavor did.
now we have to wait. who knows how much longer.

It doesn't take much too wrap up some of the loose ends....(which todoroki's story is the only real mystery that MHA was able to conjure up. )
we'll get the one for all story eventually but geez
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Your perspective is super interesting to me because I'm extremely familiar with the common shounen pitfalls you're mentioning, yet we have almost the exact opposite impressions on how these are being handled in MHA.

I think you believe that if an issue isn't wrapped up within that arc then the problem doesn't exist anymore, isn't being addressed, and is never coming back - almost like "out of sight, out of mind". For instance, it seems like you believe that since Horikoshi didn't go through Endeavor's past or in-depth about Hawks now, those things are never going to be resolved. You mention Todoroki "fizzling out" after the fight with Deku and Stain.

I see things the opposite way: this is going to be a LONG series - you can't give too much character development at one time. Frankly, people themselves take a while to develop and resolve their issues. Example: We see Todoroki use his flame side against Midoriya during the sports festival, something he'd refused to do because of his feelings toward his father. He then continues to use that flame technique in following arcs, but there's no further development. Then suddenly, with the introduction of Inasa Yoarashi, Todoroki has to come to terms with the realization that he ISN'T completely over the feelings toward his father, that he can't just forget his lineage but has to find a way to accept it. This dilemma takes place with huge stakes: he's facing down a Top 10 ranked hero and his provisional license is on the line. Through this encounter, he reaches another stage of acceptance and unlocks the ability to use both ice and fire abilities at the same time.

This progression takes place over the course of multiple arcs, during which many other heroes and students are highlighted; yet, once we're in that provisional license exam, the stakes still feel real and you root for Todoroki. Horikoshi is able to take a character that hasn't been in the limelight for a minute and still make them MATTER. Expect the same for other characters that have been introduced, for mysteries like OfA's true power and Dabi's lineage, etc. It's how you have to build a story that may last for 15-20 years - word to One Piece.

Very dope post.

I like how you brought up that :

1 - MHA is going to be a long show

2 - Because MHA is a long show, they will take their time developing their side characters

To piggyback on this, Deku is always going to be the main character. If you hate that MHA is the Deku show then maybe you should think about leaving because that's never going to change.

MHA WILL get to their other characters, but their development is going to be super gradual because MHA is always going to focus mainly on Deku. MHA is not going to be like FMAB where sometimes you forget that the main character is in the show (this happened a lot when the show strayed long periods of time from Ed)
Mha does poor job with characters compared to naruto? The same naruto that introduced one of its best characters in ROCK LEE and failed to flesh him out properly after the chunnin exams?

With the little that I’ve seen of MHA, The only thing naruto has on MHA is the character designs/world building.

Just the fact that MHA doesn’t have the annoying weird naruto x sasuke dynamic alone puts it on a much better track than naruto.

Bakugo x deku dynamic >>>> naruto crying for sasuke for the whole series. And this is coming from someone that loves naruto and puts it top 5. Naruto most certainly had elements in the series that made it unbearable and annoying at times. Let’s not even get into Sakura :sick:
What are you talking about?
Every shonen is focused on 1 character.....
Like I said deku is the only one I really respect .
MHA is 200 chapters in almost....and The world is still not fully built yet.........
Naruto Chapter 200 : rescue sasuke arc.
One Piece Chapter 200: the end of crocadile arc
Bleach chapter 200: The start of the Arrancar arc
MHA 200......another school exercise where you can get hurt and we're excessing skills of this old student but joining a new class.

World building is one of the most important things about a story. I dont only want to be invested in 1 character, i want to be invested in the entire world and story, MHA doesn't do that for me
Very dope post.

I like how you brought up that :

1 - MHA is going to be a long show

2 - Because MHA is a long show, they will take their time developing their side characters

To piggyback on this, Deku is always going to be the main character. If you hate that MHA is the Deku show then maybe you should think about leaving because that's never going to change.

MHA WILL get to their other characters, but their development is going to be super gradual because MHA is always going to focus mainly on Deku. MHA is not going to be like FMAB where sometimes you forget that the main character is in the show (this happened a lot when the show strayed long periods of time from Ed)
I don't really agree. Saying it's a long show doesn't give you leeway to disregard characters. Bakugo hadn't done **** in ages until he fights deku. Just because a show has a main character doesn't mean you don't develop or focus on other characters. This is stil very much an ensemble anime with a MC. That's the pitfall naruto fell into when it had a winning formula. There's no reason why deku gets every arc. The last arc with sir nighteye didn't actually need to be deku at all. We already had a sidekick arc for deku. Put Bakugo into that arc instead. We have nighteye beat some sense into him and he learns more about all might. Bettering his character. Instead we have midoriya just face another emotional hardship. His character stays the same. Same resolve and mission. It could've been a filler arc to be honest. A villain that wasn't really important to the story gets dealt with and isn't important anymore. 2 new characters are swept away making them not even characters really. Eri is a plot device that may or May not be uesd again.
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Mha does poor job with characters compared to naruto? The same naruto that introduced one of its best characters in ROCK LEE and failed to flesh him out properly after the chunnin exams?

With the little that I’ve seen of MHA, The only thing naruto has on MHA is the character designs/world building.

Just the fact that MHA doesn’t have the annoying weird naruto x sasuke dynamic alone puts it on a much better track than naruto.

Bakugo x deku dynamic >>>> naruto crying for sasuke for the whole series. And this is coming from someone that loves naruto and puts it top 5. Naruto most certainly had elements in the series that made it unbearable and annoying at times. Let’s not even get into Sakura :sick:
I'm primarily talking about naruto part 1 which shots on high on a lot of series regarding characters and worldbuilding. Part 2 is a disaster. Part 1 of naruto gives everybody shine, introduces intriguing new villains that actually can do stuff without magic plot devices(Nomus) and the naruto sasuke dynamic at this point in time isn't that overblown
Mha does poor job with characters compared to naruto? The same naruto that introduced one of its best characters in ROCK LEE and failed to flesh him out properly after the chunnin exams?

With the little that I’ve seen of MHA, The only thing naruto has on MHA is the character designs/world building.

Just the fact that MHA doesn’t have the annoying weird naruto x sasuke dynamic alone puts it on a much better track than naruto.

Bakugo x deku dynamic >>>> naruto crying for sasuke for the whole series. And this is coming from someone that loves naruto and puts it top 5. Naruto most certainly had elements in the series that made it unbearable and annoying at times. Let’s not even get into Sakura :sick:

What are you talking about, Rock Lee was given respect throughout all of Naruto. one of the best uplifting stories. Trained to become a ninja without having down sasuke....
had one of the most epic fights of the entire series with gaara.
gave us the feels saying he couldn't be a ninja...
crawls back to give us another epic fight with Kimmmaro
As a chuunin has great fights....

There is bakugo x deku dynamic really.. it goes in a different dynamic after about season 2.

MHA misses way too many opportunities .BLAKEP is spot on when he says they should've added someone different to the night eye arc. Especially bakugo if you want him to be your vegeta/sasuke
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