The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

He does look like Pipboy. I've also seen him described as looking like Tintin. :lol:
Haha yeah, both of those names have caught on. Psyched for the next season, definitely one of my favorite arcs and excited for Mirio to get his shine. Fav character in the story so far, easily.

Also, the homegirl and I caught the MHA movie over the weekend - she was shocked the theater was so packed (I told her it was because there was only one showing every other day :lol:). A solid 7.5 out of 10 in my book. It was fine as anime movies go but I'd say the audience really made it a unique experience. Something about everyone in there knowing that everyone else was just as deep in the fandom made it easier to just laugh out loud and enjoy certain moments together. Really cool.

Listening to the dub the whole time was weird af though.
I wanted to see what the quirk of the other two were. I like that they seem like weirdos. Heroes who are too cool are boring.
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I made a mistake and watched the last 4/5 eps of MHA....
Sigh why do i do it to myself...i have a whole new set of complaints.
I know Theyll pull at the heart strings next season to make even more fans.
After watching all 4 1 vs 1 4 all amd then deku vs bakugo.
It just keeps reminding me that this manga would be so much better if theybwerent so specific student focused.
I liked seeing how much ahead pros should be compared to the kids. I like seeing the top 3 students instilling fear in the rookies and outclassing.
I like seeing the pros get busy.

I liked seeing kacchan vs the 6 league of villians and kacchan givin deku the hands.

I dont like them making the other students other than frog girl and todoroki look useless.
Again dekus growth is shown but the other elites should still be there with him or still above him.

Again dont get me started on lemillion did him dirty
Curious on your thoughts, report back
I was kinda tipsy and tired, so I actually fell asleep for twenty minutes around the beginning of the movie.

It was cool

Full crowd. They was really into it and laughing at everything funny.

Tbh with you it was good, but not that much better than a good mha episode
And before bruce negro and amel and others come to defend that by saying, well everyone else has grown too just see how they did in (blah blah blah test)

Let's compare with Narutos genin 9 .
we at least saw Shikamaru be the plan maker
Shino's bugs be crazy useful
Ino upping that telepathy power up
Kibas tracking
Choji be the powerhouse
Temari still useless
Neji still being ahead ninja wise than the rest.
Lee needs no explanation.

This is what makes mangas like Naruto and One piece, even Bleach Legendary, that's why they're the big 3. MHA at the moment has no chance to surpass this greatness.
Tired of the comparisons. this was said pages and pages ago. but these mangas /animes at this point in their life cycle. the big 3 was far ahead of what MHA is.
I don't have too many problems with MHA. the comparisons though are what's killing me.
its a well rounded concept but it keeps holding it self back.
With the type of story it is the fact they haven't went outside their city is what's killing it for me.
and not giving class 1 A real rivals.
class 1 B should have some hitters
even the 2nd school that came was suppose to have hitters and they didn't let that Arc go wild like they should've.
that would've been a good time to show that the world isn't as small as just UA.
They should've had some students get molly whopped by the other school (name escapes me)
except that goofy ole wind dude who has an awesome power but loves endeavor. and the chick to which we still dont know who she is or what she does.
Damn i didn't mean to rant like this, im suppose to be at work
And before bruce negro and amel and others come to defend that by saying, well everyone else has grown too just see how they did in (blah blah blah test)

Let's compare with Narutos genin 9 .
we at least saw Shikamaru be the plan maker
Shino's bugs be crazy useful
Ino upping that telepathy power up
Kibas tracking
Choji be the powerhouse
Temari still useless
Neji still being ahead ninja wise than the rest.
Lee needs no explanation.

This is what makes mangas like Naruto and One piece, even Bleach Legendary, that's why they're the big 3. MHA at the moment has no chance to surpass this greatness.
Tired of the comparisons. this was said pages and pages ago. but these mangas /animes at this point in their life cycle. the big 3 was far ahead of what MHA is.
I don't have too many problems with MHA. the comparisons though are what's killing me.
its a well rounded concept but it keeps holding it self back.
With the type of story it is the fact they haven't went outside their city is what's killing it for me.
and not giving class 1 A real rivals.
class 1 B should have some hitters
even the 2nd school that came was suppose to have hitters and they didn't let that Arc go wild like they should've.
that would've been a good time to show that the world isn't as small as just UA.
They should've had some students get molly whopped by the other school (name escapes me)
except that goofy ole wind dude who has an awesome power but loves endeavor. and the chick to which we still dont know who she is or what she does.
Damn i didn't mean to rant like this, im suppose to be at work

So tired of arguing with you on this. We'll just look at sales of MHA over the next five years and decide whether it is on par with or surpasses Naruto, One Piece and Bleach :sick:.
So tired of arguing with you on this. We'll just look at sales of MHA over the next five years and decide whether it is on par with or surpasses Naruto, One Piece and Bleach :sick:.
Will smith sold 6 million albums in 1998 to jay z selling 5.4 million in 1998...
I guess the sales mean will smith is a better rapper......
:eye roll:

Mha is hitman reborn all over again. Hope it changes vecause its good. But can be great
The way anime analyzed is weird. Why does mha need to surpass whatever great 3? It can’t be great on its own and loved by people?

It doesnt. But people are in the moment dubbing it the greatest of all time (no onr here particularly) oddly enough the people dubbing it the greatest dont have more than 3/4 different manga/animes in their repertoire.
It doesnt. But people are in the moment dubbing it the greatest of all time (no onr here particularly) oddly enough the people dubbing it the greatest dont have more than 3/4 different manga/animes in their repertoire.
Dude I've read at least 15 - 20 manga end-to-end. I will actually go so far as to guarantee you that I've read more than you.

I chose not to respond to your post on this page because I've literally addressed ALL OF YOUR POINTS in previous pages. You're rehashing the same arguments and I don't feel the need to dignify them with the SAME responses. I'm not going to keep having the same argument with you, particularly when you either a) didn't actually rebut my earlier responses or b) came with weak rebuttals that didn't actually counter my arguments.

I'll tell you what I'm willing to spend time doing today relative to your arguments on MHA or who likes MHA: I can a) dig up our earlier arguments and we can pick up where we left off on them so we don't rehash the same points already made and countered, and I can b) assimilate the list of manga I've read to assure you that I've read much more manga than you have, since you've somehow introduced that as a metric for who knows what they're talking about e.g. "the people dubbing it the greatest dont have more than 3/4 different manga/animes in their repertoire." EDIT: Just saw that this included anime? My 15-20 is manga only, including the anime number will be ridiculous but I can try to dig them all up.

What I won't do is sit here and act like I didn't already address all of your points, and then have you try and make me re-type everything I've already said. Maybe you should do the same, so we don't have to constantly read about how you don't like MHA for the same reasons over, and over, and over again. We know where you stand, we don't care.
I never claimed to have new insight to why i hate it *hence why in my post i said...."im reminded of....." You didnt have to respond at all honestly...(just cause i mentioned your name doesnt mean i was calling you out or anything)
If you have 15-20 mangas under you then its facts you havent read more than me. But this isnt a manga schlong measuring contest. (But since we are ill remind you im in my 30s and and my first manga was project a ko in the 90s (i believe 93/94 after the movie came out....)i wish mangafox was still around i could screennshot the manga completed)

Its actually pretty asinine you would even say this as if im some obviously havent been part of this board for a long time.

Anyway. Out if all manga read big 3 alstill arent the best done for me. One piece is my favorite but its still in that 3/4 slot for me...
So yea putting MHA anywhere in that greatest of all time is a fallacy.
Again has potential....
Btw i did answer your questions but im def not going back to search for em. I do remember your points.. They were all opinated potential of the student charachters that we had not seen yet.

We all know this thing has potential....but to dub it better right now.......chapter to chapter with others..
Que* hunter hearst helmsley gif*
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Will smith sold 6 million albums in 1998 to jay z selling 5.4 million in 1998...
I guess the sales mean will smith is a better rapper......
:eye roll:

Mha is hitman reborn all over again. Hope it changes vecause its good. But can be great

I think MHA is way better than reborn, give it more credit than that. I didn't think reborn was good at all. It started as a gag manga, wasn't gonna make it, switched to a battle manga, and stayed with its awful main character. I think it had some good elements which made it appealing but overall I don't consider Reborn a good series.

The way anime analyzed is weird. Why does mha need to surpass whatever great 3? It can’t be great on its own and loved by people?

Because MHA came right when some of Jump's flagship series were coming to an end. And MHA was seen to be a replacement or would fill their shoes. That's why it's compared, but it's doing what it needs to do in terms of sales and popularity I believe, especially if you look at the western appeal it has for Shueisha. Though I don't think it outsells Haikyuu by much which is surprising.

Story quality wise that's another discussion. Honestly MHA hasn't drawn me and kept me super engaged. I'm behind on it and need to catch up, might just start over and read it a bit more critically. But I think MHA quality wise will definitely be better than Bleach in the long run. Bleach has an amazing start and then fell. I think MHA has a ton going for it to sustain quality. Horikoshi grew up on these series and wants to surpass them, so it'll be interesting where he takes it.

Anyway I'm currently reading Golden Kamuy and really enjoying it. I've been seeing it grab people's attention lately. 20th century boys is next on my list I think, unless something else grabs me before I start.
Seen the movie last night. It was cool. Could of been a few episodes in season 2.

Smelled like curry and ramen in my theater...I didn’t want to know what was going on. I swear everybody there was breathing through their mouths, freaking cesspool. :sick::smh:

As for the movie, it definitely felt like some naruto style filler with the sitcom level plot bringing everybody together for a vacation episode :lol:.

Animation quality wasn’t high except for like a minute in the final battle. The villains might as well have not even been there.

Excessive shots of Melissa...felt a little creepy towards the end.
Tbh with you I was hoping the animation and the camera work for the mha movie would step up another level

Animation and camera work wasn't bad, it was just the same as what I was used to

I don't think I'd watch mha at the theaters again unless they work to give us higher level animation and camera work.
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I never claimed to have new insight to why i hate it *hence why in my post i said...."im reminded of....." You didnt have to respond at all honestly...(just cause i mentioned your name doesnt mean i was calling you out or anything)
If you have 15-20 mangas under you then its facts you havent read more than me. But this isnt a manga schlong measuring contest. (But since we are ill remind you im in my 30s and and my first manga was project a ko in the 90s (i believe 93/94 after the movie came out....)i wish mangafox was still around i could screennshot the manga completed)

Its actually pretty asinine you would even say this as if im some obviously havent been part of this board for a long time.

Anyway. Out if all manga read big 3 alstill arent the best done for me. One piece is my favorite but its still in that 3/4 slot for me...
So yea putting MHA anywhere in that greatest of all time is a fallacy.
Again has potential....
Btw i did answer your questions but im def not going back to search for em. I do remember your points.. They were all opinated potential of the student charachters that we had not seen yet.

We all know this thing has potential....but to dub it better right now.......chapter to chapter with others..
Que* hunter hearst helmsley gif*

I'm sorry what board? I've been on NT longer than you. I'm 26, I've been reading manga for well over a decade, so even if I haven't been reading as long as you have I'm very well qualified to say what is trash and what isn't. Still, if this is becoming a "manga schlong measuring contest" (which you started, I might add) then I'd encourage you to post the amount of manga you've read end-to-end - probably easier than listing anime which will reach crazy numbers.

Also - my points weren't opinions, they were taking examples directly from the manga. The below is my response to your assertion that MHA doesn't develop side characters during an earlier conversation:

"I disagree that other people in the class haven't improved. Here are examples:

1) Midoriya (obvious)
2) Bakugou - has matured mentally shown by his acceptance of Deku and his attitude toward Deku and All Might's relationship after their fight. Dude has also come up with about 3-4 different supermoves during their supermove training, examples being the Howitzer Impact, AP Shot and AP Shot: Auto Cannon. We also see his brand of being a hero when the League of Villains kidnap him in an attempt to make him sympathetic to their cause. He proceeds to evade a group of 5+ villains by himself for an extended period of time
3) Todoroki - mentally matured by analyzing his relationship with his father and accepting him - in turn, he has been able to simultaneously both fire and ice
4) Iida - went through a trauma when his brother was incapacitated by Stain and developed further mental fortitude - given his ability, most of his training has focused on extending use of his quirk. He DOES have one new ability - Recipro Extend
5) Tsuyu - mental progression after the OfA vs AfO battle, when she told Kirishima / Todoroki that they would be villains if they just did whatever they wanted. While her straightforward way of thinking is usually very useful in breaking down complex problems, she recognized that there are somewhat grey areas afterward during the UA dorm room competition arc. She has continued to develop more abilities similar to a frog, such as camouflage
6) Kirishima - was part of the task force to take down Chisaki, where he faced a life / death situation against a villain practically alone, with only his hardening quirk to help him in the fight. This showed the developments in his quirk training and mental toughness
7) Ochaco - up to this point, her defining moment was turning down Deku's help before her fight with Bakugou and forcing him - someone considered among the top 2 in Class 1-A combat ability at that point - to fight her completely seriously
8) Tokoyami - we've seen his relationship with Dark Shadow in a number of situations, from the sports festival where his major weakness is revealed to the training camp arc where Dark Shadow goes insane. He's created a new move that allows him to "wear" Dark Shadow in close combat
9) Yaoyorozu - while initially admitted by referral, she fades into obscurity shortly after the beginning of the story with no real feats. This is addressed during the final exam arc where she has to overcome her own anxiety and make split second decisions with confidence in order to defeat Aizawa. Hell, the anime has an entire episode dedicated to this titled "Yaoyorozu Rising"
10) Kaminari - we see him finally able to use his electricity effectively during the provisional license exam where he comes up big against Shiketsu

The above are some of the progressions of 10 characters in Class 1-A: there are only 20 students total. While not everyone has been given the same depth, two of them have been the focus of major story arcs (Iida / Stain, Bakugou / Kidnapping) and others have had key moments or entire episodes dedicated to them.

Frankly if the above doesn't convince you that there has been real attention paid to other students' progressions outside of Midoriya then I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Most of your comments seem to imply that MHA is making poor decisions for the long-term; this will prove itself out over the coming years, and will likely be settled 10 years from now when MHA is either mentioned in the same sentence as OP & HxH or instead compared to Bleach."

Your response was:
I recognize all that change, I see it, trust me I do's quick not emphasized and not touched on again...
They get 1 chapter......just 1.
Every other Manga with the same parameters as MHA gives those side characters and developments a bit more shine. extra panels extra chapter ...MHA its... let's get back to deku As soon as possible

To which I say, really? We had entire chapters dedicated to the provisional license supplementary courses, to fights between other classmates during the sports festival, to the matches during training exercises now, to the Hawks / Endeavor story - what are you talking about?

I mean, dude, in the same conversation you admitted that you said a lot of these critiques from your initial thoughts on MHA a year ago and that you want more side-stories yet when we have these side stories like Hawks / Endeavor then you don't like it because there's not enough closure for you - ignoring that that's because the issue is ongoing, things aren't always wrapped up tidily when you're dealing with a criminal organization that is taking measured risks, etc. The League of Villains isn't some fodder organization that is supposed to be taken down in one quick arc so that Midoriya can fight the Quincies - this manga don't work like that bruh.

Your arguments just show me you don't understand how pacing should work on a manga that is planning to last 10 - 15 years without Bleach-level asspulling or a pretty underwhelming / inconsistent second act like Naruto Shippuden.
its a well rounded concept but it keeps holding it self back.
With the type of story it is the fact they haven't went outside their city is what's killing it for me.
and not giving class 1 A real rivals.
class 1 B should have some hitters
even the 2nd school that came was suppose to have hitters and they didn't let that Arc go wild like they should've.
that would've been a good time to show that the world isn't as small as just UA.
They should've had some students get molly whopped by the other school (name escapes me)
except that goofy ole wind dude who has an awesome power but loves endeavor. and the chick to which we still dont know who she is or what she does.
Damn i didn't mean to rant like this, im suppose to be at work

You mentioned something similar back on page 1115 of this thread, and here's my response then:
"Your perspective is super interesting to me because I'm extremely familiar with the common shounen pitfalls you're mentioning, yet we have almost the exact opposite impressions on how these are being handled in MHA.

I think you believe that if an issue isn't wrapped up within that arc then the problem doesn't exist anymore, isn't being addressed, and is never coming back - almost like "out of sight, out of mind". For instance, it seems like you believe that since Horikoshi didn't go through Endeavor's past or in-depth about Hawks now, those things are never going to be resolved. You mention Todoroki "fizzling out" after the fight with Deku and Stain.

I see things the opposite way: this is going to be a LONG series - you can't give too much character development at one time. Frankly, people themselves take a while to develop and resolve their issues. Example: We see Todoroki use his flame side against Midoriya during the sports festival, something he'd refused to do because of his feelings toward his father. He then continues to use that flame technique in following arcs, but there's no further development. Then suddenly, with the introduction of Inasa Yoarashi, Todoroki has to come to terms with the realization that he ISN'T completely over the feelings toward his father, that he can't just forget his lineage but has to find a way to accept it. This dilemma takes place with huge stakes: he's facing down a Top 10 ranked hero and his provisional license is on the line. Through this encounter, he reaches another stage of acceptance and unlocks the ability to use both ice and fire abilities at the same time.

This progression takes place over the course of multiple arcs, during which many other heroes and students are highlighted; yet, once we're in that provisional license exam, the stakes still feel real and you root for Todoroki. Horikoshi is able to take a character that hasn't been in the limelight for a minute and still make them MATTER. Expect the same for other characters that have been introduced, for mysteries like OfA's true power and Dabi's lineage, etc. It's how you have to build a story that may last for 15-20 years - word to One Piece."

To further expand - other schools ARE shown to have heavy hitters. You have Yoarashi throwing tornados and knocking out 100 people at once during the exam - how is he not OP? No one out of any of the other schools had a better showing in that portion of the exam. Plus the rescue portion of the exam showed how behind the UA kids were with rescue ops relative to the other schools since the other students had more conventional education and experience. We're also seeing how strong some of Class B's quirks are in the current arc. And this is all really just the first / second act within this series, so there's still a ton more development to be fleshed out, but the roots of it are clearly there now. Are you just ignoring all of this stuff or is there too much going on for you?

Also, would love to hear what you have ahead of One Piece in terms of story if that's your #3 or #4 - because you just started Hunter X Hunter which is arguably top 1 - 2 greatest shounen of all time, so curious about what else you have above it.
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I'm sorry what board? I've been on NT longer than you. I'm 26, I've been reading manga for well over a decade, so even if I haven't been reading as long as you have I'm very well qualified to say what is trash and what isn't. Still, if this is becoming a "manga schlong measuring contest" (which you started, I might add) then I'd encourage you to post the amount of manga you've read end-to-end - probably easier than listing anime which will reach crazy numbers.
Yyou're twisting my words papi. I never said you weren't qualified. I said a lot of people dubbing greatest of all time don't have more than 3-4 mangas under them. You litterally just said you have hunter x hunter as number 1 and you obviously have more than 3-4 under your belt. (which I didn't start the schlong thing, you came in huff and puffed about how you've read more than me lol...nothing was ever directed at you from the first post, your name was just the first I could remember who doesn't agree with me.)
Lol and Tdogg2k isn't my first name on NT, this was after losing my password from the Yuku move. we've probably been around the same time but I said "this board" as in anime board. not NT nike boards (you can check the replies)
Lol I give you the list of 20+ mangas i've read....then what, you want me to name the characters in them? Want me to give you the when i gotta stop wheeling out this schlong for you to believe me.....?
Also - my points weren't opinions, they were taking examples directly from the manga. The below is my response to your assertion that MHA doesn't develop side characters during an earlier conversation:
"I disagree that other people in the class haven't improved. Here are examples:

1) Midoriya (obvious)
2) Bakugou - has matured mentally shown by his acceptance of Deku and his attitude toward Deku and All Might's relationship after their fight. Dude has also come up with about 3-4 different supermoves during their supermove training, examples being the Howitzer Impact, AP Shot and AP Shot: Auto Cannon. We also see his brand of being a hero when the League of Villains kidnap him in an attempt to make him sympathetic to their cause. He proceeds to evade a group of 5+ villains by himself for an extended period of time
3) Todoroki - mentally matured by analyzing his relationship with his father and accepting him - in turn, he has been able to simultaneously both fire and ice
4) Iida - went through a trauma when his brother was incapacitated by Stain and developed further mental fortitude - given his ability, most of his training has focused on extending use of his quirk. He DOES have one new ability - Recipro Extend
5) Tsuyu - mental progression after the OfA vs AfO battle, when she told Kirishima / Todoroki that they would be villains if they just did whatever they wanted. While her straightforward way of thinking is usually very useful in breaking down complex problems, she recognized that there are somewhat grey areas afterward during the UA dorm room competition arc. She has continued to develop more abilities similar to a frog, such as camouflage
6) Kirishima - was part of the task force to take down Chisaki, where he faced a life / death situation against a villain practically alone, with only his hardening quirk to help him in the fight. This showed the developments in his quirk training and mental toughness
7) Ochaco - up to this point, her defining moment was turning down Deku's help before her fight with Bakugou and forcing him - someone considered among the top 2 in Class 1-A combat ability at that point - to fight her completely seriously
8) Tokoyami - we've seen his relationship with Dark Shadow in a number of situations, from the sports festival where his major weakness is revealed to the training camp arc where Dark Shadow goes insane. He's created a new move that allows him to "wear" Dark Shadow in close combat
9) Yaoyorozu - while initially admitted by referral, she fades into obscurity shortly after the beginning of the story with no real feats. This is addressed during the final exam arc where she has to overcome her own anxiety and make split second decisions with confidence in order to defeat Aizawa. Hell, the anime has an entire episode dedicated to this titled "Yaoyorozu Rising"
10) Kaminari - we see him finally able to use his electricity effectively during the provisional license exam where he comes up big against Shiketsu

The above are some of the progressions of 10 characters in Class 1-A: there are only 20 students total. While not everyone has been given the same depth, two of them have been the focus of major story arcs (Iida / Stain, Bakugou / Kidnapping) and others have had key moments or entire episodes dedicated to them.

Frankly if the above doesn't convince you that there has been real attention paid to other students' progressions outside of Midoriya then I think we'll have to agree to disagree. Most of your comments seem to imply that MHA is making poor decisions for the long-term; this will prove itself out over the coming years, and will likely be settled 10 years from now when MHA is either mentioned in the same sentence as OP & HxH or instead compared to Bleach."
I acknowledged that, and what I also said is that's cool but they breeze over that stuff just to get back to deku, when they should be showing more of that

To which I say, really? We had entire chapters dedicated to the provisional license supplementary courses, to fights between other classmates during the sports festival, to the matches during training exercises now, to the Hawks / Endeavor story - what are you talking about?

I mean, dude, in the same conversation you admitted that you said a lot of these critiques from your initial thoughts on MHA a year ago and that you want more side-stories yet when we have these side stories like Hawks / Endeavor then you don't like it because there's not enough closure for you - ignoring that that's because the issue is ongoing, things aren't always wrapped up tidily when you're dealing with a criminal organization that is taking measured risks, etc. The League of Villains isn't some fodder organization that is supposed to be taken down in one quick arc so that Midoriya can fight the Quincies - this manga don't work like that bruh.

Your arguments just show me you don't understand how pacing should work on a manga that is planning to last 10 - 15 years without Bleach-level asspulling or a pretty underwhelming / inconsistent second act like Naruto Shippuden.
It was only like 2/3 pages back where I gave MHA mad props for that Hawks and Endeavor story. I didn't mention the Hawks situation because I know that's going to be a slow burn considering it's just really starting.
The complaint with Endeavor is still valid. There are things we should've known and things they should've given us then and there. The problem is not making it seem like it will even be relevant in the next 50-100 chapters. Again this is where MHA imo fails. I didn't say we needed answers right away, but we need a point.
there was a point to the quincies, even tho the ending of bleach was sort of whacky...We knew from damn near chapter 20, why Ishida was introduced and how/why it was going to be a future rivarly problem. with knowing about the extinction of his clan....When they went to his father part we knew and had an idea....
What is this Endeavor sideline story proving???
It would almost make more sense at this point if Kacchan was Endeavors kid instead of todoroki....
Do you really not see where im going with this at this point...the author is biting fruit and leaving it at the table just to bite another peace.

To further expand - other schools ARE shown to have heavy hitters. You have Yoarashi throwing tornados and knocking out 100 people at once during the exam - HOW IS HE NOT OP?! No one out of any of the other schools had a better showing in that portion of the exam. Plus the rescue portion of the exam showed how behind the UA kids were with rescue ops relative to the other schools since the other students had more conventional education and experience. We're also seeing how strong some of Class B's quirks are in the current arc. And this is all really just the first / second act within this series, so there's still a ton more development to be fleshed out, but the roots of it are clearly there now. Are you just ignoring all of this stuff or is there too much going on for you?
This again sort of proves my point with the biting one fruit putting it down and biting another.
Yes the schools kids have some nice characters but why use them if we don't go outside the UA building and barely the city...Also why not expand on class B more...hell focus more on clas A students....
but of course you're going to hit me with that slow burn blah blah blah.
This is why MHA hasn't caught a lot of people IMO. (twitter and reddit board's complaints are in line with mine.....Ofcourse you can find those who ride for it too on the same boards...)

Also, would love to hear what you have ahead of One Piece in terms of story if that's your #3 or #4 - because you just started Hunter X Hunter which is arguably top 1 - 2 greatest shounen of all time, so curious about what else you have above it.
Shonen wise.
1. Shin Angyo Onshi
2. Ares
3/4 is a toss up with Tenjo Tenge, the only reason it's a toss up is because of the way it ended..
I didn't read FMA but if brotherhood was adapted from the Manga then I'm sure it would be fighting for a spot on that top 3 for me also.
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I think MHA is way better than reborn, give it more credit than that. I didn't think reborn was good at all. It started as a gag manga, wasn't gonna make it, switched to a battle manga, and stayed with its awful main character. I think it had some good elements which made it appealing but overall I don't consider Reborn a good series.

Because MHA came right when some of Jump's flagship series were coming to an end. And MHA was seen to be a replacement or would fill their shoes. That's why it's compared, but it's doing what it needs to do in terms of sales and popularity I believe, especially if you look at the western appeal it has for Shueisha. Though I don't think it outsells Haikyuu by much which is surprising.

Story quality wise that's another discussion. Honestly MHA hasn't drawn me and kept me super engaged. I'm behind on it and need to catch up, might just start over and read it a bit more critically. But I think MHA quality wise will definitely be better than Bleach in the long run. Bleach has an amazing start and then fell. I think MHA has a ton going for it to sustain quality. Horikoshi grew up on these series and wants to surpass them, so it'll be interesting where he takes it.

Anyway I'm currently reading Golden Kamuy and really enjoying it. I've been seeing it grab people's attention lately. 20th century boys is next on my list I think, unless something else grabs me before I start.

It just reminds me of reborn a little. not saying reborn was better, i enjoyed reborn for what it was....

again you pretty much hit the nail on the head of what im saying but in a far more elegant way.

As far as bleach goes it had it's parts that fell short def... it could've done way better in a lot of the arcs as well. vizards could've been way better... quincy ark had real potential.
but it's arguable that soul society arc is one of the greatest of all time.... in all of manga/anime. easily in that top 10 conversation..

I'll also get to Hunter x hunter soon can't wait.
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