The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

It’s really hilarious how all the hate for MHA has to do with people holding it in high regard...the one piece community is sick right now because MHA is killing **** an they don’t like OP being compared. :lol: same with the naruto fans. Dudes are hating hard that’s all it boils down to. Sounding like old disgruntled dragon ball z heads
Lol no one hating, it's like saying Giannis antetokounmpo is going to surpass Lebron as the best bball player in the league..
like slow down young *****. 1. he not out the league yet and still producing crazy numbers. 2. G-A ain't even got no rings yet nor done well in the playoffs..... You gotta crawl before you walk.
Does Giannis have potential....ohhh yea! Got a smiliar body to Lebron (like Mha to big 3) Puts up good numbers for his age (like Mha to big 3) Got a decent following (like mha to big 3).....
but you not the big 3 yet lil *****.
ACL tear can happen at any time
Yyou're twisting my words papi. I never said you weren't qualified. I said a lot of people dubbing greatest of all time don't have more than 3-4 mangas under them. You litterally just said you have hunter x hunter as number 1 and you obviously have more than 3-4 under your belt. (which I didn't start the schlong thing, you came in huff and puffed about how you've read more than me lol...nothing was ever directed at you from the first post, your name was just the first I could remember who doesn't agree with me.)
Lol and Tdogg2k isn't my first name on NT, this was after losing my password from the Yuku move. we've probably been around the same time but I said "this board" as in anime board. not NT nike boards (you can check the replies)
Lol I give you the list of 20+ mangas i've read....then what, you want me to name the characters in them? Want me to give you the when i gotta stop wheeling out this schlong for you to believe me.....?

I acknowledged that, and what I also said is that's cool but they breeze over that stuff just to get back to deku, when they should be showing more of that

It was only like 2/3 pages back where I gave MHA mad props for that Hawks and Endeavor story. I didn't mention the Hawks situation because I know that's going to be a slow burn considering it's just really starting.
The complaint with Endeavor is still valid. There are things we should've known and things they should've given us then and there. The problem is not making it seem like it will even be relevant in the next 50-100 chapters. Again this is where MHA imo fails. I didn't say we needed answers right away, but we need a point.
there was a point to the quincies, even tho the ending of bleach was sort of whacky...We knew from damn near chapter 20, why Ishida was introduced and how/why it was going to be a future rivarly problem. with knowing about the extinction of his clan....When they went to his father part we knew and had an idea....
What is this Endeavor sideline story proving???
It would almost make more sense at this point if Kacchan was Endeavors kid instead of todoroki....
Do you really not see where im going with this at this point...the author is biting fruit and leaving it at the table just to bite another peace.

This again sort of proves my point with the biting one fruit putting it down and biting another.
Yes the schools kids have some nice characters but why use them if we don't go outside the UA building and barely the city...Also why not expand on class B more...hell focus more on clas A students....
but of course you're going to hit me with that slow burn blah blah blah.
This is why MHA hasn't caught a lot of people IMO. (twitter and reddit board's complaints are in line with mine.....Ofcourse you can find those who ride for it too on the same boards...)

Shonen wise.
1. Shin Angyo Onshi
2. Ares
3/4 is a toss up with Tenjo Tenge, the only reason it's a toss up is because of the way it ended..
I didn't read FMA but if brotherhood was adapted from the Manga then I'm sure it would be fighting for a spot on that top 3 for me also.

My point is that you're calling out people for only reading 3-4 manga and calling MHA a #1 - I'm a person who's read more than that and I'm still calling it a Top 5, easy. I don't doubt you've read a ton of manga but I'm saying that that is irrelevant when it comes to judging this manga, and if you want to play that game then talk to me, a person who has read just as much.

Your complaint on Endeavor has never made sense to me - where's the rush to find these answers? Where are the intrinsic character motivations to have these answers come to light? The thread we're following in this story is dealing with the aftermath of having a society's Symbol of Peace taken out of commission - why would it make sense for someone in the manga to obsess over finding out Endeavor's full background? It doesn't, and that's not what the Endeavor side-story is even supposed to be about. The side-story is supposed to illustrate how exceptional heroes are attempting to fill the void of the Symbol of Peace and the drastic measures they have to take in the face of a criminal organization that is only strengthening in that symbol's absence. Much more interesting to me than a Maury episode with Endeavor and Dabi. Stories that give you all of the answers up front are cool, but better writing reveals the answers to interesting questions as they make sense and align with the actions of the characters in that story. Your lack of patience is telling.

- also, I honestly don't see your point with Kacchan and Todoroki - it's very clear that Kacchan isn't Endeavor's kid, and I think it makes a ton of sense that Todoroki and Endeavor are very different given Endeavor's abusive nature when Todoroki was a child.

I honestly don't know what you expect - they are in school, their life revolves around school because school will help them become better heroes, so school will be a huge part of this manga. That said, let's look at the most major events that have taken place so far: USJ, Sports Festival, Stain, Training Camp Attack, OfA vs AfO, Provisional License Exam, Eight Precepts Raid - 5 out of 7 of these events occur off school grounds. ???

Most of your complaints have either been addressed or it's "too little" for you. Pretty okay for everyone else, but not for you. Fine. Cool. Can we just stop hearing about it? Let us enjoy this manga in peace without you commenting every week on how much you hate it - WE GET IT.

Your top 3 manga are interesting though. I think it's very telling that neither of your top 2 went past the 300 chapter mark (Shin Angyo Onshi looks like it was a monthly but it only had 72 chapters so even if you give it the benefit of one chapter being equivalent to 4 weekly chapters then it still only reaches 288 chapters). FMA was good, but also a monthly release that only had just over 100 chapters - so call it 400 chapters at max. Tenjho Tenge is a favorite of mine but the actual storytelling is poor with a few asspulls - par for the course for Oh! Great stories but you can't compare it with One Piece and it also was a monthly with 135 chapters (for the record, Air Gear is one of my favorites and I recognize it suffers from the same faults that Tenjho Tenge did).

I can see your issue right here, man - you don't (or can't) appreciate long-term manga to the same degree you do shorter-term, more instant gratification stories. One Piece (in my Top 3 and many others, but not in yours) - over 900 chapters and still going. Hunter x Hunter (also in my Top 3 and many others) at ~350 chapters but nowhere near wrapping up. Naruto (not in yours or my Top 3, but in many others' top 3) reached 700 chapters before it wrapped up. None of your top 4 even hits the 600 chapter mark.

I'm not going to say you can't judge a good story but to me it does look like you have trouble appreciating longer-term ones. We come from two different frames of reference here, so I won't be surprised if we continue to disagree on MHA but I have much more confidence that I'm not crazy for appreciating the pacing much more than you do.
so everyone's got my hero academia in their top 3 now? I need to hurry up and finish season 1 of the anime :lol:

Did one punch man come back? I miss being part of this thread but haven't been into manga since bleach died.
I don’t read any manga, that may be the difference. Top 3 all time? MHA needs a better soundtrack for that, especially if the animations aren’t over the top in the current movie. Top 3 better give me a reason to want to see it in IMAX. Trigun wouldn’t dare let me down like that.
Question for those who watched the mha movie

So Deku pretty much released the full force of his power in front of his classmates. Wouldn't that mean the cat is out of the bag now. Shouldn't more of them put two and two together that his powers come from All Might like Bakugo did?
I'm more excited for manhua and manhwa nowadays than I am manga. Gosu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Something tdogg2k tdogg2k and I can agree on apparently - Manhwa is dope :pimp: I haven't checked out Gosu but you should take a look into Veritas if you haven't yet. Ending was a bit rushed unfortunately but it's SOLID. Big fan of The Breaker, too.
Something tdogg2k tdogg2k and I can agree on apparently - Manhwa is dope :pimp: I haven't checked out Gosu but you should take a look into Veritas if you haven't yet. Ending was a bit rushed unfortunately but it's SOLID. Big fan of The Breaker, too.
Read Veritas years ago. Still waiting on the sequel :smh:
Breaker aint really finished either :smh: Part 3 needs to hurry up.
My point is that you're calling out people for only reading 3-4 manga and calling MHA a #1 - I'm a person who's read more than that and I'm still calling it a Top 5, easy. I don't doubt you've read a ton of manga but I'm saying that that is irrelevant when it comes to judging this manga, and if you want to play that game then talk to me, a person who has read just as much.
sigh.... come on man you stay moving the goal post on this. 1. You're not one of the people that read 3-4 manga. and I never said you were. I had 2 different post one with your name and one with me saying that.. They were not correlated and you took it as that. 2. calling it a top 5 is not calling it a number 1. There are a specific group of people calling it #1 and majority of those people doing that are the ones that only have 3-4 stories on their belt

Your complaint on Endeavor has never made sense to me - where's the rush to find these answers? Where are the intrinsic character motivations to have these answers come to light? The thread we're following in this story is dealing with the aftermath of having a society's Symbol of Peace taken out of commission - why would it make sense for someone in the manga to obsess over finding out Endeavor's full background? It doesn't, and that's not what the Endeavor side-story is even supposed to be about. The side-story is supposed to illustrate how exceptional heroes are attempting to fill the void of the Symbol of Peace and the drastic measures they have to take in the face of a criminal organization that is only strengthening in that symbol's absence. Much more interesting to me than a Maury episode with Endeavor and Dabi. Stories that give you all of the answers up front are cool, but better writing reveals the answers to interesting questions as they make sense and align with the actions of the characters in that story. Your lack of patience is telling.
My entire point of endeavor is I don't see where his side story correlated with the main story. Your point of the symbol of peace and drastic measures it takes I understand... but what they showed us was a family of dysfunction........I know he wants to redeem himself in his families eyes. How is this going to relate to todoroki (i think the answer to that is obvious), but then how is todoroki going to take that and add it to the story of the kids and deku.....
When they showed us Flashbacks and side stories in all other mangas it can be correlated with the main story or current arc. MHA DOES NOT DO THIS and that's my problem. It's been my problem with the entire manga not just this arc. these random inputs of information that don't lead anywhere.

- also, I honestly don't see your point with Kacchan and Todoroki - it's very clear that Kacchan isn't Endeavor's kid, and I think it makes a ton of sense that Todoroki and Endeavor are very different given Endeavor's abusive nature when Todoroki was a child.
You didn't get my point to this and I see why you don't understand. What I meant by this is this would make them more natural enemies/Rivals but with them actually being equal (somewhat as kachhan and deku are)
IMO i think it would've been better to mix blend Kacchan's story with endeavours since Kachhan and deku are more natural rivals. Todoroki, has had a fight or 2 that was cool, some personal growth with accepting his fire side. but other than that he's not truly utlized the way Kacchan is. Are you going to make todoroki the ultimate partner deku....are you going to make him an ultimate hero... are you going to make him a rival like kacchan...?????

Most of your complaints have either been addressed or it's "too little" for you. Pretty okay for everyone else, but not for you. Fine. Cool. Can we just stop hearing about it? Let us enjoy this manga in peace without you commenting every week on how much you hate it - WE GET IT.
I've always hated this rebuttal. so it's not ok for me to not like what's going on in this story and state my reasons why..........but it's ok for me to read the slurping up of MHA literally every page???
It can be reversed where I say "Ok you love mha we get it" ..I get you're going to bat for MHA with more intensity than my dis approval of it.. but atleast im coming in here, being consistent, and giving my reasons for not liking it (whether you care or not) other than just being like. Yo mHA is trash...being a contrarian. I
you're taking this as if I spit on your dead goldfish's grave... Again, I did use your name, but I wasn't coming at you or going for smoke. lol you took it there. I responded. I'm at work and doing nothing else so why not.

Your top 3 manga are interesting though. I think it's very telling that neither of your top 2 went past the 300 chapter mark (Shin Angyo Onshi looks like it was a monthly but it only had 72 chapters so even if you give it the benefit of one chapter being equivalent to 4 weekly chapters then it still only reaches 288 chapters). FMA was good, but also a monthly release that only had just over 100 chapters - so call it 400 chapters at max. Tenjho Tenge is a favorite of mine but the actual storytelling is poor with a few asspulls - par for the course for Oh! Great stories but you can't compare it with One Piece and it also was a monthly with 135 chapters (for the record, Air Gear is one of my favorites and I recognize it suffers from the same faults that Tenjho Tenge did).
I can see your issue right here, man - you don't (or can't) appreciate long-term manga to the same degree you do shorter-term, more instant gratification stories. One Piece (in my Top 3 and many others, but not in yours) - over 900 chapters and still going. Hunter x Hunter (also in my Top 3 and many others) at ~350 chapters but nowhere near wrapping up. Naruto (not in yours or my Top 3, but in many others' top 3) reached 700 chapters before it wrapped up. None of your top 4 even hits the 600 chapter mark.
I'm not going to say you can't judge a good story but to me it does look like you have trouble appreciating longer-term ones. We come from two different frames of reference here, so I won't be surprised if we continue to disagree on MHA but I have much more confidence that I'm not crazy for appreciating the pacing much more than you do.
This is your problem.....why analyze my ability to judge a manga by the amount of chapters it has. ???? This seems like the most non relevant thing in the world to me.
Lord of the rings is a 500< page book, Game of thrones is a 700 page book. Game of thrones isn't automatically better because it's longer.. (both great books )

One piece is in my top 3.. it's just tied with tenjo tenge because I personally loved the character designs, the story, the powers, the art, the reveals of it.
If you haven't read the top 2 I put up there how can you judge me?? I dedicated years to those mangas...I started reading Naruto in 2002/2003 lol don't tell me about not liking slow burns... I started One piece in 2004-2005. I remember coming on here on this board and talking about it.
Do you know why One piece isn't my #1 even though I am one the stories biggest fans....
Because it's not finished yet. I'm sure it will be my #1, but until it finishes out.. the other 2 are ahead of it.

As much as you hate me coming on here "hating" on MHA, you come and try to tell me why I should like it.
I don't come on here telling people why they should hate it. I come on here telling people why i'm not a fan. I don't tell other people not to be.
While the ones going for bat is telling me why im crazy and why I should.

LOL worst part is I May be the most vocal about why this story hasn't captured me.
but i'm for damn sure not the only ONE in here. 3 people in the last 2 pages alone have agreed this is top 3 yet...
That's all I ever say.... Why crown this there when it's not there...
got some more reps in the gym to do.

What are your top 5... Are they all ones with over 400 chapters????

Something tdogg2k tdogg2k and I can agree on apparently - Manhwa is dope :pimp: I haven't checked out Gosu but you should take a look into Veritas if you haven't yet. Ending was a bit rushed unfortunately but it's SOLID. Big fan of The Breaker, too.
Lol how dare you think im not equal or above you in manga reading when we BOTH know about Manwhas .. LOL THAT alone should tell you I'm no manga rookie. lol not like E everysingletime (our rivalry continues)

I got not but love for you Bruce, I love the back and forth, im always down for the smoke.
I don't want you to think i was personally attacking you.
but what I see on twitter, insta facebook everyday are these kids crowning MHA #1, and they have 4 or less Mangas/animes they even watch... same kids hailing DBZ as one of the greatest stories ever told..
Question for those who watched the mha movie

So Deku pretty much released the full force of his power in front of his classmates. Wouldn't that mean the cat is out of the bag now. Shouldn't more of them put two and two together that his powers come from All Might like Bakugo did?

****s not canon anyways, don’t think too much about it. Bones obviously didn’t :lol:
My entire point of endeavor is I don't see where his side story correlated with the main story. Your point of the symbol of peace and drastic measures it takes I understand... but what they showed us was a family of dysfunction........I know he wants to redeem himself in his families eyes. How is this going to relate to todoroki (i think the answer to that is obvious), but then how is todoroki going to take that and add it to the story of the kids and deku.....
When they showed us Flashbacks and side stories in all other mangas it can be correlated with the main story or current arc. MHA DOES NOT DO THIS and that's my problem. It's been my problem with the entire manga not just this arc. these random inputs of information that don't lead anywhere.
I think this view that side character development needs to be immediately and directly relate to the main plot is too narrow-minded and often makes for poor writing. I've seen this often in other shounen where a side-character faces an obstacle that seems insurmountable, then the scene cuts to some flashback of them training (which we didn't see) and all of a sudden they have the means to defeat this enemy. It works better in some scenarios and worse in others; this was a common Bleach formula. MHA also JUST did this with Tokoyami, which was meh to me - while the ability and its explanation was cool, it seemed somewhat rushed (which I think speaks to your point re: treatment of side characters). The difference with Todoroki's development and why I like how it's handled is that it takes place over multiple arcs and lead to these mini-realizations / breakthroughs that end up creating huge developments with his character and feel very genuine. Reminds me of Killua's character in HxH, where he slowly softens and becomes more vulnerable over time, juxtaposed against a past where his upbringing taught him to close himself off whenever he sought friendship. To answer your point directly, we've seen these revelations have meaningful impacts on Todoroki's abilities (e.g. using fire in battle, and then using fire and ice at the same time). I'd imagine further mini-developments will lead to further acceleration in his ability / mental growth.

You didn't get my point to this and I see why you don't understand. What I meant by this is this would make them more natural enemies/Rivals but with them actually being equal (somewhat as kachhan and deku are)
IMO i think it would've been better to mix blend Kacchan's story with endeavours since Kachhan and deku are more natural rivals. Todoroki, has had a fight or 2 that was cool, some personal growth with accepting his fire side. but other than that he's not truly utlized the way Kacchan is. Are you going to make todoroki the ultimate partner deku....are you going to make him an ultimate hero... are you going to make him a rival like kacchan...?????
I'm still not sure I get your point. Bakugo and Todoroki aren't rivals to the same level as Deku and Bakugo because their history doesn't run as deep (Bakugo & Deku being childhood friends, power dynamic between them, etc.) Todoroki's biggest barrier to wholeheartedly pursuing the #1 spot with his full ability has always been his history with his father, so I'm not sure he would have much interest in a super intense rivalry with Bakugo, although we see he is overall quite competitive with Bakugo and the rest of the class. I think Todoroki gets a ton of shine because his potential is massive, same as Bakugo. As the years progress and **** continues to hit the fan, he'll probably play a key role because of his ability and potential. Minetta, one the other hand, may not. So while both receive development, Todoroki and Bakugo get more than the others, but we're going to appreciate that when they have stupid huge fights with high stakes further down the line. He's getting this development because he's going to be a major player, and he doesn't need to be Deku's partner or sworn rival in order to have a huge impact in this series given how strong he will likely be.

I've always hated this rebuttal. so it's not ok for me to not like what's going on in this story and state my reasons why..........but it's ok for me to read the slurping up of MHA literally every page???
It can be reversed where I say "Ok you love mha we get it" ..I get you're going to bat for MHA with more intensity than my dis approval of it.. but atleast im coming in here, being consistent, and giving my reasons for not liking it (whether you care or not) other than just being like. Yo mHA is trash...being a contrarian. I
you're taking this as if I spit on your dead goldfish's grave... Again, I did use your name, but I wasn't coming at you or going for smoke. lol you took it there. I responded. I'm at work and doing nothing else so why not.
Honestly man, I think your posts on MHA are frustrating because I think you view this manga differently on a fundamental level that will probably prevent you from seeing see eye-to-eye with many of the people that like the manga here. So while I appreciate having constructive conversations and critiques on stories, I feel like I don't learn anything new when you post because your reasoning is always the same and we just aren't going to get there. So, in the absence of you adding a new facet to your perspective that sheds some new enlightenment (good or bad) for the rest of us, it kinda just feels like you're being negative for the sake of being negative with nothing to gain, which just feels useless and unnecessary.

This is your problem.....why analyze my ability to judge a manga by the amount of chapters it has. ???? This seems like the most non relevant thing in the world to me.
Lord of the rings is a 500< page book, Game of thrones is a 700 page book. Game of thrones isn't automatically better because it's longer.. (both great books )

One piece is in my top 3.. it's just tied with tenjo tenge because I personally loved the character designs, the story, the powers, the art, the reveals of it.
If you haven't read the top 2 I put up there how can you judge me?? I dedicated years to those mangas...I started reading Naruto in 2002/2003 lol don't tell me about not liking slow burns... I started One piece in 2004-2005. I remember coming on here on this board and talking about it.
Do you know why One piece isn't my #1 even though I am one the stories biggest fans....
Because it's not finished yet. I'm sure it will be my #1, but until it finishes out.. the other 2 are ahead of it.
Like I said, I'm not saying you can't judge good stories. What I'm saying is that you seem to gravitate toward manga with shorter stories i.e. you may not appreciate some of the elements and pacing that need to be set in order to craft a good long-term story. The criteria for a shorter story is different than the criteria for a longer story. A more pronounced example of this is that awards for books and movies are often differentiated by their length - there are distinctions between short stories, novellas, and novels. The plot structure within those formats change from one to the other, and they're judged accordingly. If you're taking characteristics that you like in a shorter form and trying to apply them to a longer form then you're likely not going to appreciate some of the differences in structure. It's the same here, and I'm saying your bias toward shorter stories may be influencing your judgment on MHA. I think that's valid.

Also if you're somehow sure that OP will be your #1 when it finishes but you aren't placing it there solely because it HASN'T finished then I think we're talking past each other. If that's the case then, again, I'll just revisit this conversation in 5 years because there's no use in having it right now.

What are your top 5... Are they all ones with over 400 chapters????
Honestly I'm a bit all over the place because I've read a ton, ranging from some shounen slice of life like Suzuka, GE: Good Ending & Ichigo 100%, seinen like Gantz & Berserk and other horror stuff as well, a couple sports manga (Prince of Tennis, Kuroko), and then run-of-the-mill battle style shounen. Thinking about the shounen in line with what we're talking about, I really only have a distinguishable Top

My Top 5:
1. Hunter x Hunter
2. One Piece
3. MHA
4. Air Gear
5. Naruto

So I definitely over-index to the longer form shounen - I really appreciate the difficulty of weaving a longer-form story together. That said, Air Gear is an Oh! Great story with a similar length to Tenjo Tenge (with many of the same failings toward the end) that I just really, really enjoyed. I'd honestly say there's a pretty decent gap between my top 3 and the bottom 2 of my top 5, and a ton of runner-ups like Sun-Ken Rock (more of seinen), Beelzebub (wish they'd done more), Veritas (was awesome until they rushed the ending), and The Breaker (original). Some like Claymore stick out because the twist was awesome but then it fell flat because the pacing was off and thus they had to rush the ending. Tower of God was super dope and then I kinda lost steam after the time-skip where Jyu Viole Grace was introduced - I thought that manhwa was going to be HUGE...but the pacing threw me. I think The Promised Neverland has crazy potential but will likely be a top shorter-form one and thus it may not make it onto my Top 5 list. One Punch Man feels like it should be in the top of my shorter-form list as well because I enjoy it a ton, but I think the tongue-in-cheek nature of it isn't letting me take it as seriously. I'd have to re-read Alive: The Final Evolution to be sure, but I may have even put that near the Naruto level if the author hadn't been forced to wrap it up quickly since they were terminally-ill.

So it's weird for me - there are a lot of good, even great shounen manga, but for me I would definitely put my Top 3 over almost everything else, and I'd imagine the fact that they're longer form has something to do with it.

Lol how dare you think im not equal or above you in manga reading when we BOTH know about Manwhas .. LOL THAT alone should tell you I'm no manga rookie. lol not like E everysingletime (our rivalry continues)

I got not but love for you Bruce, I love the back and forth, im always down for the smoke.
I don't want you to think i was personally attacking you.
but what I see on twitter, insta facebook everyday are these kids crowning MHA #1, and they have 4 or less Mangas/animes they even watch... same kids hailing DBZ as one of the greatest stories ever told..
Lol word I respect the manhwa love. Man even China has some good ones - Feng Shen Ji went super hard but I didn't finish very strong.

I hear you and honestly I didn't take it personally - just feel that you telling us you don't like MHA isn't news to anyone and seems pointless when most of us are just trying to talk about what happened in the latest chapter. I do respect your right to critique it, but it gets old when you do it consistently for the same reasons and there's nothing to get out of it.

Just as you don't want me to think you were attacking me, I want to be clear that I don't want you to post about MHA at all - it's on me too for even engaging. I think we both know where we stand so if you do post about it I won't start up this nonsense again lol. It's definitely all love bro.
Is there a character that could even possibly EVEN TOUCH Madara Uchiha? Let alone defeat him. And I’m not talking about Edo Tensei Uchiha Madara. I’m not talking about Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara either. Hell, I’m not even talking about Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan and Rinnegan doujutsus (with the rikodou abilities and being capable of both Amateratsu and Tsukuyomi genjutsu), equipped with his Gunbai, a perfect Susano’o, control of the juubi and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju’s DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu.
I think this view that side character development needs to be immediately and directly relate to the main plot is too narrow-minded and often makes for poor writing. I've seen this often in other shounen where a side-character faces an obstacle that seems insurmountable, then the scene cuts to some flashback of them training (which we didn't see) and all of a sudden they have the means to defeat this enemy. It works better in some scenarios and worse in others; this was a common Bleach formula. MHA also JUST did this with Tokoyami, which was meh to me - while the ability and its explanation was cool, it seemed somewhat rushed (which I think speaks to your point re: treatment of side characters). The difference with Todoroki's development and why I like how it's handled is that it takes place over multiple arcs and lead to these mini-realizations / breakthroughs that end up creating huge developments with his character and feel very genuine. Reminds me of Killua's character in HxH, where he slowly softens and becomes more vulnerable over time, juxtaposed against a past where his upbringing taught him to close himself off whenever he sought friendship. To answer your point directly, we've seen these revelations have meaningful impacts on Todoroki's abilities (e.g. using fire in battle, and then using fire and ice at the same time). I'd imagine further mini-developments will lead to further acceleration in his ability / mental growth.
I'm still not sure I get your point. Bakugo and Todoroki aren't rivals to the same level as Deku and Bakugo because their history doesn't run as deep (Bakugo & Deku being childhood friends, power dynamic between them, etc.) Todoroki's biggest barrier to wholeheartedly pursuing the #1 spot with his full ability has always been his history with his father, so I'm not sure he would have much interest in a super intense rivalry with Bakugo, although we see he is overall quite competitive with Bakugo and the rest of the class. I think Todoroki gets a ton of shine because his potential is massive, same as Bakugo. As the years progress and **** continues to hit the fan, he'll probably play a key role because of his ability and potential. Minetta, one the other hand, may not. So while both receive development, Todoroki and Bakugo get more than the others, but we're going to appreciate that when they have stupid huge fights with high stakes further down the line. He's getting this development because he's going to be a major player, and he doesn't need to be Deku's partner or sworn rival in order to have a huge impact in this series given how strong he will likely be.
give me another day to better explain tired tonight

Honestly man, I think your posts on MHA are frustrating because I think you view this manga differently on a fundamental level that will probably prevent you from seeing see eye-to-eye with many of the people that like the manga here. So while I appreciate having constructive conversations and critiques on stories, I feel like I don't learn anything new when you post because your reasoning is always the same and we just aren't going to get there. So, in the absence of you adding a new facet to your perspective that sheds some new enlightenment (good or bad) for the rest of us, it kinda just feels like you're being negative for the sake of being negative with nothing to gain, which just feels useless and unnecessary.
Lol and I feel like there's nothing to learn because MHA is making the same mistakes arc by arc in my eyes. so Yea it does seem like my arguments are the same. Nothing has changed.

Like I said, I'm not saying you can't judge good stories. What I'm saying is that you seem to gravitate toward manga with shorter stories i.e. you may not appreciate some of the elements and pacing that need to be set in order to craft a good long-term story. The criteria for a shorter story is different than the criteria for a longer story. A more pronounced example of this is that awards for books and movies are often differentiated by their length - there are distinctions between short stories, novellas, and novels. The plot structure within those formats change from one to the other, and they're judged accordingly. If you're taking characteristics that you like in a shorter form and trying to apply them to a longer form then you're likely not going to appreciate some of the differences in structure. It's the same here, and I'm saying your bias toward shorter stories may be influencing your judgment on MHA. I think that's valid.
your perspective on this irritates me. Because it feels like a sneak diss to my intellect and story comprehension (feels like...not saying it is)
Manga isn't the only thing I read. Between Novels. short stories, series, comic books, audio books, podcast stories. I'm pretty much always indulged in to a story.
Im easily one of the biggest ASOIAF fans on the have no idea whats its like to wait LiTERALLY 20 years for a story to complete...and still regard it as the greatest,most well put together story ive ever laid eyes on.
I know the slow developing stories and appreciate them. I know everything has an end game and needs to come together. I know those take time. I appreciate them all the same. But just because my favorites dont happen to be over 200 chaps mean nothing.
Theres not a crap ton of Mangas that are over 600 + chapters. Especially the ones that stay consistent .
Hajime no ippo, One piece, Gintama, Kingdom , Conan are amongst the few.

Also if you're somehow sure that OP will be your #1 when it finishes but you aren't placing it there solely because it HASN'T finished then I think we're talking past each other. If that's the case then, again, I'll just revisit this conversation in 5 years because there's no use in having it right now.
I dont judge on potential i judge on results. As much as i love one piece i know it can slip or get rushed also. A bleach can happen to it or a veritas.
As of right now one piece is #1 on my active manga reading list.
But my all time its #3/4 .Mainly because
Shin angyo onshi and Ares had a magnificent beginning middle and END.
Again read them and come back to me. you may or may not like it, but it's not the shortness of them I like.

Honestly I'm a bit all over the place because I've read a ton, ranging from some shounen slice of life like Suzuka, GE: Good Ending & Ichigo 100%, seinen like Gantz & Berserk and other horror stuff as well, a couple sports manga (Prince of Tennis, Kuroko), and then run-of-the-mill battle style shounen. Thinking about the shounen in line with what we're talking about, I really only have a distinguishable Top

My Top 5:
1. Hunter x Hunter
2. One Piece
3. MHA
4. Air Gear
5. Naruto

So I definitely over-index to the longer form shounen - I really appreciate the difficulty of weaving a longer-form story together. That said, Air Gear is an Oh! Great story with a similar length to Tenjo Tenge (with many of the same failings toward the end) that I just really, really enjoyed. I'd honestly say there's a pretty decent gap between my top 3 and the bottom 2 of my top 5, and a ton of runner-ups like Sun-Ken Rock (more of seinen), Beelzebub (wish they'd done more), Veritas (was awesome until they rushed the ending), and The Breaker (original). Some like Claymore stick out because the twist was awesome but then it fell flat because the pacing was off and thus they had to rush the ending. Tower of God was super dope and then I kinda lost steam after the time-skip where Jyu Viole Grace was introduced - I thought that manhwa was going to be HUGE...but the pacing threw me. I think The Promised Neverland has crazy potential but will likely be a top shorter-form one and thus it may not make it onto my Top 5 list. One Punch Man feels like it should be in the top of my shorter-form list as well because I enjoy it a ton, but I think the tongue-in-cheek nature of it isn't letting me take it as seriously. I'd have to re-read Alive: The Final Evolution to be sure, but I may have even put that near the Naruto level if the author hadn't been forced to wrap it up quickly since they were terminally-ill.

So it's weird for me - there are a lot of good, even great shounen manga, but for me I would definitely put my Top 3 over almost everything else, and I'd imagine the fact that they're longer form has something to do with it.
I'm sure I will like HxH.
One piece is def there.
I loved Air gear tho I loved Tenjo better same concept and yes you're right same mistakes.
and Naruto is in my top 6 easily
I was also a huge fan of Claymore. Clare to this day is still one of my favorite manga characters. It was such a good story it got a little boring at the end.

Because im not only rooted in Manga, and also rooted in a lot of novels and short stories. im not a fan of when stories go the big monsters and transformation in to big wild spirit animals or creatures capable of destroying the world route. I like for things to stay some what grounded.
Which is why my top 3 are my top 3. and why I somewhat kick Tenjo Tenge out of that top 3 because it goes that route. Even Naruto with the whole 5th war got out of hand. the bijuus manifesting into their outside animals irritated me period. But I stuck with it and still rode for it.

Honestly as long as MHA sticks to the script of these characters being somewhat grounded im sure it will eventually break me... as long as they fix some of the things i personally think it needs.
Im easily one of the biggest ASOIAF fans on the have no idea whats its like to wait LiTERALLY 20 years for a story to complete...and still regard it as the greatest,most well put together story ive ever laid eyes on.
Let me redirect you to this: :lol::smh:

I'm sure I will like HxH.
One piece is def there.
I loved Air gear tho I loved Tenjo better same concept and yes you're right same mistakes.
and Naruto is in my top 6 easily
I was also a huge fan of Claymore. Clare to this day is still one of my favorite manga characters. It was such a good story it got a little boring at the end.

Because im not only rooted in Manga, and also rooted in a lot of novels and short stories. im not a fan of when stories go the big monsters and transformation in to big wild spirit animals or creatures capable of destroying the world route. I like for things to stay some what grounded.
Which is why my top 3 are my top 3. and why I somewhat kick Tenjo Tenge out of that top 3 because it goes that route. Even Naruto with the whole 5th war got out of hand. the bijuus manifesting into their outside animals irritated me period. But I stuck with it and still rode for it.

Honestly as long as MHA sticks to the script of these characters being somewhat grounded im sure it will eventually break me... as long as they fix some of the things i personally think it needs.

Word, then I'll hold off on rebutting the points you've been making because I think MHA will go down as one of the best ever, for sure, and the proof will be in the pudding. I don't want to come off as insulting your intelligence because I don't think it has anything to do with that - my intention was just that we develop preferences for certain things, and so unconscious biases for or against something like a type or style of manga are very natural. I have these biases as well. Either way, I think we just wait it out and see how MHA progresses. I won't be responding to your negative MHA posts but don't take my silence as agreement :lol:
lmao that hunter x hunter database is wild. I pray they animate this new arc tho...**** is gonna be amazing
Let me redirect you to this: :lol::smh:
Word, then I'll hold off on rebutting the points you've been making because I think MHA will go down as one of the best ever, for sure, and the proof will be in the pudding. I don't want to come off as insulting your intelligence because I don't think it has anything to do with that - my intention was just that we develop preferences for certain things, and so unconscious biases for or against something like a type or style of manga are very natural. I have these biases as well. Either way, I think we just wait it out and see how MHA progresses. I won't be responding to your negative MHA posts but don't take my silence as agreement :lol:
Lol I dont think you understand.....I started the first book in 1998.........there are still 2 more to wait for. i have re read each book at the least 4 times....
Yea drop me a line in 4/5 years to where i'll probably say the same thing about MHA , but at least it wont go the Monsters role...i hope.
lmao that hunter x hunter database is wild. I pray they animate this new arc tho...**** is gonna be amazing

it'll probly take 5 more years worth of hiatuses for madhouse or whoever to animate the next batch of this show, unless, they re-animate the whole thing again + add the new ****

with the way this arc is going tho im pretty sure togashi will die before hunter ends, the story seems to be headed in a One Piece length story.
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