The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

One Piece

So is Shutenmaru looks to be Ashura Doji and since there's no leader (oden) he's reverting to how he was before Oden defeated him and made him a retainer? That's cool.

Sanji is even more annoying than usual. Wish Oda would tone him down. Tsuru being Kinemon's wife is interesting. I'd be interested in seeing their reunion. It'd also be interesting if she came out and made Ashura Doji return food once this skirmish with Jack is done.

Zoro is probably going to mess this plan up and end up fighting someone he shouldn't.

I wonder if Vegapunk tried to reverse engineer the fruit Momo has from Kaido's fruit and got the sample from when the marines had captured Kaido previously. But Kaido looks good and I think most people predicted Kaido to be a dragon. I want to see his hybrid form too. I see Momo turned into his dragon form as soon as Kaido showed up

Is Oda drawing Nami more proportional now? Hopefully with that Support Girls color spread he'll start giving female characters fights.
DeathNote the movie . Never watched the anime or read the manga, but a sequel would be dope.

you talking about the live action crap from netflix? you cant be. no way. do yourself a favor and watch the anime, which is also on netflix. its the #1 anime i recommend to people who dont watch anime but want to get into it

can anyone tell me what anime this is from?
you talking about the live action crap from netflix? you cant be. no way. do yourself a favor and watch the anime, which is also on netflix. its the #1 anime i recommend to people who dont watch anime but want to get into it
So far I’ve seen the live action Death Note, FMA, and Bleach. Death Note was the better movie of the three, and I’ve watched all of Bleach and both FMAs lol know how hard it is for me to admit that.
Just started the "Summit War" saga in "One Piece".

Thriller Bark wasnt that good of a arc. (Compared to the previous ones.)
Finally caught up on The Promised Neverland and it's been a fun read. I see why it's at the forefront of Jump. Damn near wish I let it build up more before binging.

At least I have like 40 chapters of Dr. Stone to work through now.

Also have yet to dive into any Fall anime, and the list on MAL isn't motivating me much :lol:

Anyone finding any standouts so far besides continuing series?
One Piece

is this the fastest a plan has gone downhill, because it sure feels like it. :lol:
I feel like that punch is gonna put kaido to sleep and give them enough time to go back and check on Oden Castle.
One Piece

The worst thing about all this is now we're gonna have people overreact talking about the Yonkou suck and Kaido is overrated and all types of stuff. But 2sappy 2sappy I agree Kaido is probably passed out drunk so the alliance can get away. It'll also probably have people of Wano openly rally around Luffy as well.

Someone on another forum was saying how they don't like how the strawhats haven't been making plans themselves and have been guided around lately and it's not very pirate king esque. Well Luffy ruining that plan this quickly should negate that. Also it seems Sanji has underestimated how quickly Luffy can mess things up. Zoro is probably walking around messing more stuff up at the same time.

The exposition by Law is just a recap of stuff we knew, but I guess it's for new and younger readers to remind them. I've also seen in a few forums people seem to have forgotten Momo's fruit is an artificial one Vegapunk made.

Overall the chapter was pretty simple.
came to say, the good days are over. the notion of yonkous being scary superhumans need to be put to rest. Laido is here people.

Also I owe big mom an apology. As much as I hate her garbage ***, even she didn't look this dumb.

I think Kaido was defeated easily because he was drunk?

But who knows tho? I’ll jus wait till next week rolls in to find out
came to say, the good days are over. the notion of yonkous being scary superhumans need to be put to rest. Laido is here people.

Also I owe big mom an apology. As much as I hate her garbage ***, even she didn't look this dumb.

She didn't look dumb? She almost killed herself due to her own hunger. She ate her own kids. She over here looking like a female Chronos. :lol:

As for Kaido, He's drunk. Like I said before, if anything he's been put to sleep with that hit. He's probably gonna wake up and think that he hit a mountain or something. :lol:
Smh . yall really think luffy defeated kaido.? Its either going to put em to sleep cuz he drunk or piss him off and have everyone dead.
Its going to take far more to beat him. I actually see some marines getting evolved.
Possibly them having to save Kidd
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