The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Kaido was drunk, and not using any Haki at all. Bet once he sobers up its all bad. Really interested in his hybrid form.

Also can't see this being a one on one fight. Would love to see SH crew fight the crewmembers with Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji fighting the three disasters, then a team fight against dragon Kaido...
the problem is, this chapter was meant to hype the whole Luffy vs kaido thats supposed to come next chapter. Not necessarily a real fight but the tension I would say is supposed to be there right?

Now, we ALL know NOTHING serious will happen next chapter. AT MOST Luffy might get a punch or two and he will escape(go into hiding) with the crew (who will obviously be fine and not hurt from kaidos dragon breath)

Everyone is saying KAIDO IS GONNA BEAT LUFFY *** NEXT CHAPTER :rofl: yeah right. when it doesn't happen there will be more excuses of "well kaido was drunk, lets wait for oda...blah blah blah "

I hope for the love of god im wrong and Luffy gets captured or some **** maybe the crew has to save him or something but judging by how OP has been going the last couple years or so nothing bad is happening to Luffy or the crew. so this chapter did nothing for me at all but make Laido look like a bum.

We waited years for dope lookin samurai and menacing smile users but all we get is goofy disfunctional batman gazelle man...holdem LOL and this guy


:rofl: :rofl:

I know this is turning into a rant but im just salty wano aint what I expected...even Jack is lookin like a bum

Im just not seeing the whole point of even showing this. Like we know Luffy and kaido aint bout to fight right now so why even show this? just looks like fake hype to me. Whatever outcome that is about to happen could have been done without this pointless showcase of luffys recklessness smh
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Starting "MarineFord" arc. "Impel Down" was whack overall. Only good battle was the warden Magellan. Way overhyped. Hopefully this Marineford will be much better.
Gosu :pimp: it’s about to go down
Still don’t know much about this yonbi cat but I guess I’ll see

Tower of god :pimp: evankhell killed an administrator right? She should be oc powerful

The promise land :smh:

Seven deadly sins zeldoris :pimp:
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Gosu :pimp: it’s about to go down
Still don’t know much about this yonbi cat but I guess I’ll see

Yongbi was the MC of two prequel manwha to Gosu. He is one of the strongest people alive in the series (known as Yongbi the Invincible), hence why he was at the mountain temple with all the other Warrior Sages.
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Just started one piece and dragon ball for the first time last month...I’m like 13 episode into dragon ball and 100 something into one piece. Just finished the alabasta arc. I couldn’t stand vivis whiny *** at all. Glad they left her in the desert. The chick robin seems pretty cool though. I love Luffy but Zoro probably is my fav. dudes fight scenes are so slick like mystical type ish. So yea I’m new into anime I watched attack on titan and loved it and am waiting for new episodes now. You guys recommend anything similar to these? like I like stuff with crazy creatures/ monsters adventure type stuff like I really liked Pokémon as a kid but tryna watch it now I can’t it’s too childish.
Yongbi was the MC of two prequel manwha to Gosu. He is one of the strongest people alive in the series (known as Yongbi the Invincible), hence why he was at the mountain temple with all the other Warrior Sages.

What’s good man? I need to read that too?
Just started one piece and dragon ball for the first time last month...I’m like 13 episode into dragon ball and 100 something into one piece. Just finished the alabasta arc. I couldn’t stand vivis whiny *** at all. Glad they left her in the desert. The chick robin seems pretty cool though. I love Luffy but Zoro probably is my fav. dudes fight scenes are so slick like mystical type ish. So yea I’m new into anime I watched attack on titan and loved it and am waiting for new episodes now. You guys recommend anything similar to these? like I like stuff with crazy creatures/ monsters adventure type stuff like I really liked Pokémon as a kid but tryna watch it now I can’t it’s too childish.

Z or the OG?
Tower of god :pimp: evankhell killed an administrator right? She should be oc powerful

No, the only person to kill an administrator is enryu, one of the irregulars. Evankhell was in charge of the 2nd floor, the floor of tests, after killing the previous person in charge. It also looks like Evankhell may be a descendant of the ancient ones like Rak, that Jahad tried to exterminate. Evankhhell is #60 in the tower tho. Once Ha Jinsung arrives we'll have at least two top 100 rankers on the battlefield
No, the only person to kill an administrator is enryu, one of the irregulars. Evankhell was in charge of the 2nd floor, the floor of tests, after killing the previous person in charge. It also looks like Evankhell may be a descendant of the ancient ones like Rak, that Jahad tried to exterminate. Evankhhell is #60 in the tower tho. Once Ha Jinsung arrives we'll have at least two top 100 rankers on the battlefield
But she's still strong enough that if she doesn't hold back, the administrator might actually show up.
If I was that strong I really wouldnt fear anyone. Anyone above her has to be a beast.
But she's still strong enough that if she doesn't hold back, the administrator might actually show up.
If I was that strong I really wouldnt fear anyone. Anyone above her has to be a beast.

Yeah exactly. The problem is the administrators can only be killed by irregulars, right? There also appears to be a split among the administrators where some want to see the fall of Jahad. The one of the 2nd floor, that Evankhell was ruling, is the one that sent Evankhell and Yu Han Sung to this floor to be involved in the fight and is the one who helped set up the FUG plot with Baam by approving the special test.

But yeah it's nice to finally see the high rankers get to go closer to all out.
Z or the OG?
Yeah just dragon ball...I tryda watch z years ago and couldn’t get into it..dragon ball seems better but still doesn’t hold my attention like one piece..anyways you guys help me find some more stuff maybe a short one or two since I’m watching 1000 episodes of one piece lol just something to break it up ..maybe more adult like but like I said I like when it has a lot of crazy monsters/creatures and stuff not just like humans only
Yeah just dragon ball...I tryda watch z years ago and couldn’t get into it..dragon ball seems better but still doesn’t hold my attention like one piece..anyways you guys help me find some more stuff maybe a short one or two since I’m watching 1000 episodes of one piece lol just something to break it up ..maybe more adult like but like I said I like when it has a lot of crazy monsters/creatures and stuff not just like humans only
Shokugeki no soma. Food wars
Full metal alchemist brotherhood.
Comic relief:
School rumble
Prison school
Yeah exactly. The problem is the administrators can only be killed by irregulars, right?
Probably. It's probably the same thing Jahad was given where residents of the tower can never truly harm you.
Also doesn't everyone borrow the ability to use shinsoo from Administrators? Irregulars are exempt from that rule.
Probably. It's probably the same thing Jahad was given where residents of the tower can never truly harm you.
Also doesn't everyone borrow the ability to use shinsoo from Administrators? Irregulars are exempt from that rule.

Yeah Jahad and the family leaders minus Hendo Bloodmatter and V got the immortality contract from the admin on the 100th floor. Then Jahad got that another contract to not be harmed. Yup everyone except for people from the great families and irregulars have to make contracts with the Admins to use shinsoo. It'll be interesting to see which administrators are against Jahad. Right now we know Headon and the 2nd floor administrator.
Well, I hope all the naysayers from the last chapter of OP have learned to wait a chapter or two before talking down the series. :lol:

As for the chapter
I sure hope Tama isn't actually dead, because Speed looked real rough there for a second. I feel like Luffy is gonna get away somehow. Maybe Law is gonna interfere or something.
Yeah just dragon ball...I tryda watch z years ago and couldn’t get into it..dragon ball seems better but still doesn’t hold my attention like one piece..anyways you guys help me find some more stuff maybe a short one or two since I’m watching 1000 episodes of one piece lol just something to break it up ..maybe more adult like but like I said I like when it has a lot of crazy monsters/creatures and stuff not just like humans only
I've been meaning to rewatch Hellsing. Check it out. Hellsing Ultimate is better imo.
On the tower fighting of Hunter x hunter now. i think about episode 27.
I like the dynamic so far between Gon and Killua. i like as of right now Killua is stronger but not trying to show how strong he really is right now.

When do I start getting hooked tho?
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