The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

^can get a solid 55" TV for like 200$

Black clover getting cray
Ye I just copped a little one cuzz I got other stuff to save for but I’m saying it’s gonna be a lot better than my phone screen. I watched like 2 eps of black clover I though it was kinda wack the one dude always whining
If you're strapped for cash, check out refurbished TVs (new TVs that needed fixing and get sold at severe discount). Black clover is slow burn to start and pretty cliché (fairy tail knockoff). It's lit right now cause of the other characters and not the main character
Yea I wasn’t feeling fairy tail either I watched a few of those. I just started shield hero. It seemed like it would be wack but by the end of the first episode I was very surprised
Yeah my guy, you really have to finish the arc. You really need to experience it all before you can fully comment.

Your whole life / worldview is about to change my guy.

Also, your comment kinda highlights what's special about HxH relative to other mainstream shounen - the Phantom Troupe are definitely one of the most powerful groups in the show, but they really don't play that role of "Really Bad Guys That Need To Be Defeated One by One" - they have their own objectives and do whatever they want. They don't really care about world domination or anything like that, they mostly just like to pull of jobs and get paid to do interesting things. They're more of a group of extremely powerful rogues than they are the Illuminati. You'll meet the rest of the Troupe in due time.

If you're only 1/4 of the way (basically 3.5 episodes?) then you should really just watch it - there are some AMAZING moments there and it truly sets up the rest of the show with regard to nen usage.

Chapter 339:

Watched this in a weekend. Actually really good if you're a simp at heart.

Kurapika just bodied Uvo. That’s quite the power up they gave him there huh.
If you're strapped for cash, check out refurbished TVs (new TVs that needed fixing and get sold at severe discount). Black clover is slow burn to start and pretty cliché (fairy tail knockoff). It's lit right now cause of the other characters and not the main character

Speaking of, RIP my son JNC.
I'm on ep 85 may take me a little longer to get through HxH, i thought there were only 120 eps. theres 148.
bruce negro bruce negro I think I said this the first time i watched HxH, but the main thing i do appreciate about this story is that both the MCs lose. and have to go back and train and let the adults handle stuff. that is one of my fav things about animes.
always hated the power of friendship stuff or they can finally beat people above their level with hidden powerups. **cough mha** cough**
i think thats what made pre time skip naruto so great (at least up to chuunin exam). like with Haku and Zabuza. they didn't stand a chance against zabuza. and kakashi had to come and help out.
with hunter x hunter theres no power of friendship bs. and it's known that they get stronger through battle
Kurapika just bodied Uvo. That’s quite the power up they gave him there huh.
Like I said, your entire worldview is about to change. To quote a character you'll meet later on - "This nen stuff is heavy"
Did anyone here read The Breaker and New Waves?

Any update on part 3?
I read both - I don't think there's been any update on Part 3. Someone said the author mentioned continuing it in 2018 but there's been nothing since.

That said, if you haven't read Veritas, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. The ending was a little rushed which was unfortunate, but on the whole I actually liked it more than The Breaker.

I'm on ep 85 may take me a little longer to get through HxH, i thought there were only 120 eps. theres 148.
bruce negro bruce negro I think I said this the first time i watched HxH, but the main thing i do appreciate about this story is that both the MCs lose. and have to go back and train and let the adults handle stuff. that is one of my fav things about animes.
always hated the power of friendship stuff or they can finally beat people above their level with hidden powerups. **cough mha** cough**
i think thats what made pre time skip naruto so great (at least up to chuunin exam). like with Haku and Zabuza. they didn't stand a chance against zabuza. and kakashi had to come and help out.
with hunter x hunter theres no power of friendship bs. and it's known that they get stronger through battle
I agree. They don't really do that with MHA (only times I can think of are the Muscular fight - which Deku paid for by having to change his entire style up to not overuse his arms - and the Chisaki fight - which was empowered by Eri, and the cost of Eri's powers in general led to the nerfing of one of my favorite characters of all time, Lemillion), but I agree overall with your point. I hate random powerups, but only when there is no real mechanism and also no cost associated with the powerup ala Bleach.
One Piece
There was a lot of interesting tidbits this chapter. Kidd is off to find his crew and cause trouble his own way.
The samurai have finally rallied under Momonosuke and Luffy, plus we're gonna hear some more about what happened 20 years ago hopefully.
We also see why Shutenmaru is so against joining the fight. It must have sucked having to wait that long with all those deaths on his shoulders. But at least he's goin for it now. :pimp:
We also learned more about the word Snatch this chapter. Hopefully we can see how it ties to Zoro soon.
And I'm pretty sure they are never gonna get Law to talk. :lol: :pimp:
One Piece
There was a lot of interesting tidbits this chapter. Kidd is off to find his crew and cause trouble his own way.
The samurai have finally rallied under Momonosuke and Luffy, plus we're gonna hear some more about what happened 20 years ago hopefully.
We also see why Shutenmaru is so against joining the fight. It must have sucked having to wait that long with all those deaths on his shoulders. But at least he's goin for it now. :pimp:
We also learned more about the word Snatch this chapter. Hopefully we can see how it ties to Zoro soon.
And I'm pretty sure they are never gonna get Law to talk. :lol: :pimp:

Zoro learned Snatch from Koushiro, right? It looks like Yasuie's ancestors may have founded the village Zoro is from since it has the same name as their family name. So maybe it's just been passed down there. The Wiki claims Ryuma shares that same family not, but I'm not sure where they got that info. Maybe the Monsters one shot.

I think the supernova developments will be very interesting. Kidd's deep distrust and how that plays out will be cool and I'm sure he'll have a desire to kill Apoo, who we haven't seen yet, and Hawkins.

We still have one more red scabbard to meet. And I think we'll get some good developments when Zoro goes to get his sword back.

I'm not familiar with Kabuki theater, is it normal that act 2 is the longest act? Or is there a set structure?
Zoro learned Snatch from Koushiro, right? It looks like Yasuie's ancestors may have founded the village Zoro is from since it has the same name as their family name. So maybe it's just been passed down there. The Wiki claims Ryuma shares that same family not, but I'm not sure where they got that info. Maybe the Monsters one shot.

I think the supernova developments will be very interesting. Kidd's deep distrust and how that plays out will be cool and I'm sure he'll have a desire to kill Apoo, who we haven't seen yet, and Hawkins.

We still have one more red scabbard to meet. And I think we'll get some good developments when Zoro goes to get his sword back.

I'm not familiar with Kabuki theater, is it normal that act 2 is the longest act? Or is there a set structure?
From the Wiki:
Nearly every full-length play occupies five acts, split into 3 parts. The first corresponds to jo, an auspicious and slow opening which introduces the audience to the characters and the plot. The next three acts correspond to ha, speeding events up, culminating almost always in a great moment of drama or tragedy in the third act and possibly a battle in the second and/or fourth acts. The final act, corresponding to kyu, is almost always short, providing a quick and satisfying conclusion.

So if we go by that structure:
We have been introduced to most of the key players already and we know the plot, so we are past Jo. It looks likes we are still in the Ha phase. Luffy's first fight with Kaido feels like it was the second act and Yasiue's death was the great tragedy in act 3. Act 4 is probably gonna be the revolution and all the fighting it will entail. The final act, Kyu, will most likely be the final showdown with Kaido and everything that happens after. Either that or Orochi will get a quick death, which makes more sense for it being the final act.
From the Wiki:
Nearly every full-length play occupies five acts, split into 3 parts. The first corresponds to jo, an auspicious and slow opening which introduces the audience to the characters and the plot. The next three acts correspond to ha, speeding events up, culminating almost always in a great moment of drama or tragedy in the third act and possibly a battle in the second and/or fourth acts. The final act, corresponding to kyu, is almost always short, providing a quick and satisfying conclusion.

So if we go by that structure:
We have been introduced to most of the key players already and we know the plot, so we are past Jo. It looks likes we are still in the Ha phase. Luffy's first fight with Kaido feels like it was the second act and Yasiue's death was the great tragedy in act 3. Act 4 is probably gonna be the revolution and all the fighting it will entail. The final act, Kyu, will most likely be the final showdown with Kaido and everything that happens after.

So chapter 924 was named Ha, which was 1 chapter after Luffy and Kaido. and 925 had the curtains opening for act 2. So definitely past Jo. So you're right we're still in the ha phase. Not seeing much if particular acts in that phase tend to be longer or shorter. Either way it should be fun going forward.
So chapter 924 was named Ha, which was 1 chapter after Luffy and Kaido. and 925 had the curtains opening for act 2. So definitely past Jo. So you're right we're still in the ha phase. Not seeing much if particular acts in that phase tend to be longer or shorter. Either way it should be fun going forward.
My guess is that phase 2 as a whole is the longest phase since it incorporates 3 acts into it. But in terms of those incorporated acts, I think it's up to how the author loads the acts with info + events. It does feel like act 3 as been the longest part in the Wano arc so far, with act 1 right behind it. I am so looking forward to the last two parts though. It's gonna be good. :pimp:
My guess is that phase 2 as a whole is the longest phase since it incorporates 3 acts into it. But in terms of those incorporated acts, I think it's up to how the author loads the acts with info + events. It does feel like act 3 as been the longest part in the Wano arc so far, with act 1 right behind it. I am so looking forward to the last two parts though. It's gonna be good. :pimp:

I think we're still in act 2. I don't remember seeing an act 3 curtain yet. But who knows. Maybe Oda is just blending them together and the next thing we see is the kyu. But if there is a defined act 3, it could be very long. Act 1 was 15 chapters. Act 2 is at 24 so far. Though I would not be surprised at all if act 3 starts next chapter. But there's a ton of stuff to cover, so who knows. But I would like to see Oda keep this arc structured and moving smoothly.
I read both - I don't think there's been any update on Part 3. Someone said the author mentioned continuing it in 2018 but there's been nothing since.

That said, if you haven't read Veritas, I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. The ending was a little rushed which was unfortunate, but on the whole I actually liked it more than The Breaker.

Thanks man :frown:

I really hope the author's hiatus isn't on some Berserk stuff. NW ended with such a great cliffhanger and so many loose ends.

I actually read Veritas before I got into The Breaker...great series but the ending was :emoji_thumbsdown::emoji_thumbsdown::emoji_thumbsdown:
Did anyone here read The Breaker and New Waves?

Any update on part 3?
Sadly no update and its been that way for years now.

One explanation I read, allegedly from the creators is they never even meant for the manwha to last that long. Then New Waves lasted even lomger than they intended. So they initially decided to take a break and do a new manwha but now they're not sure they'll return.

Explanation with illustration here

I had a beautiful 75 inch Samsung QLED that I left when I moved. So needed a solid one for cheap. Got this at Walmart (4k, HDR):


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