The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Man I gotta rewatch it...**** was amazing...
That dance sequence had to be rotoscoped right? I find it very hard to believe that it wasnt because it was so fluid.

Also, I love the seamless transition to the ending credits this week. soo good. :pimp:
They did that part perfectly IMO. :pimp:

masterful. ufotable is easily my favorite animation house. the work they did on the fate series is fire too. no pun intended. but this scene in particular is literally movie scale animation, so fluid and gorgeous. the way the music ties in, everything... just perfect.
some anime questions / pondering i've been doing/have
Was shanks able to stop the war because he is possibly a celestial. Or he really is that powerful. was his crew of 9/10 going to really wreck havok like that?

bruce negro bruce negro I saw that ep you were talking about where Hisoka was judging power rankings, but was that 1-100. or is there something above 100. cuz 1 of the zodiacs he judged was 95 (i think cow dude) but he still seemed bored with that prospect
Who were the other 5 you think netero was talking about that was as strong or stronger? his son? Zoldyck dad. ? Chrollo? others we haven't met?

Is Black Clover basically fairytail meets bleach
is Demon Slayer like bleach?

I had more but i forgot

tdogg2k tdogg2k

On OP, Based Jesus said it correctly. Both the Marines and Whitebeard's group had suffered some losses and/or were exhausted from the fighting. Shanks coming in with an entirely fresh crew meant that the odds were heavily stacked against the World Government at that point. Honestly who knows who would have prevailed, but I think it's fairly clear that the WG likely would have lost 1 or more of its Admirals during the fight; this would have led to a HUGE opening that the Yonkou or even the Revolutionaries could have exploited. It honestly came down to the fact that, while the WG has four superpowered Admirals, it's still just ONE organization, it has to worry about four pirate emperors and the Revolutionary Army - it can't start risking its key pieces on the board. To answer your question on the Red Hair's ability, you don't maintain Yonkou status if you aren't Yonkou-level. Even if he was a Celestial Dragon, the other Yonkou wouldn't care and would take his territory if he couldn't adequately defend it. Shanks' crew are likely all powerhouses.

On HxH, yes he ranked many of the Zodiacs (most of whom we don't know) in the 90s. Then he ranked Illumi (whom we do know) as a 95 and the widening of his eyes there indicates that he is highly interested. Based on that knowledge, we know that most of the Zodiacs are below Illumi in terms of combat ability (the only metric that Hisoka cares about). With that in mind, we can make some rough inferences specifically around COMBAT capabilities (we have to remember nen is a wild concept and there are likely people with crazier aura or abilities that aren't combat-related, so let's exclude those types)

So, if we assume that Illumi is not as strong as Silva or Zeno at this point, then that means they would be ranked above 95 on Hisoka's scale - perhaps at 100. Zeno's a good benchmark because we've seen him in a few different contexts. For one, we know that it took both Zeno and Silva to pin down Chrollo, although Silva and Chrollo fought to a draw at a previous time. Zeno comments after that battle that if Chrollo had been trying to kill him then he may have succeeded. The battle was still extremely close though, with no one sustaining serious injury, so that likely places Chrollo somewhere in 100 to 105 territory. Chrollo, as leader of the Phantom Troupe, is probably one of the most proficient combatants in the Hunter x Hunter universe.

That said, another thing we know about nen is that the potency and amount of one's nen can allow them to elongate their lifespan. We saw that when Zeno was a baby, Netero was already middle-aged (40-50). He was also the only person in the Ant Arc who had even a prayer of beating Meruem (and he would have, had Meruem not learned that strategy game). Still, Netero made it clear that his abilities have waned over time. I'd likely put him somewhere above 110 at the time of the anime, and definitely higher during his prime.

So with that context, I'll get into who I believe Netero was mentioning when he said there are 5 nen users stronger than him:
1. Ging - even based on his non-lethal achievements, we know Ging is a monster. He's extremely intelligent, as only he and Pariston can truly understand Netero's will. Moreover, if we just look at Gon's potential (reaching a level where he could challenge Meruem when he made his covenant), I feel like we can attribute much of that potential back to Ging's own capabilities. There's also a reason that Hisoka asked for Ging by name at the election. He's also likely in his prime, as he's shown no real signs of age. While it's not confirmed, my guess is that he was one of the individuals Netero mentioned.

Beyond Netero - he's Netero's son who has been preparing for decades to go to the Dark Continent - a place so horrible that over 149 attempts have been made to reach it, with only 5 being successful. Of the five successful attempts, there were only 28 survivors, and of those 28 survivors, only three survivors were able to return to their daily life (based on the official count). Both Isaac Netero and Beyond Netero have traveled to the Dark Continent and made it back alive, although whether they were included in that count of three or if they went outside of an official mission is only speculation at this point. It's extremely likely that Beyond, given he is Netero's son, is in his prime, and has come back from the Dark Continent (the same place that Chimera Ants are native to) is one of the individuals Netero was referring to

Zigg / Maha Zoldyck - Zigg Zoldyck accompanied Isaac Netero on his trip to the Dark Continent. This would likely put him somewhere around Netero's level, and could potentially mean that he is stronger than Netero, depending on how his powers waned with age. Maha Zoldyck is Zeno's father - he's basically left alone in the Zoldyck househould so it's unclear how strong he is, but it's very likely that if he's still alive then he could be somewhere on Netero's level or above. There's also speculation that Zigg may actually be Maha since there's so little known about both of them, but there's no solid information on that.

I'm pretty confident in 1 and 2, but the other three could DEFINITELY be people that we haven't met yet in the story. Only time will tell (or maybe not since Togashi's never gonna finish this).
Catching up with AOT. Haven't read since chapter 80 which I assume was about 3.5 years ago.
im in this boat with you. let me know if its even worth it. its just too much, and the AOT manga doesnt satisfy me like the show did so i dunno if i wanna put in all that work
im in this boat with you. let me know if its even worth it. its just too much, and the AOT manga doesnt satisfy me like the show did so i dunno if i wanna put in all that work
It is EXTREMELY worth it. I kinda classify it in the Fullmetal Alchemist category since it's shorter than your Naruto/Bleach/One Piece type shonen and then there's really only one main arc. I honestly think it may be the best manga / anime in that category (even above FMA).
im in this boat with you. let me know if its even worth it. its just too much, and the AOT manga doesnt satisfy me like the show did so i dunno if i wanna put in all that work

im waiting for the anime to return. they said next season is the final season, that's how ima get the conclusion i need for this
im in this boat with you. let me know if its even worth it. its just too much, and the AOT manga doesnt satisfy me like the show did so i dunno if i wanna put in all that work

Its worth it. I think I lost interest because the chapters don't flow well a month apart after a certain point in the story but together the story is superb.
I don't get why luffy ate that meat when Otama said the water was poisonous
chopper is going to have to put it that work
some anime questions / pondering i've been doing/have
Was shanks able to stop the war because he is possibly a celestial. Or he really is that powerful. was his crew of 9/10 going to really wreck havok like that?

it's weird because Sengokou was like "alright Shanks, but just because it's you."

and then the 5 Elders were like "we're holding the Reverie right now, we don't have time for a meeting, but we'll give you one because it's you"

i feel like yeah, Shanks' crew probably could have wiped out the already-weakened Marines at that moment, but also, something more than that. Shanks is powerful, but it also seems like he has political ties. Maybe every opposing force is an ally of his because he's trying to keep the powers balanced. It's Shanks' fault that Luffy is a pirate and he's one of WG's biggest threat, yet they don't hold that against Shanks.

Personally, I think Shanks is extremely powerful, but is also of Celestial Dragon bloodline, but decided to be a pirate, but still has CD privileges. So as a result, he has power over 'humans' since CDs are 'gods of this world', the marines listen to Celestial Dragons n follow their orders. Shanks poppin up at Marineford couldve led Sengoku to back down for 2 reasons at the same time
1) Shanks crew is powerful
2) Marines don't fight against gods

or maybe Shanks just has a good reputation and is on everybody's good side to keep the world balanced. he did after all tell Whitebeard to stop Ace from chasing Blackbeard... probably to avoid this whole imbalance in the world that came after
I am.
It feels like the series is reaching it's climax soon. Unless he runs away to make new demons
Definitely ending soon. The pacing has been horrendous from the beginning so I'm not surprised it's reached the climax already. I love my guy Tanjiro but did he basically go from complete scrub to Pillar-level fighter in the span of a couple of years? It's a fun read but not the greatest in terms of world-building and pacing
Its worth it. I think I lost interest because the chapters don't flow well a month apart after a certain point in the story but together the story is superb.

this is exactly it. the ridiculous wait between chapters meant every time i picked it up i needed a refresher. and i know im WAAAAAAAAY behind so thats a lot of damn reading

im waiting for the anime to return. they said next season is the final season, that's how ima get the conclusion i need for this

final season? is the story over already?

It is EXTREMELY worth it. I kinda classify it in the Fullmetal Alchemist category since it's shorter than your Naruto/Bleach/One Piece type shonen and then there's really only one main arc. I honestly think it may be the best manga / anime in that category (even above FMA).

this is HEAVY praise. last i remember the big smart monkey giant thing was fighting/testing them at the wall. and i was just so out of it by that point i just put it down. if it picked up like THAT afterwards then maybe after im done binging this OPM i should look into it
nope, no clue how they're gonna wrap it up since the manga is ongoing
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