The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Mom finished Beastars, gave it a 10/10
Didn't see that one coming, her only other 10 is Hunter x Hunter.
In just about a year this started from very reluctantly getting her to agree to watch Death Note and now she's just going through anime after anime on her own :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:. same thing with the wife. anyways, if your mother gave HxH a 10, I might love Beastars. it took more than a decade to finally finish the Chimera Ant arc. the ending would have been better if Gon's powers and training were retained before he went Super Saiyan mode rather than bring him back to zero. also, the Spider gang are way overrated except for Chrollo, just kill them already.
:lol: :lol: :lol:. same thing with the wife. anyways, if your mother gave HxH a 10, I might love Beastars. it took more than a decade to finally finish the Chimera Ant arc. the ending would have been better if Gon's powers and training were retained before he went Super Saiyan mode rather than bring him back to zero. also, the Spider gang are way overrated except for Chrollo, just kill them already.
HxH is just flawless to me, I’ve seen it twice now and even on the rewatch, I still enjoy every minute of it more than anything else. My other 10/10 is Monster but I think I’m putting Odd Taxi up there too.
HxH is just flawless to me, I’ve seen it twice now and even on the rewatch, I still enjoy every minute of it more than anything else. My other 10/10 is Monster but I think I’m putting Odd Taxi up there too.
well it's one of those series that I really want to finish. can't believe the series went to a pause back in 2005 and thought that they won't finish the series, it was such a cliffhanger (Gon looking for his father but meeting Kite instead). then 10 years later, I was so glad to see that they finally resumed the long overdue series. I would give Slam Dunk a 10 in my book. NinJa Scroll is another one. not sure if you watched Basilisk but that one is also a 10 for me. Samurai X would have been a 10 if they only ended it with the ShiShiO arc and not followed it up right after with an underwhelming Feng Shui garbage arc.
HxH is just flawless to me, I’ve seen it twice now and even on the rewatch, I still enjoy every minute of it more than anything else. My other 10/10 is Monster but I think I’m putting Odd Taxi up there too.
Did you ever get in to/start/watch 20th Century Boys?

To me Urasawa's work just seems to be on another level.
Did you ever get in to/start/watch 20th Century Boys?

To me Urasawa's work just seems to be on another level.
Watch? I thought that only had a manga version. I only just started reading manga but I'll give that one a try after I finish catching up to the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Man this Shibuya Incident arc is going to be so good in the anime.

Also just watched episode 5 of Sonny Boy, a currently running anime original. I don't have the slightest clue on how I could describe such a weird show but it's a total mind**** that definitely captured my attention. I'll put it this way: it seems to revolve around time, different dimensions and I think the creative art directors were all on LSD while making this.
There's some exposition but also tons of little details that show but don't tell. For example, in episode 1 the camera occasionally cuts to a clock as it hits 12:00, however this clock is shown twice again later on and each time the clock is just about to hit 12:00. So paying attention to details like that can help you figure out early on that they appear to be frozen in a time loop.
Anyone else here following Sonny Boy?
Jus finished NGE 3.0 + 1.0

What a beautiful film and beautiful way to wrap up the story.

I’ll have to watch it again when I get a chance. So damn good!
I'm gonna watch it again before I start posting my thoughts /spoilers. My brain was goin crazy with some of the implications in the movie. :lol:
I'm gonna watch it again before I start posting my thoughts /spoilers. My brain was goin crazy with some of the implications in the movie. :lol:
Lol tell me about it. The movie has been on my mind all day!

I’ll say a couple of things about the movie: First off, the big negative for me were the action scenes. It feels like the fights have been getting progressively worse with each movie and they are now the parts where I just tune out and start looking at my phone. Just full of bad cgi and nonsensical action. compare Asuka’s fight in EoE to whatever we get here and you’ll see how much of a drop off it is. I doubt Anno had anything to do with these scenes… he must’ve handed them off to the interns.

With that out of the way, I loved pretty much everything else about the movie. I know a lot of people who liked 2.0 were pissed by what they got with 3.0 and it seemed like Anno was working to please both crowds because this felt like a sequel to both 2.0 and 3.0 while also staying true to EoE.

I know it’s become a meme with how long it’s taken to release 3.0+1.0, but with the movie we ended up getting, I’m glad Anno decided to take his time. Evangelion has always been a reflection of Annos mind state and everyone knows working on 3.0 put him into a deep depression so if he had tried to do this right after 3.0’s release we would have gotten something much different. Taking some time off allowed Anno to heal and write a work that felt hopeful for the future, that reckoned with his relationship to Evangelion and even the fans relationship to Evangelion .

I mentioned earlier that I first saw Evangelion when I was in second grade and between the tv series and the films, it’s probably been the piece of media that I’ve rewatched most in my life . As much as we used to make fun of 3.0+1.0 for never coming out, it still felt good having something to speculate with others and look forward to. So when Shinji says at the end, “I’m going to choose a life without Eva”…that just hit different. Had me lowkey emotional tbh :frown: that’s just my own selfish feelings as a fan, so I can only imagine how Anno must have been feeling, but if he is finally ready to let go of Eva then maybe we should be too.

“Goodbye, all Evangelions”
Can i skip the first 3 evangelion rebuild films if ive already seen the show and end of evangelion?

Almost passed out from the massive nostalgia this brought. Should of replaced G with Wing though. Hakusho didn't need to be their at all
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Almost past out from the massive nostalgia this brought. Should of replaced G with Wing though. Hakusho didn't need to be their at all

You're ****ing bugging.

Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the greats.

If anything they should've ditched He-Man and Transformers and give us a hour of Gundam Wing or G or Outlaw Star and Trigun. Simon had too much swag, cant replace him.

Hack/Sign can go too. Barely remember that being good or lasting long on Toonami.
You're ****ing bugging.

Yu Yu Hakusho is one of the greats.

If anything they should've ditched He-Man and Transformers and give us a hour of Gundam Wing or G or Outlaw Star and Trigun. Simon had too much swag, cant replace him.

Hack/Sign can go too. Barely remember that being good or lasting long on Toonami.
I'm not referring to quality, I'm talking about placement. Hakusho got on in my area through adult swim, it joined Toonami way after the fact in an edited format. Their were quite few shows they pulled this **** with and majority of the time it was to the shows detriment. It didn't even finish its run before it was pulled and Cartoon Network put it on at like 4 in the morning smh
I'm not referring to quality, I'm talking about placement. Hakusho got on in my area through adult swim, it joined Toonami way after the fact in an edited format. Their were quite few shows they pulled this **** with and majority of the time it was to the shows detriment. It didn't even finish its run before it was pulled and Cartoon Network put it on at like 4 in the morning smh
Ok I remember part of that. They did eventually/originally show YYH in its full run on the daily Toonami back when Tom was short and had a belly.
Don't remember them finishing it but the difference was night and day between formats. Think they did the same thing to Outlaw Star although they atleast let it finish on adult swim before moving it over, thank goodness they left Cowboy Beebop alone
I remember cuz YYH right along with Dragonball Z was a right after school watch.

There line up was like 4 shows from like 3-5. Ronin Warriors was a part of it.

This was before that Saturday block of shows.
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