The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I don't know anything about the op movies. Is Oda as involved with the other movies as he appears to be with Film Red?
I don't know anything about the op movies. Is Oda as involved with the other movies as he appears to be with Film Red?

He was very involved in Strong world, then also involved in film Z and Gold to a degree but less than Strong world, I think, then wasn't really involved in Stampede

Upcoming film RED
I don't know anything about the op movies. Is Oda as involved with the other movies as he appears to be with Film Red?
The last few films Oda has been really involved with the movies. Film Red seems ljme the most though.

I'd say work your way backwards with OP movies.

Part of why he's taking a month break is to be more involved with Film Red.
Finally started back up on the One Piece Manga. Couldn't do the week to week with Wano. Reading it straight thru though? That was too fire. Definitely got emotional at few parts especially the ending of the latest chapter.
Ok so wow. I haven't watched Code Geass in more than a decade.

I wanted to rewatch cuz its been long enough that I forgot a lot about the story and in wanted to refresh my memory on why Lelouch was one of my fav i intelligent characters who I put on the level as Light fron Death Note. Bunch of spoilers ahead

Coming back in to it, all I could vaguely remember is that there is some ongoing war, Lelouch single handedly outsmarts his enemies, and the fighting was with knockoff gundams.

Anyway, I just finished s1 the other day :wow: And like I said WOW. Everything was in my realms of expectations until that part where he loses control of his power and basically forces his sister to massacre a bunch of Japanese. This **** was damn near on the level of a Guts and Griffith twist shock for me. Especially since it isn't a 100% a pure scumbag move since he didn't do it on purpose but damn did it sour the entire situation. Not to mention the soldiers pretty easily follow orders and contribute to the massacre. Mans quickly got over his mistake, bears the death of hundreds if not thousands and kills his sister. Then just goes on until s2 switches thing up.

This really brought sone Attack on Titan tragedy level stuff to the story.

About to finish it up now.
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