The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Oda been foreshadowed this


Woo Slap is now the unofficial 5th emperor :pimp:

Also Buggy stole Sengoku's goat

Oda been foreshadowed this


Woo Slap is now the unofficial 5th emperor :pimp:

Also Buggy stole Sengoku's goat


- He was a crewmate of Roger and very close to him, the same for the rest of the legendary crew like Silvers Raleigh.

- He had the choice to travel to Raftel but decided to stay on the ship.

- The other Yonkou, Shanks, considers him as a brother and a close friend.

- He decided to not join Shank’s crew (probably as second in command) because he didn’t want to be second to anyone.

- He probably fought against Blackbeard (another yonkou) 30 years ago alongside Shanks and Roger.

- He captured Luffy (another future Yonkou) in Loguetown and was the closest to kill him in 1050 chapters of manga, (At the same place where Roger was executed). And is speculated that he failed the execute to Luffy because the most dangerous man of One Piece, Dragon, saved him.

- He faced Ace, the 2nd commander of the Whitebeard Pirates when they where at peak strengh, he had the chance to kill him while he was sleeping on his ship, he decided to not do so, because he didn’t want trouble and partied with Ace all night.

- He stayed out of World Government radar’s for 30 years, despite of him engaging pirate activities continuously.

- Despite being captured by the Marine and tortured heavily by Impel Down guards, he never revealed that he possesed akuma no mi habilities.

- Moved around Impel Down’s level 2 to level 5 alongside Galdino for 20 hours, whole time while being persecuted by the whole jail security.

- Fought alongside 2 shichibukai and a supernova at the moment from the deepest level of Impel Down and reached the surface level.

- Scaped from the safest prison in the One Piece universe.

- Has hundred of high profile pirates as a crew.

- White beard acknowledged him at Marineford.

- He faced and survived a direct attack from the strongest swordman alive of the One Piece universe.

- He saved Luffy’s life more than once at marineford, 100% sure Luffy would have died without him. Remember when he took him to Law’s submarine.

- One of the few characters able to fly in One Piece.

- He is a former shichibukai.

- One of the most OP’s fruits in one piece, extremely effective against swordmans.

- Boss of Buggy’s mercenaries, one of the strongest pirate organizations of One piece.

- Probably luckiest character in the whole manga.

And probably there are more things that I don’t remember right now.

He had more feats than Kid and Law until they defeated Big Mom.
- He had the choice to travel to Raftel but decided to stay on the ship.

He got sick :lol:

Shanks chose to not go to Raftel and stay with him.
- He stayed out of World Government radar’s for 30 years, despite of him engaging pirate activities continuously.
He went to the weakest sea and still got a bounty.
- White beard acknowledged him at Marineford.
Not positively.
- He faced and survived a direct attack from the strongest swordman alive of the One Piece universe.
Cuz of his DF ability. This is like saying Luffy bravely stared down the barrel of a gun and took a bullet when he knows it'll bounce off.
- One of the few characters able to fly in One Piece.
This is not really a thing anymore. A bunch of ppl can fly. Green Bull was just shown flying.
He had more feats than Kid and Law until they defeated Big Mom.
So who here really thinks Kaido is defeated? :nerd:
I have been thinking all this time, this is the most unfulfilling end of a fight I have ever seen. Feels like any minute he is going to come back in his final form. However it's been 7 days so I guess not. However what is Kaido doing during all this time, just laying by the water in an underground cave?
I have been thinking all this time, this is the most unfulfilling end of a fight I have ever seen. Feels like any minute he is going to come back in his final form. However it's been 7 days so I guess not. However what is Kaido doing during all this time, just laying by the water in an underground cave?
Apparently Oda thinks fans will buy him and Big Mom buried under lava is a good enough reason for why they haven't got back up yet.

Weak to me too but almost every villain always gets a follow up after their defeat so we'll see if Oda has another story for them or if he'll just kill them.

Having two emperors stuck underground in Wano is honestly way more dangerous when you think of the future for the ppl.

Mail call
Nobody is going to tell me Oda wasn't seriously thinking of making Law a strawhat.
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Apparently Oda thinks fans will buy him and Big Mom buried under lava is a good enough reason for why they haven't got back up yet.

Weak to me too but almost every villain always gets a follow up after their defeat so we'll see if Oda has another story for them or if he'll just kill them.

Having two emperors stuck underground in Wano is honestly way more dangerous when you think of the future for the ppl.

Nobody is going to t all me Oda wasn't seriously thinking of making Law a strawhat
Agree, I don't know if I would want two emperors just chillin underneath me. Basically causing an earthquake whenever they want. Also if Kaido comes back to Wano, what would stop him from just taking it back. Luffy ain't beating Kaido one on one yet, Kaido has to know that. I guess BM is going to lick her wounds and go to Elbalf, where her and Luffy have a 1v1 to solidify his emperor status.
Apparently Oda thinks fans will buy him and Big Mom buried under lava is a good enough reason for why they haven't got back up yet.

Weak to me too but almost every villain always gets a follow up after their defeat so we'll see if Oda has another story for them or if he'll just kill them.

Having two emperors stuck underground in Wano is honestly way more dangerous when you think of the future for the ppl.

Nobody is going to tell me Oda wasn't seriously thinking of making Law a strawhat.

Maybe they got jettisoned during the earthquake and the explosion. There was that underwater volcanic eruption, so I don't imagine they're done from the story 100%.

I wish Oda took his 1 month break after he completely wrapped up the post wano stuff. I get it's really hard to pace a weekly series, cause you don't get the luxury of seeing the whole thing then going back to edit, but the early raid fluff could have been better utilized the past few chapters to round out the end of the fights and arc. At this point you can tell he's doing and focusing on whatever is fun and interesting to him, and he's also accelerating to the end of the series cutting stuff fans probably care about more than him.
I could be wrong but I think Momo is Pluton in the same way that shirohoahi is Poseidon
Then the poneglyph was totally wrong :lol:

Also the whole blueprints for Pluton subplot back in Water 7 makes no sense. It apparently was already built and hidden somewhere. Select few shipwrights had blueprints to build another though.
finished reading Uzumaki.... damn that **** was creepy.

esp when the mom cut the skin off her toe and finger cause of the spiral... then the cochlea in her ear :sick: :sick: :sick:

first half was better than the last half for sure but the snail one as well was disgusting.

ending was cool. didnt mind.

Should I read Tomei or Gyo next?
finished reading Uzumaki.... damn that **** was creepy.

esp when the mom cut the skin off her toe and finger cause of the spiral... then the cochlea in her ear :sick: :sick: :sick:

first half was better than the last half for sure but the snail one as well was disgusting.

ending was cool. didnt mind.

Should I read Tomei or Gyo next?
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