The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Y’all messin up if you’re not watchin Link Click. It’s on funimation. Probably the best show I’ve seen this year
WOW 4-week break, haven't had a scheduled break of this magnitude since the time skip. I wonder does Luffy still have his Joy Boy powers activated based on his eyes or just Oda being silly. Curious why they didn't make all three of them emperors since they have the same bounties. Also, I don't like the new Luffy bounty picture, it just doesn't do it justice since it isn't in color. The picture needs to be zoomed out a little to show off more of his flame hair.

Curious what this admiral is going to do, the three captains rested should be able to mop the floor with him. Unless we have some heavy hitters on that warship. I wonder if Oda is going to fast forward the action and just pick up with all the captains knocked out and their crew trying to escape the action before getting captured.
I feel like Green Bull only intends to go after the pirates and actually help the ppl of Wano with his DF ability.

One warship isn't going to be enough to take down 3 pirate crews and probably the minks helping. Unless the SSG are gonna be revealed next.

Been watching Record of Grancrest War.

The main character just throws me off. When it started I thought it was a different type of anime but this guy isn't funny, a perv, stupid, a genius, a hot head, no dream or great ambitions (just wanted to save his village), nor does he have any special skills to make him stand out. He is so plain and doesn't really have any charisma.

At best I guess he's in general a noble and good guy? But not even like focusing heavy on honor or any strict principals. Just has the base good guy values every other shonen MC has. I can only see a heel turn making this Theo guy interesting. His ascension in rank and to royalty is crazy. Almost thought his allies were all under some spell. Son taking on Ls. Its almost like if Robb Stark just kept winning and winning.

The show surprised me cuz action wise its more like Ravages of Time and Vinland Saga. Ain't no soft deaths or plot device power ups or asspull wins. Its kept my attention cuz of that.

Its also wild since the real villains of the story haven't even really showed up yet (demons).
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Been watching OP and on episode 50ish I believe. Where they defeated the thief/ girls master the shark dude so she can be free.

I like the show, does it get more serious in tone or darker? So far it’s pretty “campy” “ light hearted”
Not in a bad way. Just wanted to to know if it gets more dramatic?

Also watch AOT, I am so lost now :lol: got to the part where the attack titan Can see the future? And Erénpretty much manipulating his pops? ***** :lol:
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Been watching OP and on episode 50ish I believe. Where they defeated the thief/ girls master the shark dude so she can be free.

I like the show, does it get more serious in tone or darker? So far it’s pretty “campy” “ light hearted”
Not in a bad way. Just wanted to to know if it gets more dramatic?

Also watch AOT, I am so lost now :lol: got to the part where the attack titan Can see the future? And Eréndira pretty much manipulating his pops? ***** :lol:

Nami's mom getting shot in the head was "light hearted"? :lol:

OP has it serious moments but pre time skip (which is where you are) is generally more goofy. However, there are a few serious moments for sure.

Enjoy it though bc a lot of people (including me) miss the goofiness of the crew from pre time skip, Post time skip gets a lot more serious.
I feel like Green Bull only intends to go after the pirates and actually help the ppl of Wano with his DF ability.

One warship isn't going to be enough to take down 3 pirate crews and probably the minks helping. Unless the SSG are gonna be revealed next.

You can see as Greenbull walks around all the flora in Wano in already being restored. Udon's flora is completely restored and it's no longer a wasteland and if you look at the ground as he walks to the capital the flowers and grass are coming back as he walks.

I think something will definitely get in the way of Greenbull, but handling King and Queen like light work was impressive, but it kind of seemed like they may still be injured from the previous fight. Big Mom's ship still around maybe. Then her and Kaido might pop up or take out the warship incoming or the one on the coast making him veer off to handle that. But Luffy seems to be his target. Gotta have enough of a threat to have for a quick exit I feel, but delay Green bull enough to have the full party and get all the lore drops from Robin and whatever else, maybe Zoro and the grim reaper follow up or him wondering about black swords, etc.

Definitely want to see what the SSG cooked up that made them comfortable getting rid of the warlords and what happened with Koby and what not.

I don't really care about Buggy, but Luffy should tell Kidd if he wants an easy target, that's the one.
Nami's mom getting shot in the head was "light hearted"? :lol:

OP has it serious moments but pre time skip (which is where you are) is generally more goofy. However, there are a few serious moments for sure.

Enjoy it though bc a lot of people (including me) miss the goofiness of the crew from pre time skip, Post time skip gets a lot more serious.

def miss the goofiness. the alabasta arc is masterful comedy.
Buggy also added more to his crew from Impel down. He got some level 5 prisoner(s) that are strong
Been watching OP and on episode 50ish I believe. Where they defeated the thief/ girls master the shark dude so she can be free.

I like the show, does it get more serious in tone or darker? So far it’s pretty “campy” “ light hearted”
Not in a bad way. Just wanted to to know if it gets more dramatic?

Also watch AOT, I am so lost now :lol: got to the part where the attack titan Can see the future? And Erénpretty much manipulating his pops? ***** :lol:
How you ask this right after you finished the Baratie arc?

A child and old man starving for days to the point he cuts off his own leg and eats it isnt dramatic enough

Mihawk showing up and finishing the job on massacring a pirate fleet wasn't enough drama?

Hell, Gin's entire subplot? Man started off murdering a marine to free himself and then proceeded to hd up a whole restaurant until he was fed. The struggle between gratitude for Sanji and loyalty to this captain? :nerd:
How you ask this right after you finished the Baratie arc?

A child and old man starving for days to the point he cuts off his own leg and eats it isnt dramatic
Wait is there another version? The one I saw was he cut off his leg to save that kid when there were in the ocean.
Wait is there another version? The one I saw was he cut off his leg to save that kid when there were in the ocean.

Zeff's Severed Leg​

The background on how Zeff lost his leg differs between anime and manga. In the manga, he severed it with a rock and ate it to survive. In the anime, he lost it during the ship wreck in an attempt to save Sanji. Zeff's leg got caught in the wreckage and he tied the metal chain of a ship's anchor around it, causing the leg to be ripped off when the ship was thrown around by the tides and the chain tightened. The change was due to censorship, as it was considered too much of a shock for young children.[37]

The new adaption of the events in Episode 801 also follows the original anime scenario. However, Episode of East Blue, an abridged retelling of the East Blue Saga, leaves out the non-canon anime scenes and implies that Zeff ate his leg.
Buggy also added more to his crew from Impel down. He got some level 5 prisoner(s) that are strong
He also said the giants were the biggest earners in his mercenary group and they all left to join Luffy. He definitely was recruiting in the new world to start his "delivery service" and was said to have the monopoly on the war market once Doflamingo went down since his mercenaries would fill the void. So I'm sure that has something to do with it. Something impressive probably happened when the navy went to catch him that got him this status though.
He also said the giants were the biggest earners in his mercenary group and they all left to join Luffy. He definitely was recruiting in the new world to start his "delivery service" and was said to have the monopoly on the war market once Doflamingo went down since his mercenaries would fill the void. So I'm sure that has something to do with it. Something impressive probably happened when the navy went to catch him that got him this status though.
I thought it was Shanks that got him up there in status
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