The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

For those interested, MS confirmed that Bleach will be coming back next week. Hopefully the final arc was worth the wait.
Garp was the ****** MAN!
Knocked the hell outta ol conehead ROFL

I wonder what is going on with Law vs DD and Fujitora
Bleach better come out guns blazing next week!
naruto was good. dat uzumaki dance go like

OP was :pimp: :pimp:

that final KO was epic like

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls Episode 1

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls Episode 2
:wow: Dragged Suzumoto-san like nothing and smashed her up against the wall

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls Episode 3
One crazy story

Corpse Party: Tortured Souls Episode 4
Just arms! :wow:

Minato only sealed half of the 9 tails' being into Naruto.

The other half got sealed into his own self when he and Kushina died.

So when Oro reanimated him, the other half of the 9 tails that got sealed into him when he died was also brought back.

It is the reason he has the same type of chakra cloak as Naruto.
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Thought the same thing, co-worker of mine just thinks the 4th has his chakra. He also thinks that Naruto just cloaked everyone and didnt GIVE them chakra. The guy is a complete mess.
Well wait a minute. After thinking a bit on it, Your co-worker might be on to something. Since they both have half of Kurama inside of them, then neither are true Jinchuuriki (like Bee for example). Also, if I remember correctly, Naruto couldn't fully transform into Kurama like how Bee could turn into the 8-tails (he had that chakra form Kurama goin on). As for the whole cloaking thing, you co-worker might be wrong on that end. :lol:
Thought the same thing, co-worker of mine just thinks the 4th has his chakra. He also thinks that Naruto just cloaked everyone and didnt GIVE them chakra. The guy is a complete mess.
Well wait a minute. After thinking a bit on it, Your co-worker might be on to something. Since they both have half of Kurama inside of them, then neither are true Jinchuuriki (like Bee for example). Also, if I remember correctly, Naruto couldn't fully transform into Kurama like how Bee could turn into the 8-tails (he had that chakra form Kurama goin on). As for the whole cloaking thing, you co-worker might be wrong on that end. :lol:

I always thought that Minato died because a sacrifice was needed to make to jutsu happen. So Minato Sacrificed himself, because if Minato sealed half on the 9 tails into Naruto then the other half into himself who the hell did the grim reaper seal? Or for that natter why was he needed.

Also if he just has the 9 tails chakra why is the 9 tails speaking to him as if he were a Jink?

Has me wondering if Ginkaku & Kinkaku could do the same. (rubs chin)
Thought the same thing, co-worker of mine just thinks the 4th has his chakra. He also thinks that Naruto just cloaked everyone and didnt GIVE them chakra. The guy is a complete mess.
Well wait a minute. After thinking a bit on it, Your co-worker might be on to something. Since they both have half of Kurama inside of them, then neither are true Jinchuuriki (like Bee for example). Also, if I remember correctly, Naruto couldn't fully transform into Kurama like how Bee could turn into the 8-tails (he had that chakra form Kurama goin on). As for the whole cloaking thing, you co-worker might be wrong on that end. :lol:

I always thought that Minato died because a sacrifice was needed to make to jutsu happen. So Minato Sacrificed himself, because if Minato sealed half on the 9 tails into Naruto then the other half into himself who the hell did the grim reaper seal? Or for that natter why was he needed.

Also if he just has the 9 tails chakra why is the 9 tails speaking to him as if he were a Jink?

Has me wondering if Ginkaku & Kinkaku could do the same. (rubs chin)

That is the reason he died, he sealed it within himself because, as a whole, the nine tails was too powerful/big to be completely sealed in Naruto. He has the evil half, Naruto has the "good" half, as to why he's able to talk to him...guess its because he's been reunited with its other half?

As for the Gold & Sliver brothers, I doubt it because they just ate his flesh and gained some of his chakra
Thought the same thing, co-worker of mine just thinks the 4th has his chakra. He also thinks that Naruto just cloaked everyone and didnt GIVE them chakra. The guy is a complete mess.
Well wait a minute. After thinking a bit on it, Your co-worker might be on to something. Since they both have half of Kurama inside of them, then neither are true Jinchuuriki (like Bee for example). Also, if I remember correctly, Naruto couldn't fully transform into Kurama like how Bee could turn into the 8-tails (he had that chakra form Kurama goin on). As for the whole cloaking thing, you co-worker might be wrong on that end. :lol:

I always thought that Minato died because a sacrifice was needed to make to jutsu happen. So Minato Sacrificed himself, because if Minato sealed half on the 9 tails into Naruto then the other half into himself who the hell did the grim reaper seal? Or for that natter why was he needed.

Also if he just has the 9 tails chakra why is the 9 tails speaking to him as if he were a Jink?

Has me wondering if Ginkaku & Kinkaku could do the same. (rubs chin)

Minato used the Grim reaper seal on the 9 tails. He had no way to defeat the 9 tails otherwise so he had half the nine-tails chakra sealed into him( same thing the 3rd hokage did with orochimaru's arms) and with the last effort used Kushina's help to seal the other half within Naruto because he knew he would need it in the future.

Minato being able to actually use the 9 tails chakra like other Jinchuuriki was just something they added to further the plot imo because it really makes no sense seeing how he was dead this whole time and would have no time to learn how to use it. I dont think they explained it yet.
Thought the same thing, co-worker of mine just thinks the 4th has his chakra. He also thinks that Naruto just cloaked everyone and didnt GIVE them chakra. The guy is a complete mess.
Well wait a minute. After thinking a bit on it, Your co-worker might be on to something. Since they both have half of Kurama inside of them, then neither are true Jinchuuriki (like Bee for example). Also, if I remember correctly, Naruto couldn't fully transform into Kurama like how Bee could turn into the 8-tails (he had that chakra form Kurama goin on). As for the whole cloaking thing, you co-worker might be wrong on that end. :lol:

I always thought that Minato died because a sacrifice was needed to make to jutsu happen. So Minato Sacrificed himself, because if Minato sealed half on the 9 tails into Naruto then the other half into himself who the hell did the grim reaper seal? Or for that natter why was he needed.

Also if he just has the 9 tails chakra why is the 9 tails speaking to him as if he were a Jink?

Has me wondering if Ginkaku & Kinkaku could do the same. (rubs chin)

That is the reason he died, he sealed it within himself because, as a whole, the nine tails was too powerful/big to be completely sealed in Naruto. He has the evil half, Naruto has the "good" half, as to why he's able to talk to him...guess its because he's been reunited with its other half?

As for the Gold & Sliver brothers, I doubt it because they just ate his flesh and gained some of his chakra

just a quick thing, its more light and dark, yin/yang than good and evil. Both kyuubis seem to be fairly evil

but anyway, Minato didnt need to sacrifice himself at all. he couldve just let Kushina reseal the kyuubi back in herself, seeing as she was dying, the kyuubi wouldve died too, but eventually come back. But minato/ Kishimoto did a nonsensical thing and sacrificed both of them
just a quick thing, its more light and dark, yin/yang than good and evil. Both kyuubis seem to be fairly evil

but anyway, Minato didnt need to sacrifice himself at all. he couldve just let Kushina reseal the kyuubi back in herself, seeing as she was dying, the kyuubi wouldve died too, but eventually come back. But minato/ Kishimoto did a nonsensical thing and sacrificed both of them
Well, it's not like Minato was going to survive being impaled through the chest like that. :lol:
Here's a nice piece about it from the wiki:
Kushina used her chakra chains to subdue Kurama, planning to seal it back inside her before she dies. However, Minato, knowing that Kurama would revive without a host, and how great a threat the masked man is, came up with a plan to give Naruto the means to combat the masked man in the future when he decides to attack again.
Since Kurama's chakra was too immense to be sealed within an infant like Naruto, Minato first used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to separate and seal its Yin half within himself and then prepared the Eight Trigrams Seal to imprison the Yang half within Naruto.[4][5] Kurama realised Minato's intention and attempted to stop the process by killing Naruto while Kushina was weakened, but both of the parents sacrificed themselves to protect their newborn child and completed the sealing, with Kurama cursing the pair during its last moments of freedom.
just a quick thing, its more light and dark, yin/yang than good and evil. Both kyuubis seem to be fairly evil

but anyway, Minato didnt need to sacrifice himself at all. he couldve just let Kushina reseal the kyuubi back in herself, seeing as she was dying, the kyuubi wouldve died too, but eventually come back. But minato/ Kishimoto did a nonsensical thing and sacrificed both of them
Well, it's not like Minato was going to survive being impaled through the chest like that. :lol:
Here's a nice piece about it from the wiki:
Kushina used her chakra chains to subdue Kurama, planning to seal it back inside her before she dies. However, Minato, knowing that Kurama would revive without a host, and how great a threat the masked man is, came up with a plan to give Naruto the means to combat the masked man in the future when he decides to attack again.
Since Kurama's chakra was too immense to be sealed within an infant like Naruto, Minato first used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to separate and seal its Yin half within himself and then prepared the Eight Trigrams Seal to imprison the Yang half within Naruto.[4][5] Kurama realised Minato's intention and attempted to stop the process by killing Naruto while Kushina was weakened, but both of the parents sacrificed themselves to protect their newborn child and completed the sealing, with Kurama cursing the pair during its last moments of freedom.

he was stabbed after he had decided to seal his soul away. Im saying let Kushina do her thing. The kyuubi will come back eventually, sure, but at least hes still alive. That whole arc was just Kishi trying to figure out a way to kill minato and he kinda failed to make it not be dumb
I've tried to get into one piece... I just cant.
I was the same way before. It is real good if you give it a chance. Plus, when Bleach and Naruto end, One Piece will probably be the only one of the big 3 left, so might as well get on board now. :lol:
he was stabbed after he had decided to seal his soul away. Im saying let Kushina do her thing. The kyuubi will come back eventually, sure, but at least hes still alive. That whole arc was just Kishi trying to figure out a way to kill minato and he kinda failed to make it not be dumb
I don't see how a father giving his life to save his son is dumb, but I guess we all see things differently.
he was stabbed after he had decided to seal his soul away. Im saying let Kushina do her thing. The kyuubi will come back eventually, sure, but at least hes still alive. That whole arc was just Kishi trying to figure out a way to kill minato and he kinda failed to make it not be dumb
I don't see how a father giving his life to save his son is dumb, but I guess we all see things differently.
His son wasnt really in any danger. Kushina was ready to bring the kyuubi back inside her and die. Thus averting the situation until a further date. Naruto lives, and Minato the hokage lives. Also did he not think about what would happen to the village? His actions forced hiruzen out of retirement and allowed danzo to gain more of a foothold and banish the uchiha to the outskirts, setting in motion the massacre. Thats not next level thinking from a genius hokage. And then he leaves naruto to have a horrible orphan life, instead of being there for him.

And lets not forget that Obito was no match for Minato. The village couldve come up with a plan for how to trap the kyuubi once it came back. Originally, Kishi wrote it as if there was no other options for minato and he did all he could. there was a big glaring option right in front of him, when Kishi explains it years later

The minato situation is almost as dumb as having goku hide his ss3 form from majin vegeta and allowing himself to get ko'd. Instead of being around to kill fat buu
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just a quick thing, its more light and dark, yin/yang than good and evil. Both kyuubis seem to be fairly evil

but anyway, Minato didnt need to sacrifice himself at all. he couldve just let Kushina reseal the kyuubi back in herself, seeing as she was dying, the kyuubi wouldve died too, but eventually come back. But minato/ Kishimoto did a nonsensical thing and sacrificed both of them
Well, it's not like Minato was going to survive being impaled through the chest like that. :lol:
Here's a nice piece about it from the wiki:
Kushina used her chakra chains to subdue Kurama, planning to seal it back inside her before she dies. However, Minato, knowing that Kurama would revive without a host, and how great a threat the masked man is, came up with a plan to give Naruto the means to combat the masked man in the future when he decides to attack again.
Since Kurama's chakra was too immense to be sealed within an infant like Naruto, Minato first used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to separate and seal its Yin half within himself and then prepared the Eight Trigrams Seal to imprison the Yang half within Naruto.[4][5] Kurama realised Minato's intention and attempted to stop the process by killing Naruto while Kushina was weakened, but both of the parents sacrificed themselves to protect their newborn child and completed the sealing, with Kurama cursing the pair during its last moments of freedom.

Now I get it. Kishi just made things weird having Minato talking to Kurama.

thanks sappy and blake
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So.... When are they going to write my boy Itachi back into the story? :nerd:

C'mon Kishi... Give me at least one chapter with my boy back in it...
So.... When are they going to write my boy Itachi back into the story? :nerd:

C'mon Kishi... Give me at least one chapter with my boy back in it...
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