The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I expect dofla to demolish sanji. The fight probably won't happen. Law has to intervene or else the straw hats will be down one. Thinkin about how this story is progressing, there will probably be another time skip. When you think of the strongest pirates in the one piece world, you have the yonkou who are in a category of their own. Then you have their captains and various members who are either at or above warlord level. Luffy right now is probably at warlord level. Zoro might be close and sanji is probably under him. The crew is too weak for the new world. I wonder what will change in the future.

Yeah. Where would you rank Brook? I mean he's no slouch but he ain't in the league of the Monster Trio
Damn, Sanji a certified G :pimp: Went at Vergo and now Doffy?! Don't expect him him to win or even a full fight, just enough for Law to hop in and they hold him off. But Sanji is easily the most versatile member of the crew and my favorite. Got the brains for strategy and quick thinking, the brawn to go against almost anyone and always there for the save with an epic entrance. Black Leg got it all tho :pimp:
I expect dofla to demolish sanji. The fight probably won't happen. Law has to intervene or else the straw hats will be down one. Thinkin about how this story is progressing, there will probably be another time skip. When you think of the strongest pirates in the one piece world, you have the yonkou who are in a category of their own. Then you have their captains and various members who are either at or above warlord level. Luffy right now is probably at warlord level. Zoro might be close and sanji is probably under him. The crew is too weak for the new world. I wonder what will change in the future.

hmm, you've got a point. idk how strong the crew is. without the tools, nami/ussop/brook are weak. franky could hold his own to certain people. but id think he'd eventually lose to a serious devil fruit user or former rogers era pirate. nico robin isn't winning against the 4 yonkou or an warlords. but at the same time i have a hard time seeing a weakness in her ability. only thing i can see is if it can be overpowered by brute strength..

luffy, sanji, zoro are the strongest def. sanji's haki isn't up there. he would've lost to vergo eventually. if he can go haki armament on his legs, sanji would be :wow:

zoro is unknown because we still don't know about his eye, what kind of training he had, and how strong he really is since training under hawkeyes.

luffy's haki is rogers level. and is excellent at hand to hand combat. besides, the dark king wouldn't cosign luffy to go to new world unless he felt he was ready.

donflamingo's abilities are ambiguous to me. can anyone fill me in? he seems to control people...wat did he eat a....puppet puppet fruit or some ****? :lol:
wow... didn't expect this match up :smokin

still mad that Tsuna isn't dead in Naruto :smh:
her body was in half...


EDIT: that minor story belonged in the creepy story thread :lol:
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donflamingo's abilities are ambiguous to me. can anyone fill me in? he seems to control people...wat did he eat a....puppet puppet fruit or some ****? :lol:

Here's the wiki on his abilities. :x :lol:
Abilities and Powers

As the captain of the Donquixote Pirates, Donquixote Doflamingo has complete authority over the crew. He is active in the realm of underworld brokering (including slavery, and production and distribution of weapons of mass destruction) in the New World, and is currently the most resourceful and influential broker there is. In addition, he is the king of Dressrosa, which gives him dominion over an entire kingdom. Being able to deceive the entire world that he resigned from the Shichibukai is considered to be an impossible feat by anyone less than a World Noble, as Law suggested that Doflamingo has something to do with them due to this.[34]

He is the only Shichibukai known to fight one of his colleagues, Gekko Moriah, and seriously injure him (though he was aided by a small group of Pacifistas and Moriah had yet to recover from his injuries from the war). Whoever ordered him to take out Moriah apparently had enough confidence in his strength to have him kill a fellow Shichibukai, and was highly disappointed when he allowed Moriah to escape before the final blow could be dealt. He claimed that the one who gave him the order to kill Moriah was of higher rank than Sengoku, those being either the Gorosei or Commander-in-Chief Kong, or somebody else of high rank within the World Government.[30]

He is so powerful that Law suggested that if Doflamingo resigns from his position, the Marines will send their top fighters, the admirals, against him. His strength over the lower ranked Marines was enforced when Doflamingo toyed around with Vice Admirals Mozambia and Stainless, and then later defeated Vice Admiral Smoker, both occasions with tremendous ease, showing that he has the ability to take down at least a Vice Admiral at Smoker's level (who's formidable as a Logia-class Devil Fruit user). He is so strong that Law, a super rookie and a Shichibukai, chose not to fight until he encountered Doflamingo to save energy and have a higher chance against him.

Aside from his tremendous combat skills, Doflamingo has great amounts of influence on the world, being a Shichibukai and a world famous pirate. He is also known as Joker, the most powerful broker in the underworld. He had the Bellamy Pirates under his authority, as well as powerful subordinates such as Vice Admiral Vergo and Monet, as well as formerly Trafalgar Law, who is now a fellow Shichibukai. He had Vergo installed into the Marines as a spy, thus having a trusted and convenient Marine under his command. Doflamingo is also associated with the former World Government scientist, Caesar Clown, but does not trust him and placed Monet as a deep cover agent to monitor his actions.

In addition, Doflamingo was the owner of the once-most popular Human Auctioning House in Sabaody Archipelago, but gave it to Disco when he lost interest in slave-trading in favor of the Battle of Marineford and the New Age. His abandonment of the auction hall made it succumb to ruination, further demonstrating the power of his influence (and the consequences for the lack of it). He seems to have alot of connections as he was able to acquire the reborn Mera Mera no Mi.

He is well-versed in psychological warfare, as he prepared to use the fruit as bait to break apart the alliance between Luffy and Law, believing that Luffy would never allow anyone else to have it. True enough, after learning of the fruit being offered as the grand prize at the Corrida Coliseum, Luffy immediately entered himself into the contest to try to win it. This displays great insight from Doflamingo towards other people. He also used his influence to have the media print out a falsified news of his resignation from the Shichibukai in order to set a trap for his foes.[35]
Physical Abilities

Donquixote Doflamingo is one of the most powerful pirates to appear so far. He has displayed physical abilities of superhuman dexterity and speed, with excellent reaction time.

Agility & Levitation
Doflamingo has considerable reflexes and agility. He was able to dodge Oars Jr.'s attacks with relative ease and completely jumped over Oars Jr.'s gigantic body. He was fast enough to escape through the eye of Crocodile's sandstorm and exit unscathed. He also showed enough strength to equally clash against Crocodile's hook with just a kick. For unknown reasons, he can also glide or fly in midair using the Sky Path (空の道 Sora no Michi?), as seen when he did so to cross over the seas to reach Punk Hazard from Dressrosa.[20][18]

Strength and Endurance
A testament to his power is that (like fellow Shichibukai Dracule Mihawk and Boa Hancock) over the course of the series he has never been injured by any other character during a battle. This is noteworthy as he was present in the war between the Marines and Whitebeard Pirates, a battle in which most of the series' strongest individuals, such as Sengoku, were in some way injured. When Baby 5 attacked him and actually hit him with an explosive round, one that he did not even attempt to dodge, Doflamingo took no damage at all and continued his conversation, not even paying attention to it. He also effortlessly dodged all other attacks from her.[16] He was also able to block a Diable Jambe enhanced kick from Sanji with his knee.[36]

He managed to prevent himself from being completely frozen by Kuzan, as shortly after the ice encased him, he shattered the frozen prison unharmed, while normally it would have led to the victim becoming dangerously brittle.

Miscellaneous Skills
Doflamingo's power seems to revolve around the manipulation of strings.[19] He usually moves his fingers accordingly to bend them as he pleases for either manipulating people like puppets or bifurcate his targets. The strings appear to be extremely thin or may even be invisible, making it almost impossible to notice and avoid them. He has shown himself capable of controlling more than one person at the same time without apparent effort. This power is classified as a Paramecia-class Devil Fruit in One Piece: Gigant Battle! 2 New World.[38]

He can make his victims move to his will by moving his fingers accordingly. Doflamingo mainly uses this power to force comrades to fight (and even kill) each other, while Doflamingo himself sits at the sidelines and watches. In One Py Berry Match this ability is named as Marionette (マリオネット Marionetto?). It is currently unknown what the limitations of his abilities are. Every one of his victims being controlled was unable to resist his powers and therefore was rendered completely helpless. This ability is even powerful enough to stop the physically strong "Diamond" Jozu in his tracks, preventing him from further attacking Crocodile.

The strings can also be used for cutting, allowing Doflamingo to effortlessly slice off body parts and destroy weapons. He managed to cleanly sever Oars Jr.'s right leg in one swift motion and decapitated Crocodile, though Crocodile's powers only made this a nuisance (due to them not being imbued with Busoshoku Haki). When Issho brought down a meteorite on Green Bit, he crossed his strings to form a net, and sliced the meteorite into small pieces to protect himself from harm

Doflamingo possesses both Busoshoku Haki and Haoshoku Haki. His Haki powers were first revealed during his fight against the G-5 Marines, using Busoshoku Haki in conjunction with his wires to cut the Logia-class user Smoker, and Haoshoku Haki to knock out the majority of G-5 soldiers.

Dude is OP. :x
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hmm, you've got a point. idk how strong the crew is. without the tools, nami/ussop/brook are weak. franky could hold his own to certain people. but id think he'd eventually lose to a serious devil fruit user or former rogers era pirate. nico robin isn't winning against the 4 yonkou or an warlords. but at the same time i have a hard time seeing a weakness in her ability. only thing i can see is if it can be overpowered by brute strength..

luffy, sanji, zoro are the strongest def. sanji's haki isn't up there. he would've lost to vergo eventually. if he can go haki armament on his legs, sanji would be

zoro is unknown because we still don't know about his eye, what kind of training he had, and how strong he really is since training under hawkeyes.

luffy's haki is rogers level. and is excellent at hand to hand combat. besides, the dark king wouldn't cosign luffy to go to new world unless he felt he was ready.

donflamingo's abilities are ambiguous to me. can anyone fill me in? he seems to control people...wat did he eat a....puppet puppet fruit or some ****?
Doflamingo ability uses "wires" I don't think they're visible. That's how he controls people and how he cut off Little Oars Jr.'s leg and crocodile's head. 

I think we've seen all the weakling trio and the Mid trio have to offer, but I don't think we've seen close to anything Luffy, Zoro, or sanji have to offer, none of them have been pushed yet. Also Sanji can use armament on his legs. Him, Zoro, and Luffy all have Observation Haki and Armament haki. Sanji specializes in Oberservation haki tho, which might help him fight Doflamingo since he might be able to detect the wires. Zoro specializes in armament haki and Luffy in Conquer's haki, according to Oda.

I think Sanji is about equal to Vergo, when he fought him his body was already in bad condition thanks to Nami, but he's not beating Doffy, but he's not getting stomped either, plus Law is still there to help. 

Luffy's haki isn't roger's level. His conquer's haki isn't even close to Shanks level apparently and Garp and Roger had about equal haki in terms of armament and garp was turning mountains into dust when he used it to punch. Rayleigh already said that it would take Luffy time to fully master all 3 types of Haki and that after 2 years he'd know the basics of the 3, but Luffy learned the basics in a year and a half. Then when he was fighting Hody he said he still hadn't had enough time to master armament fully when Hody bit him. 

They're definitely ready for the New World tho, especially if they recruit Violet at the end of the arc. They all get stronger after each arc and none of them have been pushed yet, even when Luffy fought DCJ he beat him low to mid difficulty, so while they can't take down a Yonkou yet at least by themselves, they should make plenty of noise in the New World. 
I disagree with what you said about sanji and vergo. Vergo was on the verge of beating law granted he had his heart, but that wasn't a factor because he didn't use it until he clearly had the upper hand in the fight. Luffy isn't all that either IMO. The story does revolve around him, but you have to remember that every big fight that he's won, he first lost badly. As of now he's very powerful yes. But I still see him losing against all of the current warlords, law included. He has no shot vs the yonkou, admirals, and probably will struggle with some vice admirals. Not to mention all the talents in the new world. We haven't even seen the other supernovas. They each had two years to train and learn more about the new world than luffy. Although training with Rayleigh is a big plus, I'm not sure he's ready for kidd or law. Idk where you got that he has the same level haki of roger from. To Answer your question about brook, he would be better than nami, chopper, and ussop. You also forgot that when sanji fought vergo, he damn near broke his leg while fighting about 20 secs in. What did vergo do after fighting sanji? Fought law AND smoker. Sanji isnt doing anything significant. It's just luffy and zoro.
Is reading One Piece worth it?

Never really got into it... So I'd pretty much have to start at Chapter 1.

Also, WAY too much talking in both Naruto and Bleach today.. I will never understand how dudes will be in the middle of a fight but exchange enough lines to fill three body paragraphs.
It's completely worth it. I read Naruto and Bleach still just because I've gotten this far so I may as well keep reading.

I stopped looking forward to new chapters so long ago. I'm looking forward to their ends. It's the exact opposite for OP.

I can't remember not eagerly awaiting the next chapter. You will not be disappointed.
One piece > naruto & bleach by far. It's a lot that's left to be answered, but the detailing in op is amazing. Characters actually die in op and not just fodder. They also stay dead.
Idk Sanji when he fought Vergo he was already injured from when Nami was in his body, but Idk how much that affected him. I mean I know Sanji is the weakest out of the monster trio, but I don't think he's as weak as you're making him out to be. Plus Doflamingo just mentioned Sanji was strong. I know he didn't mean near him level, but he's at least saying Sanji isnt a pushover. I put Luffy, Law, and Kid at about the same level just in terms of strength, not including New World knowledge which Luffy is lacking. I think Luffy has a lot of room for growth still, but I don't think we've seen all he has to offer either. By the end of this arc we should have a better understand of where to rank the strawhats and their ability to survive in the NW.
hmm, you've got a point. idk how strong the crew is. without the tools, nami/ussop/brook are weak. franky could hold his own to certain people. but id think he'd eventually lose to a serious devil fruit user or former rogers era pirate. nico robin isn't winning against the 4 yonkou or an warlords. but at the same time i have a hard time seeing a weakness in her ability. only thing i can see is if it can be overpowered by brute strength..

luffy, sanji, zoro are the strongest def. sanji's haki isn't up there. he would've lost to vergo eventually. if he can go haki armament on his legs, sanji would be :wow:

zoro is unknown because we still don't know about his eye, what kind of training he had, and how strong he really is since training under hawkeyes.

luffy's haki is rogers level. and is excellent at hand to hand combat. besides, the dark king wouldn't cosign luffy to go to new world unless he felt he was ready.

donflamingo's abilities are ambiguous to me. can anyone fill me in? he seems to control people...wat did he eat a....puppet puppet fruit or some ****? :lol:

Doflamingo ability uses "wires" I don't think they're visible. That's how he controls people and how he cut off Little Oars Jr.'s leg and crocodile's head. 

I think we've seen all the weakling trio and the Mid trio have to offer, but I don't think we've seen close to anything Luffy, Zoro, or sanji have to offer, none of them have been pushed yet. Also Sanji can use armament on his legs. Him, Zoro, and Luffy all have Observation Haki and Armament haki. Sanji specializes in Oberservation haki tho, which might help him fight Doflamingo since he might be able to detect the wires. Zoro specializes in armament haki and Luffy in Conquer's haki, according to Oda.

I think Sanji is about equal to Vergo, when he fought him his body was already in bad condition thanks to Nami, but he's not beating Doffy, but he's not getting stomped either, plus Law is still there to help. 

Luffy's haki isn't roger's level. His conquer's haki isn't even close to Shanks level apparently and Garp and Roger had about equal haki in terms of armament and garp was turning mountains into dust when he used it to punch. Rayleigh already said that it would take Luffy time to fully master all 3 types of Haki and that after 2 years he'd know the basics of the 3, but Luffy learned the basics in a year and a half. Then when he was fighting Hody he said he still hadn't had enough time to master armament fully when Hody bit him. 

They're definitely ready for the New World tho, especially if they recruit Violet at the end of the arc. They all get stronger after each arc and none of them have been pushed yet, even when Luffy fought DCJ he beat him low to mid difficulty, so while they can't take down a Yonkou yet at least by themselves, they should make plenty of noise in the New World. 

good memory. well said.
I disagree with what you said about sanji and vergo. Vergo was on the verge of beating law granted he had his heart, but that wasn't a factor because he didn't use it until he clearly had the upper hand in the fight. Luffy isn't all that either IMO. The story does revolve around him, but you have to remember that every big fight that he's won, he first lost badly. As of now he's very powerful yes. But I still see him losing against all of the current warlords, law included. He has no shot vs the yonkou, admirals, and probably will struggle with some vice admirals. Not to mention all the talents in the new world. We haven't even seen the other supernovas. They each had two years to train and learn more about the new world than luffy. Although training with Rayleigh is a big plus, I'm not sure he's ready for kidd or law. Idk where you got that he has the same level haki of roger from. To Answer your question about brook, he would be better than nami, chopper, and ussop. You also forgot that when sanji fought vergo, he damn near broke his leg while fighting about 20 secs in. What did vergo do after fighting sanji? Fought law AND smoker. Sanji isnt doing anything significant. It's just luffy and zoro.

I think you're really underestimating Luffy here. His training with Rayleigh wasn't to make him the strongest on the seas, but to give him the tools to do so. So while all the other Supernovas were out getting experience, Luffy was following the blueprint to surpass Roger. The Strawhats will gain their experience, and fast, with them pursuing/ being pursued by Yonkou out the gate and with each passing arc, they grow stronger. And Vergo only had the upper hand on Law due to having his heart, otherwise Law would've probably sliced his *** in the beginning. And he didn't break his leg, was just a crack. Sanji had no problems moving on it afterward or anything.
Agreed with leb13. I believe the crew is more than ready for the new world. We have yet to see them fight at full strength which is in a way disappointing to me since we've gone through 2 arcs without an all out luffy or zero. They're compared the the other terrible rookie generation crews which have already made a splash and established themselves in the new world already.
I think you're really underestimating Luffy here. His training with Rayleigh wasn't to make him the strongest on the seas, but to give him the tools to do so. So while all the other Supernovas were out getting experience, Luffy was following the blueprint to surpass Roger. The Strawhats will gain their experience, and fast, with them pursuing/ being pursued by Yonkou out the gate and with each passing arc, they grow stronger. And Vergo only had the upper hand on Law due to having his heart, otherwise Law would've probably sliced his *** in the beginning. And he didn't break his leg, was just a crack. Sanji had no problems moving on it afterward or anything.

Not to nitpick but a crack = damn near breaking his leg. You just don't see It like I see it. You're overestimating luffy. He didn't get the blueprint to be like roger. That's completely false. You make it seem like Rayleigh trained roger. All he did was learn about haki and spend two years training vs animals on an island that has spontaneous climates. With Rayleigh probably being his only sparring partner, it's only so much he could do because he def couldn't spar a full strength or hed kill luffy. With that said there were a handful of powerful people pre time skip who already had knowledge of haki and were already powerful. More powerful than luffy. We also have no idea how powerful The level 6 guys were. Hell maybe some level 5 guys can take luffy on as well. Then dragon and his gang his heavy hitters as well. All I'm saying is in the two year span, luffy wasn't the only one training. I'm asking if they're already behind in terms of power, when will they get that boost to push them up with the big names in the new world? Also law was getting murked before vergo even pulled his heart out. When law was already down after getting murked, vergo pulled it out(pause).
I read Naruto and Bleach still just because I've gotten this far so I may as well keep reading.
I stopped looking forward to new chapters so long ago. I'm looking forward to their ends.

This is EXACTLY where I'm at now too :smh:

Just watched the first episode of Kyoukai no Kanata. Fall anime is officially upon us :smokin

I rock with it outside of how annoying the girl with the glasses is. She at least has a good reason for being that way though, so hopefully as the series goes on she becomes more likable to me.
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Sanji is about to get whipped.

Yeah I feel what y'all saying about another time skip. Luffy ain't doing jack against the yonkou right now. I'm just tryna see zoro go ham..sons bounty should be no less than 300k

And yeah man it gotta admit OP is better than bleach and naruto by far OVERALL. OP comedy is something that has to grow on you I guess cuz when I first started watching it was cringeworthy but now I chuckle. They mastered the suspense factor too. Bleachs time has clearly came and idek what is going on nor do I care..naruto started to get Wack when they started making the damn show about sasuke more than naruto and it did get better but it just ain't what it used to be. OP got me not even worried about these other anime :pimp: :lol:

I gotta say tho I was a hard critic on OP but preciate y'all for putting me on and OP>>>>>>>>>>>Naruto/Bleach

P.S. I am now a believer :lol:
Honestly, I don't even think the fight between Sanji and DD is going to happen. I think Law is gonna teleport onto the ship with Caesar and then he'll swap Sanji and Jora out then the crew will coup de burst away from Green Bit. I really want to see the monster trio go all out in this arc tho.

Oda has made it obvious that no one individually from the worst generation can take a Yonkou alone yet, so I don't get why people are so worried about Luffy not being Top tier right now. Kid allied with Hawkins and Apoo to probably attack Big Mom since he's been going after her ships and Law stated with Luffy and his plan they only have a 30% chance of taking out Kaidou. But Luffy is getting allies too like the Happou navy and then his fanboy Bartolomeo will probably ally with him too. We already know the strawhats get stronger quickly, so by the time they even get to Kaidou it shouldn't be as lopsided as it is currently. 
Not to nitpick but a crack = damn near breaking his leg. You just don't see It like I see it. You're overestimating luffy. He didn't get the blueprint to be like roger. That's completely false. You make it seem like Rayleigh trained roger. All he did was learn about haki and spend two years training vs animals on an island that has spontaneous climates. With Rayleigh probably being his only sparring partner, it's only so much he could do because he def couldn't spar a full strength or hed kill luffy. With that said there were a handful of powerful people pre time skip who already had knowledge of haki and were already powerful. More powerful than luffy. We also have no idea how powerful The level 6 guys were. Hell maybe some level 5 guys can take luffy on as well. Then dragon and his gang his heavy hitters as well. All I'm saying is in the two year span, luffy wasn't the only one training. I'm asking if they're already behind in terms of power, when will they get that boost to push them up with the big names in the new world? Also law was getting murked before vergo even pulled his heart out. When law was already down after getting murked, vergo pulled it out(pause).

Imnot saying they can take on a yonkou here and now, what I'm saying is give them time. We still got a couple arcs we know they have to do before any confrontation ( zou, wano) and in that time span they will get stronger like they always have.
And what was Luffy missing besides control of his Haki? Maybe devil fruit mastery and he's on his way to that too.
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I think there isn't enough info out there for this praise of Doflo
This is the beauty of one piece.
Its not about who can turn super saiyan 3 first and it be an easy win.
It's about strategy or whose power has more of an advantage. (I.E. Luffy vs. Eneru) (Raleigh vs. Kizaru) (Nami vs. cp9 girl)

We definitely have not seen everything Sanji, Zoro, and Luffy can do, and I'll throw Robin very close under them. with brook under her (he also has the fastest sword style)

Can Sanji beat Doflo..........probably not. is it going to be a quick easy fight.. no especially if that observation haki is an advantage to fight doflo.

You keep going back to the Vergo fight. Amarnent Haki, doesn't seem like anything thats easy to beat for anyone.

we also still don't know the full powers of Law, who I think is more of a strategic fighter more so than his power over powering someone.

don't forget doflo is a DF user and they're fighting over the ocean. even if he can fly sanji may think of something. to use as his advantage.
I feel like they're setting up Naruto to die at the end of the arc.

I just got that vibe from this chapter especially since everyone has gave into the fact that he will be the next hokage and everything.
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