The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

SAO is great up until the first arc ends (Around episode 15 I think) After that it goes downhill really fast, as if they put in no actual effort.

Kill la Kill started off terribly, but became good. Nothing amazingly special, but good.

i'm like 5 eps in on SAO and my feeling now is meh... nothings really progressing

LMFAO oh yeah, if you feel that way now stop after episode 15. I know what you're talking about though, since the series is so short, they have to cram the intro into a short timeframe, and then they have a time-skip of a few months right after, and in general continue to have time-skips of an unknown length between episodes. What's more, though they know the end goal and what they have to do (Advance through to the highest level where the Big Bad presumably is) not everything they do is necessarily aimed towards that, so sometimes it really doesn't feel like they're progressing. But then that's how video games are.
Visually, this episode of JoJo looked great. Hol Horse's stand is `
BREH...what am I watching on Cartoon Network :x

AOT is SICK :x

Still scared to pick it up :frown:

It's a pretty good series, but it suffers from horrible pacing, but the animation is top notch, if you would've asked me when it was still airing I probably would've said 10/10 AOTY, now, 8/10.

It's on Netflix, but just the sub

Crunchyroll lost the license for episodes 1-13 until August because of the Toonami airing but after August it's back, but then they lose 14-24 (25? I forget) until December

So don't expect to see the dub up until next year since Funi is splitting it up into parts, if you wanna watch the dub your best bet would be watching it weekly or just waiting for a full release and marathon it, I'd kill to have that suspense of watching it weekly :lol:
Yo PLEASE yell me ya'll folks in this thread are reading Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins.

This is literally one of the HOTTEST new Shounen to come out. An anime adaptation should be out by next year I believe. I promise you that a year from now, after the anime's aired, this will become an international hit. The first five volumes are selling in the millions. I was right about Attack on Titan becoming a hit when I read the first few chapters back in 2011, I promise I'll be right about this.

It's like a mixture of Dragonball and One Piece but in a medieval setting. These power levels are INTENSE, B. Could give One Piece a run for their money in the strength department.

Bruh sliced open a MOUNTAIN with a TWIG
Dude wants to find out if the main character is in a village. He's MILES AWAY in a castle. He takes some dude's spear and casually TOSSES it at the town, with enough force to destroy the whole damn thing in one shot. Main character GRABS IT and THROWS IT BACK. Dude dodges it casually as ****.
(Main character looks like a kid but he's at least in his 30s)
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Yo PLEASE yell me ya'll folks in this thread are reading Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins.

This is literally one of the HOTTEST new Shounen to come out. An anime adaptation should be out by next year I believe. I promise you that a year from now, after the anime's aired, this will become an international hit. The first five volumes are selling in the millions. I was right about Attack on Titan becoming a hit when I read the first few chapters back in 2011, I promise I'll be right about this.

It's like a mixture of Dragonball and One Piece but in a medieval setting. These power levels are INTENSE, B. Could give One Piece a run for their money in the strength department.

Bruh sliced open a MOUNTAIN with a TWIG
Dude wants to find out if the main character is in a village. He's MILES AWAY in a castle. He takes some dude's spear and casually TOSSES it at the town, with enough force to destroy the whole damn thing in one shot. Main character GRABS IT and THROWS IT BACK. Dude dodges it casually as ****.
(Main character looks like a kid but he's at least in his 30s)
I been done been reading dis.

From the same guy that did Ultra Red so I had to.

Loved Ultra Red. Still waiting on the sequel
I started reading it but I lost my place and put it on the backburner :lol:

It definitely deserves to be read though, so I'm going to get back to it.

Will check out Ultra Red too.
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Yo PLEASE yell me ya'll folks in this thread are reading Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins.

This is literally one of the HOTTEST new Shounen to come out. An anime adaptation should be out by next year I believe. I promise you that a year from now, after the anime's aired, this will become an international hit. The first five volumes are selling in the millions. I was right about Attack on Titan becoming a hit when I read the first few chapters back in 2011, I promise I'll be right about this.

It's like a mixture of Dragonball and One Piece but in a medieval setting. These power levels are INTENSE, B. Could give One Piece a run for their money in the strength department.

Bruh sliced open a MOUNTAIN with a TWIG

Dude wants to find out if the main character is in a village. He's MILES AWAY in a castle. He takes some dude's spear and casually TOSSES it at the town, with enough force to destroy the whole damn thing in one shot. Main character GRABS IT and THROWS IT BACK. Dude dodges it casually as ****.

(Main character looks like a kid but he's at least in his 30s)

that almost seems a bit too overpowered lol
I'll check it out but ima wait a bit let it build some more before i end up reading it catching up and always yearning for more.
Yo PLEASE yell me ya'll folks in this thread are reading Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins.

This is literally one of the HOTTEST new Shounen to come out. An anime adaptation should be out by next year I believe. I promise you that a year from now, after the anime's aired, this will become an international hit. The first five volumes are selling in the millions. I was right about Attack on Titan becoming a hit when I read the first few chapters back in 2011, I promise I'll be right about this.

It's like a mixture of Dragonball and One Piece but in a medieval setting. These power levels are INTENSE, B. Could give One Piece a run for their money in the strength department.

Bruh sliced open a MOUNTAIN with a TWIG

Dude wants to find out if the main character is in a village. He's MILES AWAY in a castle. He takes some dude's spear and casually TOSSES it at the town, with enough force to destroy the whole damn thing in one shot. Main character GRABS IT and THROWS IT BACK. Dude dodges it casually as ****.

(Main character looks like a kid but he's at least in his 30s)
I was reading it. Haven't read the last 2 chapters tho. Started getting bored with it. Felt it was missing something to hold my attention long term. The action was good so it wasn't that. I don't think the characters themselves are that strong (I don't mean fighting wise). The best character is probably bane (think thats his name), the one who can't die. Once I got to the current point I lost interest in the characters or something, it just didn't draw me in anymore. Similar to how I stopped reading Feng Shin Ji once I got tired of Ah gou. Plot wise there's nothing wrong with Nanatsu no taizai, I just felt it was missing one or 2 things to make it great, and one of those was something to make you care about the characters for more than what they can do in a fight. 

In terms of new manga getting animes Akame ga kiru I think is superior, although that story needs more Esdese. 
Black Bullet, Ultra Red, and Nanatsu no Taizai/Seven Deadly Sins.

Adding all three to the list. :nerd:
AOT cot damn! :wow:
the chapter was intense, but something stood out to me the most. Dude was Mr. Ackerman. why are there so many Ackermans? And what does Mikasa have to do with all of them? :nerd:
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:wow: I forgot that was even her last name
The next chapter won't be here soon enough
There are 3 Ackermans that I know of so far. Kenny Ackerman (the killer), Levi Ackerman (his last name is usually incorrectly romanized as Rivaille), ans Mikasa Ackerman. I wonder how all three are connected.
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I tried reading AoT after watching the series.

Idk why, just couldn't get into it even though I absolutely loved the show.

Guess I'm not the manga type.
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I forgot that was even her last name
The next chapter won't be here soon enough
There are 3 Ackermans that I know of so far. Kenny Ackerman (the killer), Levi Ackerman (his last name is usually incorrectly romanized as Rivaille), ans Mikasa Ackerman. I wonder how all three are connected.
Interesting point, I'm going to go back and read the chapter when her and her mom were kidnapped. They do look like they could be relatives at the very least and all of them are extreme nice with the 3d gear. I wonder if they going to jack some of them air pistols from those guys chasing them.
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