The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Thank you for that. my next question is the whole of equal value thing to do alchemy, ok everyone has different powers.. and they have to use the circle stuff, but what is everyone giving up? like you see roy snappin his fingers, the ice dude was just touchin water, what are they giving up?
I would recommend that you not read the plot revealing spoiler, but if you insist. 
Each alchemist has different powers depending on what type of alchemy they've studied. Some people have explosive alchemy, rock alchemy, fire alchemy, etc. 
No alchemist has to give up any thing if they're using a transmutation circle. Some alchemists have a transmutation drawn their gloves or burned into their hands. Therefore, you don't see them drawing circles like some of the amateur alchemists. 

An alchemist doesn't need to use a transmutation circle, if he/she has a philosopher's stone. The stone bypasses the law of equivalent exchange. It's basically the cheat code. 
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ok ok fine,

lol yall in here treating a brother like an anime newb...
i deserve it though.

Not even fam, I'm doing this for you :lol:

Like, the series is done. It's not like you finished an episode with wild questions and have to wait until next week in hopes of answers. Trust me, if memory serves me well, all of your questions will be answered.
Naruto Out

Interesting chapter at least
yeah it was interesting. cant wait for next week. im surprised what they did with sasuke
Dis Plot, It makes no sense.    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It actually makes plenty of sense
Kaguya was the true "Juubi". She was sealed away by the Hagoromo brothers. This makes sense because the Juubi's origin and nature was never really clear, even back during the Kage Summit when it was introduced

Black Zetsu was created before Kaguya was sealed away. It was intended to carry out her will.

Black Zetsu interacted with the Indra/Ashura reincarnations throughout the centuries in order to get one of them to awaken the Rinnegan and unseal Kaguya, but he was unsuccessful.

Black Zetsu "edited" the Uchiha Tablet in order to rewrite Hagoromo's history and to fool one of Indra's descendants into seeking the Rinnegan/and re-awakening Kaguya

Madara was the one gullible moron who fell for it

Kaguya's back now.

It's simple and ties into the Juubi being the origin of all chakra. Kaguya IS the Juubi. When she ate the fruit, and bore children with chakra, she became overwhelmed by the will of the tree itself and struggled to return chakra to her.
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It actually makes plenty of sense
Kaguya was the true "Juubi". She was sealed away by the Hagoromo brothers. This makes sense because the Juubi's origin and nature was never really clear, even back during the Kage Summit when it was introduced

Black Zetsu was created before Kaguya was sealed away. It was intended to carry out her will.

Black Zetsu interacted with the Indra/Ashura reincarnations throughout the centuries in order to get one of them to awaken the Rinnegan and unseal Kaguya, but he was unsuccessful.

Black Zetsu "edited" the Uchiha Tablet in order to rewrite Hagoromo's history and to fool one of Indra's descendants into seeking the Rinnegan/and re-awakening Kaguya

Madara was the one gullible moron who fell for it

Kaguya's back now.

It's simple and ties into the Juubi being the origin of all chakra. Kaguya IS the Juubi. When she ate the fruit, and bore children with chakra, she became overwhelmed by the will of the tree itself and struggled to return chakra to her.
Okay now that you explained it.  I understand somewhat.  Thanks!
naruto ot me like :rolleyes

I somewhat understand what they were explaining, but to go from Naruto's simplicity to this is just kind of like.......really.

Bleach however... I should've known that was going to happen..

Naruto: At first I felt like all that crap was made up on the spot, but its starting to make sense in my head...still kinda meh tho lol. Looks like these are really the final chapters
This is what greatness looks like.


Damn son, i'm not a fan of buying series on DVD, when they can always be found easily enough online these days, but I may have to pick these up. Brotherhood is just so freaking good. If I ever made a Top 10 list it'd be on it.
Damn son. Wait 2 weeks for One Piece and don't even get a Law flashback?

I feel like this entire arc has been Oda setting up matchups at the end of chapters that turn out to never happen
gotta support anime by buying dvds and books though.....
one day the internet will crash lol Revolution out here
It is time my friends....

"That technique"....


Someones angus is about to get peppered.
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