The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Link to the most recent One Piece SBS.

Oda lists the Supernova's hobbies apparently the Mad Monk, Urouge's hobby is "love making"

Well of course it is that's just another reason why he's my favorite supernova
New Attack on Titan chapter is out.
That got pretty tense there for a second.I wonder how Armin is gonna feel when he comes to and sees that he was chosen over Erwin.
Binged re:zero, though tit was going to be wack but it got real last couple of episodes.

Still don't understand all the bs that's going on tho
Regarding what? The whole story or just the recent happenings
While story like how did he receive this power? And why can't he tell anybody about it? Also based on the last episode how is he gonna change the outcome if all options are exhausted
Regarding what? The whole story or just the recent happenings
While story like how did he receive this power? And why can't he tell anybody about it? Also based on the last episode how is he gonna change the outcome if all options are exhausted

-He got his power from the evil Witch Satella. We don't know why she's given him the power to come back from death but he can and its pretty absolute.

-He can't tell anybody about it or her shadow hands will kill him or the person he tells. It's unknown at this time what her intentions are

-She seemingly wants Emilia alive( since the tasks Subaru completed were somewhat threats to her. The beasts in the forest and Emilia dying in that house). It's likely the next objective is to stop the Witches cult from killing her

-Basically Subaru after a certain number of deaths should have the knowledge to overcome the obstacle. He's just an idiot. The way to do this is to use your brain and negotiate with the other king candidates. There's no way to get to Emilia without going through the white whale or encountering the Witches Cult guys.
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-He got his power from the evil Witch Satella. We don't know why she's given him the power to come back from death but he can and its pretty absolute.

-He can't tell anybody about it or her shadow hands will kill him or the person he tells. It's unknown at this time what her intentions are

-She seemingly wants Emilia alive( since the tasks Subaru completed were somewhat threats to her. The beasts in the forest and Emilia dying in that house). It's likely the next objective is to stop the Witches cult from killing her

-Basically Subaru after a certain number of deaths should have the knowledge to overcome the obstacle. He's just an idiot. The way to do this is to use your brain and negotiate with the other king candidates. There's no way to get to Emilia without going through the white whale or encountering the Witches Cult guys.
Alright thanks
^ Yes, after four episodes its finally picking up, looking forward to tomorrow's episode. at bit more character development moving at a slower pace than one punch man

So even after rejection rem still gonna be a better friend zoned mami than this bastard deserves :smh:
It's on now in Re: Zero :smokin

I feel like I say that every episode, but it REALLY applies now :lol:

I'm just glad that Subaru actually used some intelligence and that he didn't end up getting pump faked on after orchestrating this all.
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I feel like I say that every episode, but it REALLY applies now :lol:

I'm just glad that Subaru actually used some intelligence and that he didn't end up getting pump faked on after orchestrating this all.
was 100% convinced it wouldn't show and everybody would just hate Subaru especially since what it would mean for a lot of those guys fighting
was 100% convinced it wouldn't show and everybody would just hate Subaru especially since what it would mean for a lot of those guys fighting
Same here

The way they hyped up the gathering everyone to fight

Especially after those back stories and tears were shed
Seven Deadly Sins
That's not what I was expecting for that fight. :lol:
Those angels do sound like a bunch of scumbags for what they did though.
Hopefully the next chapter actually has a good fight. :lol:
Tower of God
So it looks like Ran vs Inieta is going to happen. Although I feel like Ran won't finish him within the time limit of his lightning pill, but Inieta also won't beat Ran and take his name. I think it'll force another match up for Inieta like Boro and Hatsu us Inieta or something. 
Also I want to see Ran do something besides throw spears.

I kind of have the feeling Inieta is going to end up following Baam once he seem Baam beat Kaiser. I'd like to see Inieta interact with Hoaqin. Maybe Inieta also wants to surpass Arie Hon, and that's why he sees the strongest fighters and doesn't leave until he beats them or finds someone stronger. 

Is Beta just chilling in Xia Xia's lighthouse?

I want to see more of Koon's lightbearer skills. It seems that he's obviously the best lightbearer in D class as we see him do things with his lighthouse the others haven't or can't. He's also strong enough to go toe to toe with scouts, so I'd like to see him get a 1 on 1 fight while Baam has to fight another of the 10 bosses. 

I just reread the series recently, and the hell train arc is actually way more interesting than I originally thought, but I'd like to see the danger of the Tower increased again other than just the characters saying it is. Like Hoaqin is a good villain and I'm hoping he turns on Rachel or Rachel fails to get a thorn on the floor of death, but I'd like to see Androssi not get out of this situation easily and start to be hunted through the tower or some of these extra characters be killed off. Not because I think death is necessary to show danger or tension, it's not, I just think it would be interesting for Baam and it would reinforce how challenging the tower is. I understand we're following one of the most exceptional teams in the tower and an irregular, but they've still be climbing extremely fast. Like Urek climbed in 50 years, but normally 500 years to climb the tower is considered fast. They're on floor 39 in like 7-9 years. I'd at least like to see them struggle on some tests.

ToG has a bunch of interesting stuff going on, wish more people read it or wanted to discuss.  
As much as i love AoT they need to hurry up and get to Erins basement.

Imma be quite upset if they dont head there the next chapter.
Anyone read HIVE, the Korean Webtoon? It's wild. It's like a Zombie apocalypse comic, except with giant and intelligent insects instead of zombies. Has my stomach churning at points. I'm only on Ch.44, but it's pretty interesting, although it has the same problem a lot of stories have of the MC being way too soft. 
Would pay to be you rn.
Several years ago, I read almost 500 chapters of OP in 1 year.

Then I dropped it. It hit a lul that I couldn't get past.

Now though, I'm seeing it becoming a little lit.

I've already had some people spoil major events.

You nters know who you are.
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