The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Hiruzen was only 69 when he died, so he definitely wasn't going to be 80 + by the time Pein rolled around :lol: But I was talking about him at the time of his death anyways.

Why wasn't Tsunade a good Hokage though?
You sure?I thought the wiki said he was 78 when he died
Edit: nvm you are right. That calls into question a lot of timeline stuff regarding the first, but whatever

The Hokages job is to protect the village. Minato stopped the rampaging Kyuubi at the cost of his life(yes it was dumb when we actually saw it). Preserving his village. Hiruzen gave up his life to seal the edo tensei clones and stop orochimaru. Protecting his village. Even Gaara stopped Deidaras huge bomb, protecting his village. Tsunade got washed right away by Pain. It's not her "fault" that she's weak but like that's the kages biggest job. To provide safety to the village

There's a severe drop off of skill between the first 4 kages and tsunade/Kakashi
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There's a severe drop off of skill between the first 4 kages and tsunade/Kakashi

Naah. If anything, there's a significant drop in skill between Kakashi, the other Kage, and Mei, who is the least impressive of the bunch by far. Think we're forgetting that Tsunade has a technique that instantly heals any injury, stamina for days, and can physically kill any of the other Kage with one hit. Outside of Onoki, i'd say the other Kage are all going to struggle to put her down.
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He's piccolo on the sense that he really becomes fairly useless the longer the series goes on. After he got punked by Orochimaru during the Chuunin exams his only 2 latter real feats were taking out 3 Kakuzu hearts and a garbage fight against Obito. If he were the Hokage the village would've been overrun

Kakashi is a great Advisor to the Hokage. He's a Vice President. He worked well once it was peace time and stuff. But if the mist village or The raikage decides to invade, who's gonna put up a fight

Orochimaru was light years ahead of everybody then. The 3rd hokage could even stop him. Kakashi is most def hokage level. Im not going to lie tho, with no sharingan he is weak
He's piccolo on the sense that he really becomes fairly useless the longer the series goes on. After he got punked by Orochimaru during the Chuunin exams his only 2 latter real feats were taking out 3 Kakuzu hearts and a garbage fight against Obito. If he were the Hokage the village would've been overrun

Kakashi is a great Advisor to the Hokage. He's a Vice President. He worked well once it was peace time and stuff. But if the mist village or The raikage decides to invade, who's gonna put up a fight

Orochimaru was light years ahead of everybody then. The 3rd hokage could even stop him. Kakashi is most def hokage level. Im not going to lie tho, with no sharingan he is weak
I don't know about light years. One on one, I think Oro v Jiraiya is somewhat of a tie. Now granted Edo tensei just makes it that much harder, but I'd like to see if Jiraiya would have enough time to get Sage mode activated and a frog song going. Probably not
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If Jiraiya could avoid Pein long enough to activate Sage Mode I don't see any reason he couldn't avoid Orochimaru. And if Jiraiya does enter Sage Mode it's a wrap, because that frog song genjutsu ends the fight. Orochimaru's just lucky if he happens to have a Cursed Seal that can be used to revive him somewhere.
If Jiraiya could avoid Pein long enough to activate Sage Mode I don't see any reason he couldn't avoid Orochimaru. And if Jiraiya does enter Sage Mode it's a wrap, because that frog song genjutsu ends the fight. Orochimaru's just lucky if he happens to have a Cursed Seal that can be used to revive him somewhere.
im also looking at the terrain. Hiruzen and Orochimaru fought on a rooftop. Jiraiya fought pain in a sewer that had different escape routes that bought him time. I'm not sure if he could dodge 1st & 2nd long enough to enter it

Lady tsunade is strong as anyone she just makes bad decisions
shes really not. Unless you mean physical strength. Fighting really isn't her strong suit. She's more support and healing.
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I don't know about light years. One on one, I think Oro v Jiraiya is somewhat of a tie. Now granted Edo tensei just makes it that much harder, but I'd like to see if Jiraiya would have enough time to get Sage mode activated and a frog song going. Probably not
Jiraiya is my favorite character but hes not on orochimaru level.
Him and tsunade couldnt even kill orichimaru when he couldnt use his arms. Granted he had kabuto helping him but still.
I don't know about light years. One on one, I think Oro v Jiraiya is somewhat of a tie. Now granted Edo tensei just makes it that much harder, but I'd like to see if Jiraiya would have enough time to get Sage mode activated and a frog song going. Probably not
Jiraiya is my favorite character but hes not on orochimaru level.
Him and tsunade couldnt even kill orichimaru when he couldnt use his arms. Granted he had kabuto helping him but still.
Tsunade had poisoned Jiraiya. All three of them were somewhat handicapped. Oro had no arms. Jiraiya was poisoned. And tsunade was still scared of blood
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If Jiraiya could avoid Pein long enough to activate Sage Mode I don't see any reason he couldn't avoid Orochimaru. And if Jiraiya does enter Sage Mode it's a wrap, because that frog song genjutsu ends the fight. Orochimaru's just lucky if he happens to have a Cursed Seal that can be used to revive him somewhere.
im also looking at the terrain. Hiruzen and Orochimaru fought on a rooftop. Jiraiya fought pain in a sewer that had different escape routes that bought him time. I'm not sure if he could dodge 1st & 2nd long enough to enter it

If you're looking at terrain you also have to take battle specifics into account. Edo Tensei isn't a technique you can just whip out in the middle of a battle. You actually need setup before the battle even starts, because you need a sacrifice and to collect DNA from the person you want to summon. You see this with both Kabuto and Orochimaru.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru meet on a random day there's no reason for Orochimaru to have an Edo Tensei on him.

shes really not. Unless you mean physical strength. Fighting really isn't her strong suit. She's more support and healing.

She really is though :lol: Granted, she's the best medic ninja in the world, so that's her speciality, but there's a reason she was doing just as well as anyone else against Madara. She turned her medical techniques into a way to enhance her own body and allow her to be just as dangerous in a fight as she is when it comes to healing injuries. She's that rare healer in fiction that doesn't need to be protected. Like, outside of their own specialties, the other Kage don't dwarf Tsunade in physical areas or something.
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If Jiraiya could avoid Pein long enough to activate Sage Mode I don't see any reason he couldn't avoid Orochimaru. And if Jiraiya does enter Sage Mode it's a wrap, because that frog song genjutsu ends the fight. Orochimaru's just lucky if he happens to have a Cursed Seal that can be used to revive him somewhere.
im also looking at the terrain. Hiruzen and Orochimaru fought on a rooftop. Jiraiya fought pain in a sewer that had different escape routes that bought him time. I'm not sure if he could dodge 1st & 2nd long enough to enter it

If you're looking at terrain you also have to take battle specifics into account. Edo Tensei isn't a technique you can just whip out in the middle of a battle. You actually need setup before the battle even starts, because you need a sacrifice and to collect DNA from the person you want to summon. You see this with both Kabuto and Orochimaru.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru meet on a random day there's no reason for Orochimaru to have an Edo Tensei on him.

shes really not. Unless you mean physical strength. Fighting really isn't her strong suit. She's more support and healing.

She really is though :lol: Granted, she's the best medic ninja in the world, so that's her speciality, but there's a reason she was doing just as well as anyone else against Madara. She turned her medical techniques into a way to enhance her own body and allow her to be just as dangerous in a fight as she is when it comes to healing injuries. She's that rare healer in fiction that doesn't need to be protected. Like, outside of their own specialties, the other Kage don't dwarf Tsunade in physical areas or something.
that's not saying much though. Madara rocked all those bum *** Kages though. She may not have died but she certainly didn't beat him
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If Jiraiya could avoid Pein long enough to activate Sage Mode I don't see any reason he couldn't avoid Orochimaru. And if Jiraiya does enter Sage Mode it's a wrap, because that frog song genjutsu ends the fight. Orochimaru's just lucky if he happens to have a Cursed Seal that can be used to revive him somewhere.
im also looking at the terrain. Hiruzen and Orochimaru fought on a rooftop. Jiraiya fought pain in a sewer that had different escape routes that bought him time. I'm not sure if he could dodge 1st & 2nd long enough to enter it

If you're looking at terrain you also have to take battle specifics into account. Edo Tensei isn't a technique you can just whip out in the middle of a battle. You actually need setup before the battle even starts, because you need a sacrifice and to collect DNA from the person you want to summon. You see this with both Kabuto and Orochimaru.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru meet on a random day there's no reason for Orochimaru to have an Edo Tensei on him.

shes really not. Unless you mean physical strength. Fighting really isn't her strong suit. She's more support and healing.

She really is though :lol: Granted, she's the best medic ninja in the world, so that's her speciality, but there's a reason she was doing just as well as anyone else against Madara. She turned her medical techniques into a way to enhance her own body and allow her to be just as dangerous in a fight as she is when it comes to healing injuries. She's that rare healer in fiction that doesn't need to be protected. Like, outside of their own specialties, the other Kage don't dwarf Tsunade in physical areas or something.
that's not saying much though. Madara rocked all those bum *** Kages though. She may not have died but she certainly didn't beat him

When we're talking about how she stacks up to the other Kage, that's saying everything :lol: It's not about if she defeated Madara or not, it's about if her performance was equal to the rest of the group, which it was. How can you then say she was drastically weaker than them or some ****?
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But for real, Oonoki obliterates Tsunade just by the virtue of his powers. He was low key a beast. Just old. She doesn't lay a finger on him. He flies around in the air launching dust attacks at her. She's done

-Raikage gives her a good fight but that's up to her healing. He's faster and does more damage but she can probably tank his physical attacks. That's a toss up

Gaara swallows her in a sand coffin. Shes not mobile enough to dodge his attacks. He floats on a sand cloud out of her reach. That's a bad matchup for her.

And the mist lady can do the acid stuff but I don't even know about her
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But for real, Oonoki obliterates Tsunade just by the virtue of his powers. He was low key a beast. Just old. She doesn't lay a finger on him. And Raikage gives her a good fight but that's up to her healing. He's faster and does more damage but she can probably tank his physical attacks. Gaara swallows her in a sand coffin. ShI a not mobile enough to dodge his attacks. That's a bad matchup for her. And the most lady can do the acid stuff but I don't even know about her

Onoki can one shot any of the Kage. I place him as the most powerful. No argument there.

Raikage is faster than Tsunade, but limited by his style of combat being close range, fist to fist, just like hers is. He, unlike her, then can't tank a multitude of attacks and he doesn't have the physical strength to put her down in one blow, as she could do to him. He's actualy in more danger than anyone else here, because all Tsunade has to do is grab him one time, tank one of his hits (Which we know she can do) and the fight's over. And he, again, HAS to get within her range at some point, having no mid or long range ability to speak of.

Gaara's sand isn't strong enough for Tsunade to avoid punching through and his own physicals are ****. Her healing then lets her get away with being crushed multiple times and still allows her to come back for more.

Mei's acid is honestly her worst attack, beacuse in an open environment that's not going to be of much help, unless she gets Tsunade straight to the face with it or something. Then, 1)Tsunade's a medical ninja, she can come up with a counter if any poisoning is involved and 2)she can instantly heal anyways. Her physical strength is drastically beyond Mei's and i've seen nothing from Mei to imply her speed is beyond Tsunade's. Really, Tsunade's natural durability is high as well, as she took multiple stabs/slashes from Orochimaru and didn't die.
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Just like Kimimaro didn't go anywhere when buried right? :lol: And he didn't even have the ability to heal like she does. Also falls into the trap of assuming that Gaara is guaranteed to bury Tsunade to begin with, which seems to require her to be standing still in the middle of a fight or for him to be, I guess, attacking from miles away or something :rofl:

Wait, since when did Gaara pull people underground and bury them during a fight anyways?
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Just like Kimimaro didn't go anywhere when buried right? :lol: And he didn't even have the ability to heal like she does. Also falls into the trap of assuming that Gaara is guaranteed to bury Tsunade to begin with, which seems to require her to be standing still in the middle of a fight or for him to be, I guess, attacking from miles away or something :rofl:

Wait, since when did Gaara pull people underground and bury them during a fight anyways?
he can pull you underground or lock you in this

The way to beat Gaara is overwhelming speed or actually chasing after him. Tsunade cant do that, shes not a good match up with him at all

Also she doesn't have to be standing still. If he turns the entire battlefield into sand or sends a huge wave of sand she's going to get caught.
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Just like Kimimaro didn't go anywhere when buried right? :lol: And he didn't even have the ability to heal like she does. Also falls into the trap of assuming that Gaara is guaranteed to bury Tsunade to begin with, which seems to require her to be standing still in the middle of a fight or for him to be, I guess, attacking from miles away or something :rofl:

Wait, since when did Gaara pull people underground and bury them during a fight anyways?
he can pull you underground or lock you in this

The way to beat Gaara is overwhelming speed or actually chasing after him. Tsunade cant do that, shes not a good match up with him at all

Forgetting that him using that required him to work with multiple other people? Tsunade's not the perfect match for Gaara, but she's certainly not going to be stomped by him either. Gaara operates by sending waves of sand at opponents in various forms, while he himself tends to stand completely still. He doesn't dodge, even as the opponent gets closer and closer to him, counting on his sand to do the trick. That's bad when faced with Tsunade. Again, him crushing her isn't going to do **** and she can get hit with any number of bullets and keep on coming. She can then simply punch through every sand construct he makes. This exact thing is what nearly lost him the fight against Kimimaro, who wasn't even as fast as Lee. He just had the ability to get by everything Gaara brought against him. Tsunade has the same, plus the benefit of being able to recover from any damage Gaara causes to her.

But, if the only way Gaara beats Tsunade is by using a powerful sealing technique, that he needed the aid of multiple other people to properly pull off in an actual battle, then my point is proven, which isn't to say Tsunade wins against Gaara. It's to disprove the original claim that she's somehow drastically weaker than him and the other Kage. If he has only one technique that can beat her, then she's not that far off from him at all :lol: Whereas Madara has around a dozen.
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Oh we talking the top 5 strongest characters In naruto let me sum this up quick

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I think another thing yall are forgetting is her summoning technique that slug can probably help a ton as well.
If we're still going to go back...jiraya washes almost all.
I think he can fight a full itachi.

The whole susano thing is the biggest plot no jutsu kishi has ever come up with imo.

Like how can i make the ucicha equal bijuus oh i now an armored up manifestation of chakra that can fight and protect..........stupid. i hate everything about susano
He really just kept giving that clan more and more abilities as time went on, then revealed that the Sharingan is descended from the Rinnegan, adding even more abilities :lol: It was disgusting.
The Jiraya slander in here... :smh:
He was the strongest of the Sannin I believe.

And Might Guy will always hold a special place in my heart as one of the strongest because of his fight with Madara. :pimp:
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