Put that respect on Nagato's name fam. Let's take the time to remember that Sage Naruto beats Nagato after Nagato took the time to solo a village. Like, the man literally dominates every ninja inside the village and then proceeds to nuke it just to spite them
That's like Sasuke beating Itachi as far as i'm considered, where the latter isn't at full power when the victory occurs. Sure, it's still a victory, but let's not act like Naruto took the man on at his best. Hence, when Edo Nagato is at his best he's taking on Chakra Mode Naruto, Killer Bee, and Itachi at the same time. I'd also argue that Nagato displayed more versatility with the Rinnegan than anyone else in the series. Madara and Sasuke never use all of the Paths that Nagato does, then only being separated by their specific Rinnegan abilities. Limbo for Madara, teleportation for Sasuke.