The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by FedExciter

im still fairly new to this dont laugh at me

but how do i find out my kill death ratio,and !+% is a noobtube
Go to Barracks --> Leaderboards --> Kills

And it is a grenade launcher.
Originally Posted by smoke ya later

why is killing with the 203 so frowned upon

because dudes keep getting owned by them
Just finished a game and a dude called me a noob for using the AA12

I'm like, dude the range on a AA12 is 2 feet what are you crying for?

-The Juice
I've been owning people with the scar + grenade launcher + RPG + scavenger + danger close
it's so funny getting kills upon kills with the explosives, they get so pissed off
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Just finished a game and a dude called me a noob for using the AA12

I'm like, dude the range on a AA12 is 2 feet what are you crying for?

-The Juice
hahaha. people will complain about anything. be it the riot shield, akimbo handguns, launchers, snipers, grenade launchers, shotguns, knives.
i just use whatever im having fun with and like to see them get all riled up.
I hate people who use grenade launchers. You hardly even have to aim with it. They should just reduce it to 1 shot.
People who use grenade launchers with danger close have no skill. I REPEAT NO SKILL AT ALL. If you shoot near the guy he's going to die. And also thepeople who use akimbo model's.....
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Just finished a game and a dude called me a noob for using the AA12

I'm like, dude the range on a AA12 is 2 feet what are you crying for?

-The Juice
i love these types of people, if you kill them with agrenade " what a noob anyone can throw a grenade"
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

People who use grenade launchers with danger close have no skill. I REPEAT NO SKILL AT ALL. If you shoot near the guy he's going to die. And also the people who use akimbo model's.....
Yup requires next to no skill at all. But have you ever used it before?! So dam fun
2.20 Sole?
What prestige are you?

I'll be at 2.0 in a few more nights.
Mighty enjoy level 70 for a change since I'm finishing up on 3rd prestige.
My best game to date:


This was just on ordinary Team Deathmatch, no lame Domination respawn boosting.. Killstreak setup was predator, harrier, pave low..
hey guys! feel free to add me or invite to a game, dont mind.
xbox GT: pro xzplisit

it's my b.f's gt so just make sure to let me know who you are.
but hit me up!!
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

2.20 Sole?
What prestige are you?

I'll be at 2.0 in a few more nights.
Mighty enjoy level 70 for a change since I'm finishing up on 3rd prestige.
You get it in like that Mez???

Mines been going down of late cause im on a HC S&D kick... was at 1.86 now im at 1.84... I usually go like 6-4 on S&D
My KD is a subpar 1.2

It's unfortunate I started out bad when I got the game, cause I'll just go off and get 52-8 or like 24-3, but I don't play enough to make my KD goup very fast.

GT: bubbacheeba

rockin with the BURR
had a couple of dope matches last match though was going 25-1 in my care package but didnt call it in at my attack heli,then got my pave low, thencalled my care package in and got another attack heli....
slightly because I didnt have my nuke unlocked../never thought i get a killstreak that high to tell the truth
laugh.gif finally took a death 23 kills in...quite satisfied.
have u guys checked the worldwide leaderboard on 360? some of these dudes got hundreds of thousands of kills and 1 or 0 deaths. my friend tried to say theyhack their own accounts. i hope i never get in a game with them.
Originally Posted by Ryanbbn1

have u guys checked the worldwide leaderboard on 360? some of these dudes got hundreds of thousands of kills and 1 or 0 deaths. my friend tried to say they hack their own accounts. i hope i never get in a game with them.

What they do is make dummy accounts and then get into cage match and just waste their days getting kill after kill after kill on it... Dudes are bums, theydont actually play regular games which is why they have not been killed.
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

People who use grenade launchers with danger close have no skill. I REPEAT NO SKILL AT ALL. If you shoot near the guy he's going to die. And also the people who use akimbo model's.....

Actually, using a grenade launcher requires some skill. Shoot too close and your grenade will be a dud and shoot too far and your grenade will most likelymiss. And do you know how much %*$#%*% skill it takes to get kills to FINALLY get akimbo for any of your guns?
I went 30-4 with my sniper on domination. and my internet D/C'd with like 2 points remaining
internet FTL
Originally Posted by Across 110th st

Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

People who use grenade launchers with danger close have no skill. I REPEAT NO SKILL AT ALL. If you shoot near the guy he's going to die. And also the people who use akimbo model's.....

Actually, using a grenade launcher requires some skill. Shoot too close and your grenade will be a dud and shoot too far and your grenade will most likely miss. And do you know how much %*$#%*% skill it takes to get kills to FINALLY get akimbo for any of your guns?
Is that serious? Akimbo is easy as hell to get.
I'm relatively new to COD...I've been playing online a lot this week (free-for-all), but what's the secret to amassing between 20-30 kills perround? The most I've had is 15, and that was once....what are some of your tips while playing in the FFA?
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