The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by JPTHE3

Originally Posted by Jonbx5

pavelow is glitched it'll count towards your killstreak if
1. u get it from a care package
2. u go up to 9 kills without dying or 8 if ur using hardline
3. after u call it in, if u get a kill before u pavelow it'll count towards ur streak

If I have the Kilstreak PaveLow, Ac130, NUke..will the pavelow count $%$ kill streaks to get the nuke?

like i said if u get ur pavelow without dying it will count or(doesn't matter if u have died) when u call it out if u get a kill before ur pavelow it will count
its sad to see people actually using that 10th prestige glitch

if u really want the prestige put the time and effort into it..

but hey thats imo.. just make sure you have your back up gamertag on deck
Na, I prestiged the legit way in cod4 and after that fiasco it's an easy choice... 5 min to prestige> months of playing to prestige. There is absolutely no difference. As long as your xbox isn't modded, there's nothing to worry about. Just look at the leaderboards. IW doesn't do Jack about he guys on top. It's too much work for them to moderate and then tell Microsoft to ban so and so.
Regarding the pavelow...

L_Henderson @fourzerotwo Any plans to fix the Pavelow, the piece of *%#* only builds a streak if its the first one called in game and you have 0 deaths
1 day ago

fourzerotwo @L_Henderson Yeah. That'll be taken care of in a future update.
1 day ago in reply to L_Henderson
i wonder how long it will take them to fix sitrep pro
Originally Posted by His diabolical Majesty

Na, I prestiged the legit way in cod4 and after that fiasco it's an easy choice... 5 min to prestige> months of playing to prestige. There is absolutely no difference. As long as your xbox isn't modded, there's nothing to worry about. Just look at the leaderboards. IW doesn't do Jack about he guys on top. It's too much work for them to moderate and then tell Microsoft to ban so and so.

That just ruins the fun of leveling up then. You really wanna cheat just to get that stupid emblem?
Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

its sad to see people actually using that 10th prestige glitch

if u really want the prestige put the time and effort into it..

but hey thats imo.. just make sure you have your back up gamertag on deck
If you really think about it though....after you prestiged once, you have pretty much "beat" the game. Spending a bunch of time doing it 9 more times ....sux.

lets get a NT lobby going. I want to get up to 9 so I get the 9 lives tag.

GT: CMDR Kutyacokof

-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

its sad to see people actually using that 10th prestige glitch

if u really want the prestige put the time and effort into it..

but hey thats imo.. just make sure you have your back up gamertag on deck
If you really think about it though....after you prestiged once, you have pretty much "beat" the game. Spending a bunch of time doing it 9 more times ....sux.

lets get a NT lobby going. I want to get up to 9 so I get the 9 lives tag.

GT: CMDR Kutyacokov

-The Juice

I tried to add you OJ but it says your GT doesn't exist. Add me DREWDADDY702, i'm not great, but I won't go negative.
Originally Posted by Not a sneak

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by GULLYDAGREAT

its sad to see people actually using that 10th prestige glitch

if u really want the prestige put the time and effort into it..

but hey thats imo.. just make sure you have your back up gamertag on deck
If you really think about it though....after you prestiged once, you have pretty much "beat" the game. Spending a bunch of time doing it 9 more times ....sux.

lets get a NT lobby going. I want to get up to 9 so I get the 9 lives tag.

GT: CMDR Kutyacokov

-The Juice

I tried to add you OJ but it says your GT doesn't exist. Add me DREWDADDY702, i'm not great, but I won't go negative.
My bad its: CMDR Kutyacokof

with an 'f' instead of 'v'

-The Juice
derrty6232 wrote:

durty pancakes wrote:

Jonbx5 wrote:

i wonder how long it will take them to fix sitrep pro

What's wrong with it?

Its suppose to counter nina pro so u can still hear their footsteps and the enemies without ninja pro u can hear them like 10X louder usefull if u have any headsets.
Originally Posted by Jonbx5

derrty6232 wrote:

durty pancakes wrote:

Jonbx5 wrote:

i wonder how long it will take them to fix sitrep pro

What's wrong with it?

Its suppose to counter nina pro so u can still hear their footsteps and the enemies without ninja pro u can hear them like 10X louder usefull if u have any headsets.

Sitrep Pro = Enemy foot steps are louder while your teammates footstep voulume is decreased.

If an enemy is using any perk other than Ninja Pro their footstep volume is +10.
If they're using Ninja Pro their footstep voulme is 0.
Default footstep Volume is 5.

Sitrep is supposed to basically cancel out Ninja Pro,
but you still can't hear someone who is using Ninja so that leaves you at a disadvantage if you're playing Search & Destroy.
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Sitrep Pro = Enemy foot steps are louder while your teammates footstep voulume is decreased.

If an enemy is using any perk other than Ninja Pro their footstep volume is +10.
If they're using Ninja Pro their footstep voulme is 0.
Default footstep Volume is 5.

Sitrep is supposed to basically cancel out Ninja Pro,
but you still can't hear someone who is using Ninja so that leaves you at a disadvantage if you're playing Search & Destroy.
Lab you got sit rep pro? I honestly tried for like 3 months to get that perk. I finally gave up and prestiged.

....anyone wanna help ya boy get Sit Rep Pro

-The Juice
OrenthalJames wrote:
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Sitrep Pro = Enemy foot steps are louder while your teammates footstep voulume is decreased.

If an enemy is using any perk other than Ninja Pro their footstep volume is +10.
If they're using Ninja Pro their footstep voulme is 0.
Default footstep Volume is 5.

Sitrep is supposed to basically cancel out Ninja Pro,
but you still can't hear someone who is using Ninja so that leaves you at a disadvantage if you're playing Search & Destroy.
Lab you got sit rep pro? I honestly tried for like 3 months to get that perk. I finally gave up and prestiged.

....anyone wanna help ya boy get Sit Rep Pro

-The Juice

Yessssirrr, it took me about 20 FFA matches to get it.

I shot FOUR... count them... FOUR stingers at a harrier and it did not take it out... with nothing but clear air in view

Is there some perk that makes your air support invincible that I don't know about?
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by its Labrev

Sitrep Pro = Enemy foot steps are louder while your teammates footstep voulume is decreased.

If an enemy is using any perk other than Ninja Pro their footstep volume is +10.
If they're using Ninja Pro their footstep voulme is 0.
Default footstep Volume is 5.

Sitrep is supposed to basically cancel out Ninja Pro,
but you still can't hear someone who is using Ninja so that leaves you at a disadvantage if you're playing Search & Destroy.
Lab you got sit rep pro? I honestly tried for like 3 months to get that perk. I finally gave up and prestiged.

....anyone wanna help ya boy get Sit Rep Pro

-The Juice
%+%% takes pretty long i boosted to get mine but im not even gonna bother getting it again because its glitched right now
Originally Posted by its Labrev

Sitrep Pro = Enemy foot steps are louder while your teammates footstep voulume is decreased.

If an enemy is using any perk other than Ninja Pro their footstep volume is +10.
If they're using Ninja Pro their footstep voulme is 0.
Default footstep Volume is 5.

Sitrep is supposed to basically cancel out Ninja Pro,
but you still can't hear someone who is using Ninja so that leaves you at a disadvantage if you're playing Search & Destroy.

On top of that, they're times when I'm the only person alive/in the area and the enemy can see me on his heartbeat sensor when I have ninja on(I see the red dot in the killcam).
Originally Posted by Cragmatic


I shot FOUR... count them... FOUR stingers at a harrier and it did not take it out... with nothing but clear air in view

Is there some perk that makes your air support invincible that I don't know about?

Did you see the flares drop?  I think it only has one set of flares to drop so I am thinking your game was lagging.
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