The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Anyone else feel this game got boring?
Never thought it would happen to be honest
Maybe it's cause' I'm playing alone
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Originally Posted by JoeGalvan

i dont understand how dudes go in for like 30 + 40 kills.

i was ballin last night, but i was still only pulling like 25-5... at best. still havent broke the 30 kill mark, but i dont play ground war that much. seems like 1 or 2 cats always break 30 in there.
What's your killstreak set up?

switch between:
UAV, Predator, AC130

UAV, Care Package, AC130

im just now getting to the point where i can get kill streaks of 5-10 pretty consistently (once or twice a match). ive only called in a few ac130s tho... and last time it was some bull. i only got like 1-2 kills because all their dudes were holding it down inside the warehouse (derail).

i think i just need to play more... im getting 20 kills on the reg now. once i can get the ac130 down pat... i should be good money.

might get down on TDM in a few... gt: JDZZL02
^ change that to

predator, harrier, chopper gunner/ac 130 (imo cg > ac130) and ill guarantee you will be getting 20+ easy. uav and care package are pointless really, imo

if you can get the predator, hold it and get one more kill. then launch it and get another kill. launch the harrier in a heavy populated area. you dont have to hit anybody with the initial bombs just let the harrier do work for you. then just hope nobody shoots it down, grab some kills and you should get a chopper soon. you can either hold onto the chopper until you get shot, or find a nice lil spot then call it in. i normally just hold on to it and grab some more kills.

pretty soon getting 5 straight kills will become second nature and you will be calling in 3+ harriers a match and atleast 2+ choppers a game (depending on the games you play) i call in about 3 predators, 1 harrier, and a chopper a match. i play nothing but ffa so the games end at 30kills.
I got fall camo for my m4 last night.

I can't wait to get my apc popping...

level 47 in 5 days. holler @ cha bwoy.
Originally Posted by doosta45

^ change that to

predator, harrier, chopper gunner/ac 130 (imo cg > ac130) and ill guarantee you will be getting 20+ easy. uav and care package are pointless really, imo

if you can get the predator, hold it and get one more kill. then launch it and get another kill. launch the harrier in a heavy populated area. you dont have to hit anybody with the initial bombs just let the harrier do work for you. then just hope nobody shoots it down, grab some kills and you should get a chopper soon. you can either hold onto the chopper until you get shot, or find a nice lil spot then call it in. i normally just hold on to it and grab some more kills.

pretty soon getting 5 straight kills will become second nature and you will be calling in 3+ harriers a match and atleast 2+ choppers a game (depending on the games you play) i call in about 3 predators, 1 harrier, and a chopper a match. i play nothing but ffa so the games end at 30kills.
doosta45:  quick question about killstreaks and holding onto them.

For example, when you hold onto a predator, harrier,  chopper gunner, etc.  Let's say you hold onto them and just go for normal kills but along the way you die without using your reward(s).  When you respawn and call in your killstreak reward and start getting kills from whatever you just called in, do those kills count towards a new killstreak, i.e. you get more of your killstreak rewards all over again, assuming you don't die another time around?  Thanks.
Originally Posted by dubchester

Originally Posted by doosta45

^ change that to

predator, harrier, chopper gunner/ac 130 (imo cg > ac130) and ill guarantee you will be getting 20+ easy. uav and care package are pointless really, imo

if you can get the predator, hold it and get one more kill. then launch it and get another kill. launch the harrier in a heavy populated area. you dont have to hit anybody with the initial bombs just let the harrier do work for you. then just hope nobody shoots it down, grab some kills and you should get a chopper soon. you can either hold onto the chopper until you get shot, or find a nice lil spot then call it in. i normally just hold on to it and grab some more kills.

pretty soon getting 5 straight kills will become second nature and you will be calling in 3+ harriers a match and atleast 2+ choppers a game (depending on the games you play) i call in about 3 predators, 1 harrier, and a chopper a match. i play nothing but ffa so the games end at 30kills.
doosta45:  quick question about killstreaks and holding onto them.

For example, when you hold onto a predator, harrier,  chopper gunner, etc.  Let's say you hold onto them and just go for normal kills but along the way you die without using your reward(s).  When you respawn and call in your killstreak reward and start getting kills from whatever you just called in, do those kills count towards a new killstreak, i.e. you get more of your killstreak rewards all over again, assuming you don't die another time around?  Thanks.
I dont think so. Ive gotten harriers and then been killed before I call it in and then when I call it in im sure ive gotten 6 kills with it which in theory should have gave me another harrier but it didnt.
Your killstreak rewards will not count towards your current killstreak after your death. Once your killstreak has ended (get killed), your rewards will only count as kills after and not a streak. Therefore, you'd have to build up your streak all over again.
lol, I read back through this post...yall cry too much

last stand is beasy.

knifing is gay, but after my...2nd day playing, I barely get knifed anymore...stop camping with your back to an open window or street and you'll stopped getting knifed...duh.

I found out quick, KEEP IT MOVING...even if you dunno where you're going or who is around the corner, keep it moving...

I was shocked at how quick empty spots become deep with enemies...I'd be trailing a teammate...oh, he didn't even get shot at? its get ambushed by like 4 dudes...

i rock ninja to dog those @!#+ w/ heartbeat sensors...

and a silencer w/ stopping power, to stay up off the map. I noticed, cats RUSH you when they see your blip on the radar, so I just take myself off...

if dudes are using madd killstreaks, I switch coldblooded on....

I hardly get killed by anything other than people.

I really don't agree with any of the complaints I read.
henz, its enphanate, but my dude rich2kid1 invited you, cause by the time I requested you as a friend your xbox live friends list was

send me an invite or something and delete someone off your friends list lol.
whoever sent me that party invite... i was about to hop off. nothing personal.

i was playin like +##% anyway.
Originally Posted by sigmakidownz

Your killstreak rewards will not count towards your current killstreak after your death. Once your killstreak has ended (get killed), your rewards will only count as kills after and not a streak. Therefore, you'd have to build up your streak all over again.
there was one time when i had got a chopper gunner, held it an, and got shot. i called it in 2 deaths later, and got 5 kills and got a predator. must have been a glitch, but i remember in cod4 if you got a heli you would hold onto it until you died so when you respawned you would call it in and get the possiblity of another airstrike/heli. it should be the same in mw2, but i guess it isnt.
Is there any advantages of prestige besides new emblems cause I was thinking about doing it but I know I'll lose my guns and perks
The lag from being on West playing w/ folks East is
. I swear it takes me more than 5 rounds to kill someone.
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