The Official COD:MW2 Thread vol. X-hours left!

Originally Posted by Garcia y Vega

So I just blasted dude TWICE right in the middle of his chest with the TWO *#%%!%+ hit markers and all he does is lay down in last mate kills him and I get the assist.


Last stand is probably THE most annoying thing in the game right next to painkiller. They really should fix the last stand thing so that if you down him butthen somebody else kills him you still get the kill because it's just ridiculous to do all that work just to put him in last stand and then your teammateruns over and puts a bullet or two in him and he gets all the points. But painkiller...
Thing is straight bull @#$#
Originally Posted by CertifiedSW

Originally Posted by Garcia y Vega

So I just blasted dude TWICE right in the middle of his chest with the TWO *#%%!%+ hit markers and all he does is lay down in last mate kills him and I get the assist.


Last stand is probably THE most annoying thing in the game right next to painkiller. They really should fix the last stand thing so that if you down him but then somebody else kills him you still get the kill because it's just ridiculous to do all that work just to put him in last stand and then your teammate runs over and puts a bullet or two in him and he gets all the points. But painkiller...
Thing is straight bull @#$#
you ever get a game-winning kill in last stand?! $*+# is straight hilarious
If someone has painkiller and you're shooting someone with silencer equipped from a long distance, you can pretty much know you'll be dead if he findsout where you're shooting from.

I'm going to give it another go for tonight, I think I was runnin' around a lil' too brave today.
who did i see that had the clan tag [NT<3]????? i messaged you.......
Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Originally Posted by LuckyP90

Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

Man, I usually don't say anything about noobtubes but.....I was one kill away from a nuke and dude shoots off a noobtube and kills me.

-The Juice

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

When the other team camps, I allow that to be an open invitation to go crazy with the noob tube/danger close/one man army. Love doing that. I'm not sure if one guy had a nuke equipped but I killed him when he was 24-0.


what map were you on, and what game mode?


-The Juice

LOL. Rundown. Domination Ground War. GT is jdpapa32. Doubt it was you, though.

Nah it wasn't me. I was at Estate, Domination Ground War. GT CMDR Kutyacokof.

-The Juice
How do you throw grenades back? When I kill someone and they have it to where it drops one when they die, gets me everytime
I have a 25 game win streak going on from team deathmatch.

But I stopped playin round 3:30am.

Bout to continue it later today.
I actually ate some painkillers last night and played this. Needless to say my reaction time, or lack thereof, did not lead to much success.

pretty sure dude meant painkiller the deathstreak not the drugs.

Oh, I know.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

When was the last time you all actually died by a bullet?

-The Juice
Can't remember.

Usually it's dudes with noobtubes, rpgs, shields, claymores set everywhere, or knifing.....

I'm guilty of knifing though.
Yea...+%# is up wit all these dudes running around wit rpg`s now?? That #+@% had me buggin.

Like, I would be shooting and they fire it offf real quick and kill me.
I never understood the reasoning for including:

Commando Pro
Akimbo Shotguns
Heartbeat Sensor

I guarantee COD 7 will be x10 better than MW2. Infinity Ward realizes that they didn't fully test this game out before they released it. And many of theproblems that people complain about will not be fixed because it's already to late.

-The Juice
Reading through this thread I have come to realize I know next to nothing about this game. I get killed by bullets dozens upon dozens of times in an evening,what the hell is noobtube? !%@+ is fun as hell though.
noobtube is the grenade launcher you can attach to the assault rifles.

If i prestige will i be put up against other high ranks/prestige more often or is it completely random?
Originally Posted by nycknicks105

I'm sort of new to this MW2 thing. I just got the game about 2 weeks ago and I play casually. I'm on level 12 right now and does anyone have any tips for me?? I'm using the SCAR right now and IDK what to use or what gun is the best to use in the game. I love to run around and shoot people, but sometimes when I know where everyone is I like to sit around and wait for people to come to me.
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