the Official Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao thread March 13 2010

marionthebarberian wrote:

how many boxers have knocked down JMM in the early stages of a fight?
%@+# even juan diaz stunned his butt.

why bring up compubox? everyone who saw that fight knows JMM outboxed him silly.

Well, obviously those knockdowns won Pac one of them and a draw in another. So if Marquez stayed on his feet, we wouldnt be having these debates. I personallythought they were both draws, but that's just my opinion.
That would be a great fight, I would have to go with Manny just bcuz what he did to Cotto. Manny is hot right now, IDK if anyone could beat him
I know JMM style goes well against Manny but Manny will want to stay around 140-147 and Manny is stronger and just as fast as he's ever been at thatweight. JMM doesn't carry well at that weight class and Manny would KO JMM easily. JMM should just stay in the lightweight division or maybe even fightricky hatton at 140 and see how he does there.
All this JMM MP III talk is
...not gonna happen there's only one opponent out ther for Pacman and that's PBF...60-40 is understandable but it willbe at 55-45...I can't see Floyd give him a straight split...and it doesn't matter cause at 40 or 45 and ppv revenue added, MP will make more thanhe's ever made in his career combined..
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

All this JMM MP III talk is
...not gonna happen there's only one opponent out ther for Pacman and that's PBF...60-40 is understandable but it will be at 55-45...I can't see Floyd give him a straight split...and it doesn't matter cause at 40 or 45 and ppv revenue added, MP will make more than he's ever made in his career combined..
I don't know about his whole career combined
. Forbesalready set him as the 6th highest paid athlete just behind Kobe and Tiger.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Why 140? If JMM moved up to 144 for PBF why not stay at 144 for Pac?

To be fair to JMM, he never had that fight at 140. He went straight from 135 to 144. Not using it as an excuse for him but Pac moved up strategically from135 to 140 to 145. JMM went from 130 to 135 to 142. I think a fight between the to of them at the 140 limit would be entertaining.
Originally Posted by SnkrbyNature

man, Zab Judah beat mayweather, i cant belive that was a unanimous decision,

Zab judah never low blow and would've never got choke by mayweatehrs dad, zab judah would've won.



how did we miss this?

u kidding me?
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by SnkrbyNature

man, Zab Judah beat mayweather, i cant belive that was a unanimous decision,

Zab judah never low blow and would've never got choke by mayweatehrs dad, zab judah would've won.



how did we miss this?

u kidding me?

One person answered, that was sufficient enough.
Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

All this JMM MP III talk is
...not gonna happen there's only one opponent out ther for Pacman and that's PBF...60-40 is understandable but it will be at 55-45...I can't see Floyd give him a straight split...and it doesn't matter cause at 40 or 45 and ppv revenue added, MP will make more than he's ever made in his career combined..
I don't know about his whole career combined
. Forbes already set him as the 6th highest paid athlete just behind Kobe and Tiger.

true but don't doubt the PPV sales that the fight could and will generate...if Cotto v. Pacman generated between 1.5 and 2mil buys, why wouldnt a PacquiaoMayweather fight do at least double that? especially with the masses wanting to see PBF go down in flames, i can see that happening easily plus the guaranteedpurse will be way more than anything Pacman's been guaranteed previously
Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

Originally Posted by robxdrew

Originally Posted by Sloane Kettering

All this JMM MP III talk is
...not gonna happen there's only one opponent out ther for Pacman and that's PBF...60-40 is understandable but it will be at 55-45...I can't see Floyd give him a straight split...and it doesn't matter cause at 40 or 45 and ppv revenue added, MP will make more than he's ever made in his career combined..
I don't know about his whole career combined
. Forbes already set him as the 6th highest paid athlete just behind Kobe and Tiger.

true but don't doubt the PPV sales that the fight could and will generate...if Cotto v. Pacman generated between 1.5 and 2mil buys, why wouldnt a Pacquiao Mayweather fight do at least double that? especially with the masses wanting to see PBF go down in flames, i can see that happening easily plus the guaranteed purse will be way more than anything Pacman's been guaranteed previously
I never doubted the revenue of the May/Pac fight but I'm pretty sure he's seen high enough cashflow through his career combined than justthis one fight.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Originally Posted by SnkrbyNature

man, Zab Judah beat mayweather, i cant belive that was a unanimous decision,

Zab judah never low blow and would've never got choke by mayweatehrs dad, zab judah would've won.



how did we miss this?

u kidding me?

LOL I don't think SnkrbyNature watched the fight. Eitherthat or he's Zab Judah himself.
all this JMM talk needs to be put to rest. he is a has-been and all the JMM fans need to get over it already. manny WON. end of story. you guys sound like abunch of sore losers.
Originally Posted by iMaGe619

all this JMM talk needs to be put to rest. he is a has-been and all the JMM fans need to get over it already. manny WON. end of story. you guys sound like a bunch of sore losers.

if JMM wouldve legitimately lost no one would be complaining. but you must be a pac rider.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

Originally Posted by amel223

Originally Posted by Proshares

bigsexy49 wrote:

EdWord wrote:

bigsexy49 wrote:

I don't see Pac losing to Mayweather. Pac's now in his prime & Mayweather is past his.

Manny by decision

did you not see floyd against jmm last month?

Did you not see what Pac did to Hatton & DLH compared to what Floyd did to them?

Another %@!#%%% clown with a moronic statement.

Why is the Mayweather fan allowed to use the "you see what Mayweather did to Pacquiao's opponent" card but the Pacquiao fan can't use the same card? You Mayweather fans are complaining about the things the Pacquiao fans are doing but you guys are doing the same f-----n thing.

one dude was saying MM is past his prime, the MM fan said that MM is still in his prime and looking better than ever against JMM. and the pac fan was trying to say was pac is better because he demolished hatton and dlh early as he is trying to back his argument up that MM is past his prime..

different boxers.

not the same.

real talk i was gonna respnd but said efff it lmao , Floyd is the bigger man the faster man he's more defensive oriented then hatton and dela (goin on alimb)....real talk when was the last time manny faced anyone with notable speed? he who respnds hatton i would advice that you commit that.
Originally Posted by True Blues

Originally Posted by Bigmike23

SnkrbyNature wrote:

man, Zab Judah beat mayweather, i cant belive that was a unanimous decision,

Zab judah never low blow and would've never got choke by mayweatehrs dad, zab judah would've won.



how did we miss this?

u kidding me?

LOL I don't think SnkrbyNature watched the fight. Either that or he's Zab Judah himself.


Since when was Roger Mayweather Floyd's father?

And yes Zab did low blow, he admitted it.
JMM is a great boxer and gave Manny all he can handle. Both fights could've went either way. However, I think Manny is a far superior fighter NOW comparedto back when he last fought JMM. I think Pacquiao KOs JMM at 140 or 145 in a third fight.
The draw in MP vs JMM 1 was a joke, Pacquiao did win that fight even tho JMM came surging in the middle rounds, but I think after the 10th round Pac solidifiedthe win. I mean the scorecards were 115-110 MP, 115-110 JMM, and 113-113. Are you kidding me?
Lil off topic but do you guys want to know why Manny has been beasting and might do the same to Floyd? He has what we call in the Filipino culture"anting-anting"

Heres some info from wiki:

- Agimat or bertud or anting-anting, is a Filipino word for amulet or charm.[1] Although stereotyped as a cross, a flat, round or triangular golden pendantaccompanying a necklace or a necklace-like item, it is also depicted as an enchanted stone that came from the sky or from the heart of a banana tree. Inrelation to the latter, it is usually ingested. It is usually accompanied by a small book of magic incantations which must be read during Good Friday or acertain special date to attain the amulet's full power and benefit. An agimat could also be in the form of a clothing with magic words printed on it, oreven in the form of edible enchanted mud (in Tagalog, mud is putik).

-Filipino fighters also wore anting-anting to battle against the Spaniards and the Americans. Filipino hero Macario Sakay wore a vest that has religious imagesand Latin phrases to protect him from bullets.[4] Former Philippine-President Ferdinand Marcos, was given an anting-anting by Gregorio Aglipay that could makeMarcos invisible.

So yea its not steroids like the Mayweathers been sayin. Its anting anting!!!!
Originally Posted by SDTEKKEN

Lil off topic but do you guys want to know why Manny has been beasting and might do the same to Floyd? He has what we call in the Filipino culture "anting-anting"

Heres some info from wiki:

- Agimat or bertud or anting-anting, is a Filipino word for amulet or charm.[1] Although stereotyped as a cross, a flat, round or triangular golden pendant accompanying a necklace or a necklace-like item, it is also depicted as an enchanted stone that came from the sky or from the heart of a banana tree. In relation to the latter, it is usually ingested. It is usually accompanied by a small book of magic incantations which must be read during Good Friday or a certain special date to attain the amulet's full power and benefit. An agimat could also be in the form of a clothing with magic words printed on it, or even in the form of edible enchanted mud (in Tagalog, mud is putik).

-Filipino fighters also wore anting-anting to battle against the Spaniards and the Americans. Filipino hero Macario Sakay wore a vest that has religious images and Latin phrases to protect him from bullets.[4] Former Philippine-President Ferdinand Marcos, was given an anting-anting by Gregorio Aglipay that could make Marcos invisible.

So yea its not steroids like the Mayweathers been sayin. Its anting anting!!!!
His "anting-anting" is Freddie Roach
Originally Posted by bakedFresh707

Originally Posted by SDTEKKEN

Lil off topic but do you guys want to know why Manny has been beasting and might do the same to Floyd? He has what we call in the Filipino culture "anting-anting"

Heres some info from wiki:

- Agimat or bertud or anting-anting, is a Filipino word for amulet or charm.[1] Although stereotyped as a cross, a flat, round or triangular golden pendant accompanying a necklace or a necklace-like item, it is also depicted as an enchanted stone that came from the sky or from the heart of a banana tree. In relation to the latter, it is usually ingested. It is usually accompanied by a small book of magic incantations which must be read during Good Friday or a certain special date to attain the amulet's full power and benefit. An agimat could also be in the form of a clothing with magic words printed on it, or even in the form of edible enchanted mud (in Tagalog, mud is putik).

-Filipino fighters also wore anting-anting to battle against the Spaniards and the Americans. Filipino hero Macario Sakay wore a vest that has religious images and Latin phrases to protect him from bullets.[4] Former Philippine-President Ferdinand Marcos, was given an anting-anting by Gregorio Aglipay that could make Marcos invisible.

So yea its not steroids like the Mayweathers been sayin. Its anting anting!!!!
His "anting-anting" is Freddie Roach

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

does any one know of a website where i can watch past boxing matches?

If you can't find it on youtube in pieces, then go to There you can pick fighters and go through all their fights. If you're lookingfor Manny/JMM 1 & 2 they're both up on youtube in about 4 or 5 segments.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

does any one know of a website where i can watch past boxing matches?
I hope you find these so you can actually learn something and contribute for once in a boxing discussion.
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