the Official Floyd Mayweather vs Manny Pacquiao thread March 13 2010

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV




You ever heard a PBF fan talk about BLACK POWER after a Mayweather victory?

I'm not buying the BS at all.

Pacman definitely has the most hypebeast fans in the world. Floyd has been in the spotlight for years already.
QFT. I never saw Manny fans on NT til he won the Hatton fight

S T F U know damn well when manny f'ed up oscar was when he blew up........I for one started watching him religiously after the moralesfight
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV




You ever heard a PBF fan talk about BLACK POWER after a Mayweather victory?

I'm not buying the BS at all.

Pacman definitely has the most hypebeast fans in the world. Floyd has been in the spotlight for years already.
QFT. I never saw Manny fans on NT til he won the Hatton fight
What are you talking about?
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

FIRST B0RN wrote:

It's going to be epic to see all PBF fans eat crow, I am keeping a list of everyone who is talking +#+*. Best believe I will call each and everyone of
you out.

You wanna put screen names on the table?
Sn's? I have already went down that road with another member, who btw pulled a @%%%% move and decided to post from it 6 months later. Something tells me you're the same type of dude to pull a move like that. I am actually a fan of both fighters and want to see an epic fight. I have noticed moreso that people who are pulling for PBF tend to come off as pricks and it's usually the PBF bandwagon fans who know nothing about boxing that are posting the most ignorant comments. It's also blatantly obvious that a lot of the comments being made are race motivated too, which is lame. Trust, if it was the Manny supporters acting like douches, the name of the fighter in my original post would have been different.

you lame b
Originally Posted by blacktopking319

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV




You ever heard a PBF fan talk about BLACK POWER after a Mayweather victory?

I'm not buying the BS at all.

Pacman definitely has the most hypebeast fans in the world. Floyd has been in the spotlight for years already.
QFT. I never saw Manny fans on NT til he won the Hatton fight

S T F U know damn well when manny f'ed up oscar was when he blew up........I for one started watching him religiously after the morales fight
Sure you did. I believe you
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Originally Posted by KingFoamNYC

^ dude thought it was gonna be at msg or yankee stadium
Ummm, New York New York is a hotel in vegas.

Not sure why you would book a hotel if the location hasn't been chosen (unless I've missed something).

As i said, there is no cancellation fee, so IF it is in Dallas.... what does it hurt? Nothing!! Plus locking in 150$ price tag is
Well its DEF not gonna be in NY. Is obviously going to be in Texas or Las Vegas due to the tax free laws which enables the promotion companies and fighters topurse more $
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV




You ever heard a PBF fan talk about BLACK POWER after a Mayweather victory?

I'm not buying the BS at all.

Pacman definitely has the most hypebeast fans in the world. Floyd has been in the spotlight for years already.

I don't understand the point of this post. For one - Black people have a whole helluva lot more boxers that were/are champs. The Philippines hasPacquiao. So, yes we are proud to finally have a Pilipino in the spotlight. After all, I believe we are the second largest Asian population in the U.S. - forquite a while now. It took us this long to get one of us up there? Damn right, we're reppin' the PI.

You don't think it was a big deal for Black people when Jack Johnson was whoopin them White boxers up?

Maybe I'm missing what you were replying to exactly. But, I don't understand what's wrong w/ pride in a countryman.
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

Yall got Nonito man... dont sleep

Donaire is my guy!

Filipino Flash. Also there's anothing young filipino kid... Marvin Sonsona, supposed to be the next one. However his last fight was kind of sluggish...
Damn manny got the whole phillipines riding on his back. You guys will really be devastated if he loses
Originally Posted by BEAST MODE

Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

QFT. I never saw Manny fans on NT til he won the Hatton fight


They been here for awhile bruh.

Both PBF & Pacman have equally obnoxious fanbases.

and i get where first born is getting at.
Originally Posted by Dapper D

Man I hate that this fight is coming so soon...I wish it was in May

Pacquiao took such a beating last time...

and to have a fight four months later...I don't like it man...
Nah bro... pac was gonna fight in march either way. Beside, it'll be better for him. Boxing only, focus focus focus!
Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Dapper D

Man I hate that this fight is coming so soon...I wish it was in May

Pacquiao took such a beating last time...

and to have a fight four months later...I don't like it man...
Nah bro... pac was gonna fight in march either way. Beside, it'll be better for him. Boxing only, focus focus focus!
Originally Posted by Flashout01

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by Dapper D

Man I hate that this fight is coming so soon...I wish it was in May

Pacquiao took such a beating last time...

and to have a fight four months later...I don't like it man...
Nah bro... pac was gonna fight in march either way. Beside, it'll be better for him. Boxing only, focus focus focus!
If you look @ it this way on March 12 Floyd will have fought once in 2 years and 3 months, Pacman will have fought continuously for all of hiscareer and would only have 4 months in between fights. Mayweather will have fought 6 months prior. Manny will be razor sharp in the beginning and i know ittakes time for Mayweather to try to figure out his opponent. I wouldnt be surprised if Manny scores a KD in the first few rounds.
Originally Posted by SJSneakerheadIII


Possible venues include Dallas Stadium, Temporary stadium in Vegas & New Orleans.

Just what I've been reading.

Idc where it's at, as long as it's happening, I'm there.

hoping for vegas- when will this be announced?
Tue, 08 Dec 2009

( -- Mike Koncz, Manny's U.S. advisor stated "he and Manny are currently working on the contracts for the nextfight. Nothing is done yet, so please do not believe anything else you read. They are still working on a couple of matters, but we believe that in a shortamount of time everything could get agreed upon by all parties concerned."

Right now Manny is still enjoying his victory over Miguel Cotto. Manny is fully healed and enjoying his family and friends in the Philippines. As soon as theCotto fight was over and Manny flew back to the Philippines, Manny celebrated with family, friends, and fans, but eagerly went back to work finishing upprojects and obligations over in the Philippines, such as the[table][tr][td]
[/td] [/tr][/table]
movie Wapakman.

Manny is going to be doing a lot of traveling soon. Mike Koncz stated that " will be notified with all the real information as soon aspossible about this fight, as well as anything else going on in the life and world of Pacman."

"Also, Manny's hands and ears are already fully healed, otherwise they would not even be negotiating his next fight." Mike feels Manny would beready and willing to fight come March, as long as there is an amicable agreement met.
Originally Posted by TheAssassin23

Roach needs a lot mor evideo than that to be MOney!
Yeah im pretty sure hes got boatloads of video from when he trained DLH to fight Pretty Boy
I honestly think Floyd will win this one. Even though Pac man matches mayweathers speed pretty well. Floyd is not dumb he will never let Pac man land as manypunches as he has been all of his previous fights. Floyd is just to good of a defender to let that happen.
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