The Official HBO How To Make It In America Thread [INFO ON SEASON 2 ON PAGE 1]

am i the only one who laughs at rene's failed attempts to say "rasta monsta"? that lisp is killing him  
Originally Posted by mrtonyali13

am i the only one who laughs at rene's failed attempts to say "rasta monsta"? that lisp is killing him  

your not alone, i laugh just about every time.
Originally Posted by EightysBaby

Originally Posted by tSamShoX

Good finale. Episode 6 is still my favorite episode tho....
Mine too
When Cam and Ben was at the warehouse and they started playing "Shooting Stars"....I gotta admit it was magic.
Solid episode...I'm going to follow regardless but I really hope they bring in some new writers to beef up the script. They haven't really managed to nail the nnyc lingo/sound yet.
things i would like to see in season 2:

rachel never comes back

they show domingo's rise as a rapper a.k.a the real cudi story

more screen time for kappo and gingy

entourage collabo where ben designs a piece for vince chase.... haha jp
Theres no doubt in my mind that there will be a 2nd season. There HAS to be.

The wait will be excruciating for me. Seems like this is the only quality show on TV for me.

Also: why the extreme hate for Rachel? I just dont see the reason.
Originally Posted by McRaptor

To be honest I didn't even see that coming with Rene giving the shirts back thought dude woulda sold it himself or something
Also the Chinese people taking the shirts as luggage was pretty funny not having to pay shipping or taxes

Yea hope the 2nd season comes soon I actually used to look forward to Sundays cause of this

Man they weren't chinese
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Theres no doubt in my mind that there will be a 2nd season. There HAS to be.

The wait will be excruciating for me. Seems like this is the only quality show on TV for me.

Also: why the extreme hate for Rachel? I just dont see the reason.

For me at least she has nothing to do with the show. Her character didn't develop at all, and in all honesty she isn't that attractive either. Ben, Cam, and Rene would still be who they are for the most part if Rachel wasn't on the show.
Originally Posted by EightysBaby

I added lists of soundtracks from ep. 1-7 on page 1...ep 8 soundtrack list coming soon.

Crank should take lessons for how to run the Entourage thread next season (should be official, not weekly)
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Theres no doubt in my mind that there will be a 2nd season. There HAS to be.

The wait will be excruciating for me. Seems like this is the only quality show on TV for me.

Also: why the extreme hate for Rachel? I just dont see the reason.

For me at least she has nothing to do with the show. Her character didn't develop at all, and in all honesty she isn't that attractive either. Ben, Cam, and Rene would still be who they are for the most part if Rachel wasn't on the show.
exactly...shes essentially some a&$ ben never got over...the show doesn't develop her character, which actually had potential, for her to spend more time finding what she wants to do in life and pursuing that...they lost their target with her after that first episode where she was talking with her friend working in Africa saving kids or something.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Solid episode...I'm going to follow regardless but I really hope they bring in some new writers to beef up the script. They haven't really managed to nail the nnyc lingo/sound yet.

Which is why this show is dribble. 

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

JBSB1989 wrote:
There needs to be a season 2 and episodes need to be 1hr long instead of 30 minutes.
There is no way they give this show an hour, people have been crying for Entourage to be an hour for years now and that hasn't happened. I would like to see this show get picked up for a second season, 13 episode minimum.

Agreed, most of these shows don't have the writers or storyline to make it an hour each episode.  Most hour long cable shows have really strong writing, a lot of central characters, in-depth storylines.  Mad Men, The Wire, Dexter, Sopranos, etc.  If this and Entourage were an hour long, it would probably get even more repetitive than it normally is.  Same goes for people complaining about so little episodes or how long it takes in between seasons.  HBO doesn't have as many scripted programs as NBC or a real network, so they have to space out their shows longer to keep their schedules filled.

Good season finale, things had to go their way but I'm glad Cam had to get his hands dirty in order to succeed, I'm sure that will come back later.
Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

Theres no doubt in my mind that there will be a 2nd season. There HAS to be.

The wait will be excruciating for me. Seems like this is the only quality show on TV for me.

Also: why the extreme hate for Rachel? I just dont see the reason.

For me at least she has nothing to do with the show. Her character didn't develop at all, and in all honesty she isn't that attractive either. Ben, Cam, and Rene would still be who they are for the most part if Rachel wasn't on the show.
exactly...shes essentially some a&$ ben never got over...the show doesn't develop her character, which actually had potential, for her to spend more time finding what she wants to do in life and pursuing that...they lost their target with her after that first episode where she was talking with her friend working in Africa saving kids or something.

i just think you guys don't like her cause shes not that hot. her character relates to a lot of people, wanting a certain life style and once she has that decides its not for her

i find her annoying also btw
Anybody else think the scene with Ben and Wilfredo was foreshadowing what is going to happen between Ben and cam? Or am I reaching?
5dividedby4 wrote:
Anybody else think the scene with Ben and Wilfredo was foreshadowing what is going to happen between Ben and cam? Or am I reaching?

I don't see that happening with them two. They need each other. Ben is the creative side of the brand and Cam is the "hype man".  I can see it applying to Rene and Cam. Crisp blows up and all of a sudden Rene "owns" it because of the money Ben and Cam "borrowed".
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