The Official Inappropriate/Stupid Things You Heard People Say Thread

Jan 2, 2005
I remember back in the day someone made this thread and it was interesting to say the least. Ill start.

One of my friends got murdered last year. At his funeral there was girl who chilled with us in high school who was pretty close to my friend. She gave a speech and I remember she said "I know he's probably up in thugs mansion smoking a blunt with Pac and Biggie." I was f--king shocked! Like if that's her mindset, cool, but to say that in front of his grieving family is a little tasteless imo.

Another time I was at one of my boys' house and were playing fight night. I was Ali and he was Foreman. After knocking him out a few times I start talking trash about how Ali wrecked Foreman in real life and my boy goes "So, who would win in a fight now?" I didn't even know what to say cause that was so shallow of him to say despite what Ali is going through now.

Post yours.
I have so many from my old roommate. Russian chick that was pretty hot, fake ****, but dumb as rocks. She repulsed me with her stupidity. Also was always in a bad mood or had something negative to say. I'm glad she's gone.

"I passed the SATs on my first try so I didn't have to retake it"

"Have you been smoking pot? It smells like gas outside"

*observing her making Rice-A-Roni and doing everything wrong*
Me: "Are you reading the directions on the box? You're supposed to cover the pan and simmer, not boil uncovered."
Her: "Reading the box is cheating; I'm learning how to cook on my own"
Football coach:

"The sun only goes around the earth once in a lifetime, you gotta take advantage of the opportunity son."

"You gotta be on it 24/24."

"The four four is our bread and butter, it works 9 out of 10 times all the time."

Random guy
" you can't get aids from using a condom, why do you think they cost so much."
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