**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Jeweler that I deal with called me today and said he had this waiting on me.  He started at 3500 and at the end of the conversation it was 2200 out the door.  I put a deposite down on it so he could hold it and I could come home and do some research. 

I found the exact same one at the link below for 11000????


Anyone familiar with the Jesus?  Is this a good deal? Specs are below.

60.06 grams, 9.9ct Vs2-SI1.

Look at that pic, now look at my avy
Now back at that piece, and now back my avy
Now sadly, it isnt my avy
Need ya'll opinion on this baby Jesus piece I found a pawn shop. I like the way it looks, what ya'll think??

Specs: 14k 37.9 grams 5.6ct 2.5"

Sticker says $2300 and without any tnegotiating, they told me they can do $2000 today. What ya'll think about that price? I was thinking of coming back,offering a lower amount...


With flash:

I hated that piece when I first seen it. It's like trying to be a Jacob gone wrong. Not a fan of the empty looking head where the crown is and also that hollow back is cheap. It also looks like it's white gold plated around the white diamonds. Prolly trying to give the impression it's brighter than it actually is.

This one and robsheedwallace robsheedwallace though :pimp:

Did you get banned @robyeezy? What happened to your OG sn.

Also why are so many people hating on this guy's silver setup. Never once did he try and claim it was gold or try to pass it off as gold.
Need ya'll opinion on this baby Jesus piece I found a pawn shop. I like the way it looks, what ya'll think??

Specs: 14k 37.9 grams 5.6ct 2.5"

Sticker says $2300 and without any tnegotiating, they told me they can do $2000 today. What ya'll think about that price? I was thinking of coming back,offering a lower amount...

With flash:

it looks really really bad where the crown is attached.  the crown is way too small.  there should either be more diamonds or a larger crown to make for a seamless transition to jesus head-crownofthorns-face.  
Also why are so many people hating on this guy's silver setup. Never once did he try and claim it was gold or try to pass it off as gold.

Because it's NT. if you claim its gold and get exposed you take an L. If you buy silver people compare it to being team Jordan's. Little do they know some original team Jordan's went in tho :nerd: :smokin :rofl:
Looks about 3 - 4mm x 24 or 26 inches. Depending on the style/link you can pick one up for like 500 - 1000 bucks. Check out sarraf.com, traxnyc.com, goldenmine.com or soicyjewelry.com. They all got tons of smaller chains and charms. Something like that should run you about 40 or 45/gram.
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I buy and sell legal mushrooms

my aunt made about $80k in a 3 month season last year

Picking season just started this week

weed is legal in oregon

we have about  250  stores here and they always need product

I buy wholesale for the low and flip to the stores
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