**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

JoeGalvan wrote:



ive been lookin at that black thing in the middle (pause x 1000) for 30 minutes... aside from a piece of %@*#, this is the only thing i can imagine it being.


I will be out there
4show I wont be interested in dis %!@$!*+% $++  Prong all ova da place jewelry
Originally Posted by UnbornSeed

onhollowedground=ifandco cheerleader.

I've never understood the hate towards rob. let the man do him. you guys acting as if Chambers asked you guys for a donation to buy the piece.

Who the hell are you man? and when did I ever say anything cheerleading anybody? 
Originally Posted by JoeGalvan



ive been lookin at that black thing in the middle (pause x 1000) for 30 minutes... aside from a piece of %@*#, this is the only thing i can imagine it being.

Mr hanky?
Originally Posted by JChambers

Here's a pic of Lax with his old piece about to do  the Guayaquil Marathon, before he lost all that weight.

lol you a fool jc for that one lol
Originally Posted by FR3SH like UgHH

waiting for all the nt jewelers to come in and say "taht is not the original jacob mold. that lax made that. ben had a pc in doing that and that its on point cause its if&co" also its of to the original one.
Wow thats terrible. On a non jewelry related topic, I have no idea what was going on in that video. But I wasnt really paying too much attention either.

And LAX when we gonna see YOUR Jacob recreation. Im tryin to see how these come out. Realtalk.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

waiting for all the nt jewelers to come in and say�"taht is not the original jacob mold. that lax made that. ben had a pc in doing that and that its on point cause its if&co" also its of to the original one.

It's sad, but thats how it usually goes down around here. Don't get me wrong, Icee Fresh makes some real dope top notch quality pieces, but they ain't the only ones in the game doing it. When you buying jewels, you just gotta consider your budget and shop around to find the best quality for the best deal. I'm hoping Lax is gonna come through with a perfect Jacob reproduction at a good price. I might need a rose gold one next.
JChambers wrote:
Originally Posted by elgrenas

waiting for all the nt jewelers to come in and say�"taht is not the original jacob mold. that lax made that. ben had a pc in doing that and that its on point cause its if&co" also its of to the original one.

It's sad, but thats how it usually goes down around here. Don't get me wrong, Icee Fresh makes some real dope top notch quality pieces, but they ain't the only ones in the game doing it. When you buying jewels, you just gotta consider your budget and shop around to find the best quality for the best deal. I'm hoping Lax is gonna come through with a perfect Jacob reproduction at a good price. I might need a rose gold one next.

no im not knocking bens craftsmanship im refering to fools taht think they know the jewelry game like lax, ben, and jofb do. i think that ben has some real dope pcs like the san diego hat and the converse. sick !%%.
I am not here to do a review but an announcement to all who maybe can be concerned.

As a traditional swiss setter, I remind you that the sertissage traditionnel is an art first.

Learn the art of using tools to be clever with his hands, having
the sense of resourcefulness and have the speed especially during

I have seen throughout the forum beautiful pieces , and good ideas, but
some claim to self-proclaimed best when its own
Photos can highlight very bad quality details on their pieces as :

the height of all the stones
the blistering in middlings
the drifts too open
a bad pitch stones
the design centering of the star

all these littles things who I guess that can be much greater

have a nice weekend to all and happy Valentine's Day
if im not wrong the ugly jesus ross has on came from avianne & co. This one might be the same one

Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by Frank Mucus

Originally Posted by PremeOne

Does anyone have a Good Wood Jesus Piece? I'm trying to get a scanned picture so I can see the detail.

Frank, it disappoints me that you actually own that.

I don't rock it though. It's not even mine

Everything else in the back is mine though


I know lax didn't make that blasphemous lookin' titan styled Jesus piece. And like everyone else, I'm waiting to see your recreation of that jacob piece.
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