**..:The Official Jewelry Thread Vol. 11: You get a Jesus piece! You get a Jesus piece! Everybody gets a Jesus piece:..**

Oddly enough I talked to Floyd a few Weeks back, I asked him about his old stuff and how he got all of it stolen and the new stuff he got and what he's getting done, He had no Idea who Rob/Lax was and or Ben Baller for that fact, he said he's never had anything done by either of them because I said "yeh man I know where you got ur new joints done"......he said "%%* who?" we talked about a bunch of stuff from His sons Basketball because he wanted a personal trainer for him to His Maybach that he had sittin on stocks....I gave him a hard time lol
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Oddly enough I talked to Floyd a few Weeks back, I asked him about his old stuff and how he got all of it stolen and the new stuff he got and what he's getting done, He had no Idea who Rob/Lax was and or Ben Baller for that fact, he said he's never had anything done by either of them because I said "yeh man I know where you got ur new joints done"......he said "%%* who?" we talked about a bunch of stuff from His sons Basketball because he wanted a personal trainer for him to His Maybach that he had sittin on stocks....I gave him a hard time lol

Who did he say makes his stuff?
Originally Posted by FedExciter

lot of foolish jewels in that video
Disappointed cuz the screen cap made it look like he fell asleep and someone was painting his face... I learned that he was getting his face painted on purpose smh...
Originally Posted by JChambers

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Oddly enough I talked to Floyd a few Weeks back, I asked him about his old stuff and how he got all of it stolen and the new stuff he got and what he's getting done, He had no Idea who Rob/Lax was and or Ben Baller for that fact, he said he's never had anything done by either of them because I said "yeh man I know where you got ur new joints done"......he said "%%* who?" we talked about a bunch of stuff from His sons Basketball because he wanted a personal trainer for him to His Maybach that he had sittin on stocks....I gave him a hard time lol

Who did he say makes his stuff?

he didn't, we talked for a bit about his old stuff I asked how heavy thoes iced out gloves where because I liked them and then about how alot got stolen and his new stuff he has, I said "ahhh okay i know the place you got ur new joints done" and I said some dude Rob the a guy that does custom stuff and who goes "+%% who?" then I said well do you know Ben then? and he said the same thing he had no idea who I was talking about lol and that he never got anything done by them and then got back onto the convo about his Son and Basketball, really cool dude.......Ill ask him next time I see him who does his stuff or who he says does his stuff
Originally Posted by treewing

That ROC piece is SERIOUS!! Woo!! UUUGGH, too bad we'll never see an all black one smfh!!!
I think i've seen 1 with Black Diamonds on it but not fully black.
Originally Posted by python002

Ben who lol

well he said that about Rob "the #$%@ who?" and then I said well you know Ben right? and he's like "naw man, Ive never had anything done from either of them" but then again I dont think Ben ever said he did anything for Floyd I just figured he'd know him because he's big into the shine game but he said he didnt
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by treewing

That ROC piece is SERIOUS!! Woo!! UUUGGH, too bad we'll never see an all black one smfh!!!
I've seen 2 with Black Diamonds on them but not fully black.
Me too but I would looooooove to see a completely black setup...
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by python002

Ben who lol

well he said that about Rob "the #$%@ who?" and then I said well you know Ben right? and he's like "naw man, Ive never had anything done from either of them" but then again I dont think Ben ever said he did anything for Floyd I just figured he'd know him because he's big into the shine game but he said he didnt

Yeah, those big time celebs like Mayweather, Jay Z and Kanye etc. don't know any of these jewelers but Jacob and maybe Jason of Beverly Hills.
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by python002

Ben who lol

well he said that about Rob "the #$%@ who?" and then I said well you know Ben right? and he's like "naw man, Ive never had anything done from either of them" but then again I dont think Ben ever said he did anything for Floyd I just figured he'd know him because he's big into the shine game but he said he didnt

Maybe he doesn't know either of them by name just by their work? *shrugs*
Originally Posted by treewing

Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

Originally Posted by python002

Ben who lol

well he said that about Rob "the #$%@ who?" and then I said well you know Ben right? and he's like "naw man, Ive never had anything done from either of them" but then again I dont think Ben ever said he did anything for Floyd I just figured he'd know him because he's big into the shine game but he said he didnt

Maybe he doesn't know either of them by name just by their work? *shrugs*

Yeh I dunno man, he said he didnt know them with the quickness, not "ummm what does he look like?" like he knew they didnt make anything he owns forsure.......Ill ask Him when I see him again who does his stuff
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