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This is so damn monotonous I can't stand it. Music, cut screens, announcers. I feel like I am in a psychological experiment, and I have a degree in psychology.
Nike deal came at game 64. Currently just finished game 66 but my hands are too sore right now. Hopefully X all the codes aren't gone when I try to finish this up. Should be only like 6 games away at this point correct?
Well I created my shoes. No message at all. No lebron screen or anything. Saved the shoes, sent me back to the heading to arena screen.
Nike deal came at game 64. Currently just finished game 66 but my hands are too sore right now. Hopefully X all the codes aren't gone when I try to finish this up. Should be only like 6 games away at this point correct?

Made me play 77
Is there anything else that I should look towards doing to get the code? Did everyone else's lebron screen just pop up at the time of completing the custom shoes and naming them?
Is there anything else that I should look towards doing to get the code? Did everyone else's lebron screen just pop up at the time of completing the custom shoes and naming them?

They literally pop up at the completion of your shoe. After you save and exit, LeBron screen pops up.
Well wrap it up then folks because its over... I could put that game in a skeet shooter and blow it to pieces. Sent a nice little letter to 2ksports letting them know the could have let people know about the code being messed up or unavailable to save time and save people from purchasing the game if that was their sole reason behind it, i.e me.

Not good to be pissed at 4 in the morning.
Not getting the game until Xmas day for XboxOne - Looks like i'll be missing out :smh:
I will keep everyone updated on what they say back to me, if anything, regarding the situation. I bluntly put it that they could have let it be known by their various social media outlets that all the codes had been issued to save a lot of people the hassle. I was pretty pumped about a surprise shoe too.
Damn if its all over i got lucky to get my code earlier today. Would have been pissed to complete 77 games & no code.
lol is this confirmed that the shoes have reached the preorder limit? its almost 5am and I'm up playing this game..
lol is this confirmed that the shoes have reached the preorder limit? its almost 5am and I'm up playing this game..
guess i'm going to be keeping the ps4 sealed and returning 2k14 lol. thank god but i hope all yall who should've got it, get it
Following this thread closely. Fortunate to have done my work this weekend and gotten code no1. Sad that code no 2 won't happen. Lost about $30 extra due to this. Will trade in game this weekend if codes are gone.
Feel very fortunate to have ordered my size 10 last week. Sorry to those of you that have put in endless amounts of work for nothing. Hey, they just did a roster update so maybe it's just messing up right now or something? I would hate if you guys miss out on this shoe.
Was just browsing through Instagram and someone put up the picture of lebron telling them about the shoes 5 hours ago, so at 12am. Guessing he may of been one of the last ones?
if this is over im gonna b soo sick n pissed...i work over 60 hours/week n was up to All star break when first save corrupted. Very close with my 2nd attemtp n if I did all this n jus missed out I'm gonna kill someone cuz i shoulda had this code a wwek n a half ago! wtf
do the file save corruptions happen on the xbox or ps4? I know ive seen my ps4 stuff say its on the cloud but the ui is too cluttered on the xbox for me to really know whats good.
do the file save corruptions happen on the xbox or ps4? I know ive seen my ps4 stuff say its on the cloud but the ui is too cluttered on the xbox for me to really know whats good.
yes they do...when 2K did the roster update last week it corrupted alot of people including mines save file n oddly only for my career, my my gm file was still good...i cursed out 3 people on the phone last week cuz i lost all that time spent playin...n now it might really hurt if the shoes r done
do the file save corruptions happen on the xbox or ps4? I know ive seen my ps4 stuff say its on the cloud but the ui is too cluttered on the xbox for me to really know whats good.
yes they do...when 2K did the roster update last week it corrupted alot of people including mines save file n oddly only for my career, my my gm file was still good...i cursed out 3 people on the phone last week cuz i lost all that time spent playin...n now it might really hurt if the shoes r done

yes they do to what? im asking about which console it was on. Im pretty sure you can recover file saves on the ps4 by grabbing your file from the cloud.
yes they do to what? im asking about which console it was on. Im pretty sure you can recover file saves on the ps4 by grabbing your file from the cloud.
oh sorry i thought u meant does it happen on either def happens on ps4...i tried to get the backup from cloud but it didnt work, i had some1 from sony on the phone n all...2k really screwed me...shouldnt u make sutre an update is safe before puttin it out
yes they do to what? im asking about which console it was on. Im pretty sure you can recover file saves on the ps4 by grabbing your file from the cloud.
oh sorry i thought u meant does it happen on either def happens on ps4...i tried to get the backup from cloud but it didnt work, i had some1 from sony on the phone n all...2k really screwed me...shouldnt u make sutre an update is safe before puttin it out

thanks for clarifying.

I honestly feel sleep deprived and my eyes have been watering on and off for the last 2 days. guess the 2k marathon + working isn't really a good idea. I have to figure out if im gonna ditch my current career (hate the hawks and like the ps4 version better) or just trade both copies I have into gamestop or bestbuy for like $80.
Ok, THIS INFORMATION MAY BE WRONG. Having said that I just spoke with the guy that put the Instagram picture up of lebron giving him the code. He has confirmed that they have sold out. Like I said he may just be blowing smoke where the sun don't shine.
well i'm should have a few more games to find out for sure...makin this 1 last push hopefully they're not sold out
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