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How do you set up your 2k account tho? I wasn't asked.
When i logged in with my first account it was already set up. My next game with new psn i set it up through the ps4 it asked for email etc, then received an email to activate my 2k. 
Does anyone here know someone that hasn't redeem their code yet? Wonder what Nike says if they try to redeem it today.
Im just curious....does anyone know if you are for sure good once you place the order? Do they take the money out your account? Because with people paying 400 bucks for a code, it would really suck for them if they get refunded/dont get a shoe....
Welp just made my sig shoe, no code or LBJ screen. I may break this game if they really are sold out.
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I'm at work right now, so I don't have time to call but I googled a direct number for 2k customer support and came up with 1-866-219-9839. I didn't see it on the 2k website, just saw email support. Worth a try if you want to see if the codes are really done.
Yup too many saying thy didnt get the code. Im assuming its officially done. Unless its some type of glitch.
From a logical perspective, wouldn't they truly be sold out once the page says "sold out". How many 2k players got the code and don't care? Also, 2k can handout an endless supply of codes as you need to redeem it, that's why the code doesn't guarantee the shoes. FCFS on purchasing from how I understand it.

Being an optimist.
The way this thread is about to turn could be epic :lol:

Some of you guys were doing a whole lot extra just to get these shoes it seems
I played through and got the lebron message a week ago and 2k support has not helped me recover a code yet. i called multiple times (takes about 30mins+ to get a person on the line). they had someone look at it on the first day then nothing. It hasnt updated at all on their support site.
Just saying i wouldnt hold my breath on getting a code if you didnt get one after designing the shoe. Pretty sure their priority is bug fixes and roster updates -not this code.

Ive since started a new career about 20 games in on a new email. I have no idea if ill finish it or not. Def cant marathon it again.
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