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@BigJ505 I was pretty surprised that the codes lasted as long as they did. 2,014 pairs arent that much but then again, new system (400+) and the game itself (65+) not everyone has that money to throw around.

hulk7280 hulk7280 dont forget about UPS My Choice!
between the LeBron xi thread all of a sudden all about jean talk and this thread about this inside info that inside info and what this rep said I cant wait until these get shipped and the XII come out
At this point I've already waited roughly 3 months so I'm not really worried when they ship. But on the other hand, I wouldn't mind if I woke up tomorrow with a package on my doorstep... Ha
It seems they would have to ship by the 26th since Nike implemented a Order Expiration date on PayPal for 3/26/14. Gonna be fuming if my order gets bumped because it expired on Nike's account.
It seems they would have to ship by the 26th since Nike implemented a Order Expiration date on PayPal for 3/26/14. Gonna be fuming if my order gets bumped because it expired on Nike's account.
PayPal does that expiration date, you didn't notice its exactly a month from your order date? Besides that, Nike has worked with PayPal to ensure you have no problems with authorizing another charge even if it expires.
Hi All,  not a troll or anything like that haha but passing along info as I am speaking with Nike rep on phone right now.  My paypal transaction has expired being as my shoe order was placed on Dec 12th.  I called paypal and they said it is void after sitting for 30 days.  I am back on the phone with Nike but this may pose a problem for you if you used paypal since its been so long.  Just letting you guys know as they are currently having to charge it to my card instead as I type this..  They told me it will take a couple days to make the change and a supervisor will call/email me back when the change is complete.  I asked him what about if they ship this weekend and he said it should be ok since I made the change and the information change has been made...I suggest everyone that use paypal a while back checks the status and make sure it doesn't say expired.
^great heads up and sounds a lot like my convo with them on Tuesday. I'm definitely thinking now that the shipping is directly related to the different concerns regarding people's payments.
I used Paypal too my exp date is 4-5-13, getting close so I am gonna get on a chat next week and see if I need them to re-do the charge

I wish they would take the money now, I got an extra 238 just sitting in my paypal account exactly for this I wish I could tell Nike look just take the damn money now
Yeah its kind of ridiculous I didn't even know it could expire.  I told them that this is some BS and there would be plenty of people calling for the same thing because its been months already.  I plan on giving the supervisor an earful about this entire process once he calls me back or emails me.

I don't care when they ship the sooner the better but I want to make sure I get what I worked for lol!  And there is no BS once they finally do ship.
Just called Nike myself pay pal exp date April 5th they said they would just add my debit card number as a back up if PayPal was to throw out the transaction cuz they will after April 5th they said, only way to fix it thru PayPal is for nike to send them another invoice. So good looking out people [emoji]128077[/emoji] nike rep said 2-3 buisness days to add the card and to call back to double check it was added and a piece of mind.
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I contacted a rep like 2 weeks ago about the exact issue, and he said I had nothing to worry about, and later I got an email that said:

"Thank you for contacting Nike in regards to your order. Our customer service department provided me with your request to update the pending authorization for your order. As this time we have worked with PayPal to secure your authorization till your order is shipped. As long no information on your PayPal account has changed for example credit card number or expiration date. You have nothing to worry about and we will process the payment at the time the time the order is shipped. "

I was even called by a rep from Nike, but I didn't pick up because I didn't know the number, but she left a voicemail all about the same thing from the email.
Apparently 90 days my mistake that's what paypal told me...should look like this in the transaction if it expired.  Just check with paypal

I just wanted to give a heads up, I don't want any BS for anybody we all waited this long
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thanks for the heads up guys.. both my orders were made through paypal, didnt even think about them being expired.. calling nike now. 
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