The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by wanksta23

mines simple
grin.gif that free itouch too
And where can I get this desktop weather icon, sorry if the question has been asked before.
Sorry to quote with a picture, but I'm interested in the weather app, too.
Originally Posted by RedMan

Originally Posted by houstonsnk

I just got my first Mac the other day. Its a white macbook 2.13, 4 gig memory. It was bought new in May 09. I got it for $600. Is that a good deal? 100% battery left too.

I would say yes.
thanks, ll be in here more often.
Yo i need some serious help. This morning my track pad on my macbook pro got messed up somehow and wouldn't click at all. Then for a while it would only dothe mac equivalent of a right click. Now it only works if I kind of jab my thumb downward into the middle of the track pad. First of all, has this happened toanyone else?! Secondly, how can i fix it because it is a major inconvience!?!?11!?!?!/1/1/1/1?!?!/1/
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

Yo i need some serious help. This morning my track pad on my macbook pro got messed up somehow and wouldn't click at all. Then for a while it would only do the mac equivalent of a right click. Now it only works if I kind of jab my thumb downward into the middle of the track pad. First of all, has this happened to anyone else?! Secondly, how can i fix it because it is a major inconvience!?!?11!?!?!/1/1/1/1?!?!/1/

sounds like you might gotten something underneath it, best bet is to bring it to the genius bar at an apple store
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by SjuTruth07

Has anyone ordered their Snow Leopard and still not received it, I ordered when it dropped and on Apple it says it shipped on Aug 31st...still haven't
received it. Also, how do you get the remaining GBs left on your hard drive to show on the desktop under the icon like some of you have it. Thanks.
haven't gotten mine either...what's the deal?

no shipping info either?you guys should try calling apple or even try visting a store with the recipt that says you purchased it online.
i bought mine like labor day and recieved it on saturday of that week.
i need help one deciding whether i should get the macbook pro 13 or 15

right now i got a 17 inch HP pavillion laptop and its close to tearing up but i have nor want to spend over 1500 for a laptop right now
i wanna know before i pull the trigger is it really worth getting a 13 in macbook pro now or should i just wait and save up for a 15 even tho i dont wannathrow that kind of money on a laptop

so basically i just want to know if anybody here got a MBP 13 inch would you recommend me getting one ?
anyone know how to put a widget on your desktop without it going over stuff you open? I was able to do it but when I open a program like safari the widgetstays infront of the program, instead of staying in the background on the desktop if you know what i mean....
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

i need help one deciding whether i should get the macbook pro 13 or 15

right now i got a 17 inch HP pavillion laptop and its close to tearing up but i have nor want to spend over 1500 for a laptop right now
i wanna know before i pull the trigger is it really worth getting a 13 in macbook pro now or should i just wait and save up for a 15 even tho i dont wanna throw that kind of money on a laptop

so basically i just want to know if anybody here got a MBP 13 inch would you recommend me getting one ?

Here's what I'm going to tell you. I have the 15 inch myself BTW. Are you going to be doing any type of heavy photo editing, movie editing, orgaming. If not then get the 13. If so then the 9600 GT graphics card will make a difference and the 15 inch is worth investing into. Otherwise get a 13 inchand enjoy.

I was switching up my icons in CandyBar and when I relaunched the dock it never came back...i restarted the computer and still no dock. I opened CandyBar fromthe apple dropdown menu at the top of the screen and relaunched it again and still nothing. Everything works fine when I open things from the dropdown menu butwhen i go on my HD and click applications, none of them load. Can anyone help me get my dock back??? Thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

i need help one deciding whether i should get the macbook pro 13 or 15

right now i got a 17 inch HP pavillion laptop and its close to tearing up but i have nor want to spend over 1500 for a laptop right now
i wanna know before i pull the trigger is it really worth getting a 13 in macbook pro now or should i just wait and save up for a 15 even tho i dont wanna throw that kind of money on a laptop

so basically i just want to know if anybody here got a MBP 13 inch would you recommend me getting one ?

Here's what I'm going to tell you. I have the 15 inch myself BTW. Are you going to be doing any type of heavy photo editing, movie editing, or gaming. If not then get the 13. If so then the 9600 GT graphics card will make a difference and the 15 inch is worth investing into. Otherwise get a 13 inch and enjoy.

i just wanna surf the web, and maybe do some video, movie and music editing on the side

im not big on PC games so gaming is out and im a college student so something lite would be good, my thing is i dont want to go from a 17 inch laptop
to a 13 inch without knowing if its really worth it
Originally Posted by SjuTruth07


I was switching up my icons in CandyBar and when I relaunched the dock it never came back...i restarted the computer and still no dock. I opened CandyBar from the apple dropdown menu at the top of the screen and relaunched it again and still nothing. Everything works fine when I open things from the dropdown menu but when i go on my HD and click applications, none of them load. Can anyone help me get my dock back??? Thanks in advance.
Are you running Snow Leopard?
What version of Candybar are you running?
Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by SjuTruth07


I was switching up my icons in CandyBar and when I relaunched the dock it never came back...i restarted the computer and still no dock. I opened CandyBar from the apple dropdown menu at the top of the screen and relaunched it again and still nothing. Everything works fine when I open things from the dropdown menu but when i go on my HD and click applications, none of them load. Can anyone help me get my dock back??? Thanks in advance.
Are you running Snow Leopard?
What version of Candybar are you running?
No Snow Leopard, version 3.2.1 just updated today
Originally Posted by davizzy

Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by SjuTruth07

Has anyone ordered their Snow Leopard and still not received it, I ordered when it dropped and on Apple it says it shipped on Aug 31st...still haven't
received it. Also, how do you get the remaining GBs left on your hard drive to show on the desktop under the icon like some of you have it. Thanks.
haven't gotten mine either...what's the deal?

no shipping info either?you guys should try calling apple or even try visting a store with the recipt that says you purchased it online.
i bought mine like labor day and recieved it on saturday of that week.
Just called today and they are going to send me another one with expedited FedEx shipping, should be here in a couple days
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

i need help one deciding whether i should get the macbook pro 13 or 15

right now i got a 17 inch HP pavillion laptop and its close to tearing up but i have nor want to spend over 1500 for a laptop right now
i wanna know before i pull the trigger is it really worth getting a 13 in macbook pro now or should i just wait and save up for a 15 even tho i dont wanna throw that kind of money on a laptop

so basically i just want to know if anybody here got a MBP 13 inch would you recommend me getting one ?

Here's what I'm going to tell you. I have the 15 inch myself BTW. Are you going to be doing any type of heavy photo editing, movie editing, or gaming. If not then get the 13. If so then the 9600 GT graphics card will make a difference and the 15 inch is worth investing into. Otherwise get a 13 inch and enjoy.

i just wanna surf the web, and maybe do some video, movie and music editing on the side

im not big on PC games so gaming is out and im a college student so something lite would be good, my thing is i dont want to go from a 17 inch laptop
to a 13 inch without knowing if its really worth it
IF you are not going to be doing intensive graphics work don't bother with the 15 inch. Trust me it won't be worth it to you. Plusit's an extra lb to tug around as well
Originally Posted by SjuTruth07

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

Originally Posted by SjuTruth07


I was switching up my icons in CandyBar and when I relaunched the dock it never came back...i restarted the computer and still no dock. I opened CandyBar from the apple dropdown menu at the top of the screen and relaunched it again and still nothing. Everything works fine when I open things from the dropdown menu but when i go on my HD and click applications, none of them load. Can anyone help me get my dock back??? Thanks in advance.
Are you running Snow Leopard?
What version of Candybar are you running?
No Snow Leopard, version 3.2.1 just updated today
Have you tried restarting the dock via Terminal?

Type "killall dock" and press enter I believe. May have to capitalize the D.
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

Yo i need some serious help. This morning my track pad on my macbook pro got messed up somehow and wouldn't click at all. Then for a while it would only do the mac equivalent of a right click. Now it only works if I kind of jab my thumb downward into the middle of the track pad. First of all, has this happened to anyone else?! Secondly, how can i fix it because it is a major inconvience!?!?11!?!?!/1/1/1/1?!?!/1/

Take it back to the Apple store and get it fixed.
I got a new macbookpro today (thanks applecare), and does anyone know how to transfer over microsoft office?
I tried migration assistant, but i could only transfer EVERY application, which I didnt want.

So does anyone know how to transfer a single application from migration assitant?
Or a way to transfer microsoft office by itself?

Because my office 2004 discs are at home, and I'm at school right now, so itd take a bit for my parents to send them over to me

so im having trouble opening .docx files from someone else. i have word for mac 2004

the conversion program i was referred to is for leopard 10.5. i have 10.6

it tried to install it but it wouldnt let me

anyone know which program to download?
Anyone know how to fix a power adapter? The gold teeth on the magnetic park is pushed down. Unfortunately Apple doesn't cover it & i'm really nottryna drop $80 on a charger.
what sites do you all go to for screensavers?

I been looking for one similar to MatrixGL to place as my background but it doesnt work for SL10.6
I just installed Snow Leopard but my iLife and iWork is no where to be found and my restore disks are back home and I'm 800 miles away at school. HELP!
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

i need help one deciding whether i should get the macbook pro 13 or 15

right now i got a 17 inch HP pavillion laptop and its close to tearing up but i have nor want to spend over 1500 for a laptop right now
i wanna know before i pull the trigger is it really worth getting a 13 in macbook pro now or should i just wait and save up for a 15 even tho i dont wanna throw that kind of money on a laptop

so basically i just want to know if anybody here got a MBP 13 inch would you recommend me getting one ?
I'm using a 13 inch MBP for university and it's great. I would highly recommend it, but I'm coming from a 14 inch so it wasn'tmuch of a transition.
Anyone know why Adium always shows that I'm offline each time my computer goes idle?
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