The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

My friend came up with a better idea, just put the movie on a flash drive and watch it through my 360... works like a charm
Originally Posted by gil23

So i copped a macbook on black friday for regular price with a $150 gift card...its awesome but when are the new pros coming out with the new processor?
Rumors have been swirling around that the new processors could begin showing around the 1st quarter of 2010. It's all speculation, butdefinitely in time, the MBP should be saying goodbye to Core 2 Duo processors soon.
planning on buying myself a macbook pro for christmas, never had a mac, so I got a few questions, some computer whiz please help me out, ASAP.:

- HOw can microsoft office (excel,word etc.) files be opened on a mac? Can it be put into mac's version of "word"? Or a document I write in macs"word" can that be opened on a pc?
- By putting windows onto a mac as well, slow down the MBP while in normal mode and when using windows?
- Is a "normal" keyboard or mouse compatible with the MBP?
^ You may want to wait before you buy one, they might see an upgrade real soon. As for your questions,

1. You can buy Office 2008 for Mac, which you can do everything you can on the pc, with your mac. Yes you can write a document on your mac and be able to openit on a pc.
2. Not really sure since I don't have windows on my mac, but I'm sure it will run perfectly.
3. Most keyboards/mouse are now compatible with macs. Just make sure they are before you buy one.

[h3]First Intel Arrandale (MacBook Pro) Processors Due January 3rd?[/h3] Fudzilla claims that Intel is planning on launching three Arrandale-based processors on January 3rd, 2010. These Arrandale processors are based on the advanced Nehalem architecture first introduced into desktop Macs earlier this year, and should represent a significant performance improvement over the Core 2 Duo processors that are currently found in Apple's MacBook Pros.

The three new processors will be branded under the "Core i5" and "Core i7" names and range from 2.4GHz to 2.66GHz with prices ranging from $225 to $332 in quantities of 1000. While Fudzilla describes their TDP (thermal design power) of 35W as "not so attractive", it matches up with the current high-end processors used in the MacBook Pro. This means Apple could use these processors in a new MacBook Pro update.

These new mobile processors are said to eventually also come in low-voltage variants that will also make them suitable for ultra-thin notebooks such as the MacBook Air.
So should i return my brand new macbook for a gift card and wait to cop a macbook pro?
thanks a lot googler. as for the updates, so I suppose this will be a big change and big improvement? Will that occur in January, when the new processorslaunch? Do you guys think the prices will rise due to the new processor?
i feel like the prices will still be the same. not a huge spike.. the tablet is also set to release early 2010 for a price range around 700.
It would probably be some performance and speed bumps, better battery life, aside from the new processor. It's only a rumor nothing official, for now.

As for the prices, it will probably stay the same as the current prices.
So Ive had my macbook for about a month now and I notice on websites including NT, all the pics dont show up but then when I get on a PC they show up fine. Isthere a way to make them all show up?
why cant i see smilies and the quoting is weird compare to winndows( new macbook by the way)
I have a feeling that after I cop this MBP very soon...a new line will pop up..BUT..I won't be jealous..cuz I'll still have a mac.
My mac will randomly go into sleep while Im using it. This will happen (usually) twice, immediately after each other, at random times. Its getting extremelyannoying and I have no idea how to help fix it. Apparently its a connector/sleep switch that needs to be fixed, but Im in the middle of finals so I cant takeit in yet. Any ideas to help the problem?

Also, i have moshi palmguard on my laptop, would I have to take it off before goin to apple?
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

my desktop, anyone here good with geek tool?
yo, can you post the code you used for the temperature. every code i've tried using for the temp never works out.
Originally Posted by AgentArenas

My mac will randomly go into sleep while Im using it. This will happen (usually) twice, immediately after each other, at random times. Its getting extremely annoying and I have no idea how to help fix it. Apparently its a connector/sleep switch that needs to be fixed, but Im in the middle of finals so I cant take it in yet. Any ideas to help the problem?

Also, i have moshi palmguard on my laptop, would I have to take it off before goin to apple?
I had the same problem back in May. I just took it into the Apple repair spot at my school and they got it back to me the next day. He said theyweren't busy that week so maybe that's why it was so fast.
Originally Posted by jae oh en

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

my desktop, anyone here good with geek tool?
yo, can you post the code you used for the temperature. every code i've tried using for the temp never works out.
This one shows current weather ie snow, rain, clear, fair and the temp

curl --silent "" | grep -E '(CurrentConditions:stoneface: F<BR)' | sed -e 's/Current [b]Conditions://[/b]' -e 's/<br\/>//' -e 's/<b>//' -e 's/<\/b>//' -e 's/<BR \/>//' -e 's/<description>//' -e's/<\/description>//'
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