The Official Mac Thread (Docs, Themes, Apps, Etc.)

where can i get free font downloads?
sorry for all the questions
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

IDK if its my imagination... but I swaer on my new MB.. the screen randomly brightens and dims just a tiny bit from time to time.... hmmmm

Same thing happens on my girls MBP, is this normal or should it be sent in for repair?
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

IDK if its my imagination... but I swaer on my new MB.. the screen randomly brightens and dims just a tiny bit from time to time.... hmmmm

wondering the same thing too.... i thought it was just me
Originally Posted by dyzzle

where can i get free font downloads?
sorry for all the questions
Have you ever just typed into google... free font downloads? Damn there are a lot of stupid questions.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Originally Posted by dyzzle

where can i get free font downloads?
sorry for all the questions
Have you ever just typed into google... free font downloads? Damn there are a lot of stupid questions.
well i wanna know where people get them first hand so i know they are legit and not full of viruses. when i still used windows i would search onyahoo/google and would sometimes end up in sites that are sketchy as hell and would get so many pop ups.
thanks for the sites tho.
Originally Posted by Olvera23

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

IDK if its my imagination... but I swaer on my new MB.. the screen randomly brightens and dims just a tiny bit from time to time.... hmmmm

wondering the same thing too.... i thought it was just me

it adjusts to the light around you.
Originally Posted by Phinsfan13

Exactly. I have a 20" 2008 Display, a Mimo 7", and my MBP 15". It is great being able to switch screens especially with the work I'm doing.

how's the mimo working out for you? word of advice, don't let the computer go to sleep with the mouse on the mimo screen.. it will freeze the mousethere and the only way to get it back to work is to unplug the mimo and replug it.
Thats what I thought... but its not like the light changes... just the angle of the computer at the light .... odd
Hey, I have a suggestion, how about we stop belittling people in this thread when they have questions. Ofcourse they can google, but they are looking to you guys to give some solid first hand suggestions. If you don't want to, don't respond, simple asthat.

A lot of these guys are new to Macs or not too familiar with the Macs they have. Don't take for granted that they know as much as you do.
For those of you intereted in a MBP, I've read that the ADC Hardware Purchase Program offers cheaper pricing than the student discount (only MBPs i think) <--- Read about it there.

The STUDENT membership for the Apple Developer Connection is 99 bucks and even when you factor that in the price for a macbook pro is cheaper than student (Ithink)

I'm in the market to buy (going to buy in June when Snow Leopard is out) so that's just what i've gathered from some research.
Originally Posted by Olvera23

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

IDK if its my imagination... but I swaer on my new MB.. the screen randomly brightens and dims just a tiny bit from time to time.... hmmmm

wondering the same thing too.... i thought it was just me
it dims when you take it off the charger
Originally Posted by nkwu11

For those of you intereted in a MBP, I've read that the ADC Hardware Purchase Program offers cheaper pricing than the student discount (only MBPs i think) <--- Read about it there.

The STUDENT membership for the Apple Developer Connection is 99 bucks and even when you factor that in the price for a macbook pro is cheaper than student (I think)

I'm in the market to buy (going to buy in June when Snow Leopard is out) so that's just what i've gathered from some research.
Thanks for the info.

I'm def going for the MBP + 1TB external drive + 24" monitor

Any concrete release date for Snow Leopard yet? I guess it'll be worth it to wait till then.
I know that... but I'll have it off the chargert for like an hour... and then it randomly gets brighter and dims... does it when plugged in as well i think
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I know that... but I'll have it off the chargert for like an hour... and then it randomly gets brighter and dims... does it when plugged in as well i think
oh my bad then....i have never experienced that...doesnt hurt to get it checked out though
Well it sounds like other people have experienced the same thing... who knows... at first I thought I was imagining it but if other people are experiencing itas well.....?
like i said, the computer has a sensor so it makes the screen brighter depending on the light. same goes with the keyboard if it's backlit.
Ha ha don't mean to keep speaking on the same topic... but that forum you posted seems to make it not dim when inactive... when not typing/moving themouse... not quite what I'm experiencing
i think crag and I have the same problem... It seems as if the screen dims from time to time, even when in use for no apparent reason....
:rofl: I know you stated what it is

But the forum you pointed me to didn't tell me how to turn it off at all...

Like on my TV for example I have Energy saver so it can dim based on lighting situations...but I can turn it off....

The only energy saver I can turn off... is when I'm inactive.. but I'll be on NT and for no reason my comp screen dims or brightens... I hate it andwant it off!
Originally Posted by wanksta23

^you try google?
Seriously. 95% of question threads could get this reply. Not to go off on yall but first thing I do when I have a problem with ANYTHING is searchgoogle, you get the answers instantly. Don't go on a message board, post a question and then WAIT for an answer which may or may not even come. Most peopleanswer questions in threads themselves by searching on google. If google fails you, THEN post. Just a tip I guess.
This is my 4th Mac laptop .... so for the most part I know how to use Macs... know the ins and outs.. but small stupid things come up from time to time
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