The Official Madden 11 Thread (PS3/360) RD: August 10, 2010 *Pics, Vids*

I had like 360 yards with Frank Gore and like 4 TD's

The guy I was playing scored on some BS touchdown, I was mad heated. So on the pursuing kickoff, down 4 with 19 seconds left, Ted Ginn proceeds to take it to the house for the win.

I went from super pissed to excited. This game has me bipolar.
I had like 360 yards with Frank Gore and like 4 TD's

The guy I was playing scored on some BS touchdown, I was mad heated. So on the pursuing kickoff, down 4 with 19 seconds left, Ted Ginn proceeds to take it to the house for the win.

I went from super pissed to excited. This game has me bipolar.
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by RoOk

Be perfectly honest, Guys who has played NCAA, which game is better overall? Your opinion is crucial lol
NCAA is better because of the off the field stuff (Dynasty Mode, Road to Glory). Madden's gameplay is more realistic, running game is a whole lot more fun than ever before. Defense seems much smarter than NCAA as well

I have both and I'll play both, but if you only want one it's hard to choose. Which are you more of a fan of NCAA or NFL
I'm def. A NCAA fan more. I love the NFL & always watch it 24/7 during the season & even offseason but NCAA is my main sport. Good look though
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by RoOk

Be perfectly honest, Guys who has played NCAA, which game is better overall? Your opinion is crucial lol
NCAA is better because of the off the field stuff (Dynasty Mode, Road to Glory). Madden's gameplay is more realistic, running game is a whole lot more fun than ever before. Defense seems much smarter than NCAA as well

I have both and I'll play both, but if you only want one it's hard to choose. Which are you more of a fan of NCAA or NFL
I'm def. A NCAA fan more. I love the NFL & always watch it 24/7 during the season & even offseason but NCAA is my main sport. Good look though
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by RoOk

Be perfectly honest, Guys who has played NCAA, which game is better overall? Your opinion is crucial lol

I know you don't want my opinion because I didn't go to a house in Sparta, Michigan for a 2nd time....

But I like NCAA better. The gameplay in NCAA seems quicker to me. Granted I only played about half a game of Madden everything seemed really slowed down and a little unresponsive. The hit stick is unresponsive and takes a second to work. It's a lot harder to scramble out of play action, literally takes a second or two before they let you scramble move out of it. Oh and the pre snap controls are ******ed.

ADP is a beast though, on 3 minute quarters my friend had 200 yards and no fumbles with him
It's cool. I was acting like a lame that day
I honestly didn't care as much but yeah that's what I've been hearing. I'm def. a NCAA guy & I mean i would cop Madden but I've been into to NCAA 11' so much I probably won't even play as much. Good look though
Originally Posted by Cragmatic

Originally Posted by RoOk

Be perfectly honest, Guys who has played NCAA, which game is better overall? Your opinion is crucial lol

I know you don't want my opinion because I didn't go to a house in Sparta, Michigan for a 2nd time....

But I like NCAA better. The gameplay in NCAA seems quicker to me. Granted I only played about half a game of Madden everything seemed really slowed down and a little unresponsive. The hit stick is unresponsive and takes a second to work. It's a lot harder to scramble out of play action, literally takes a second or two before they let you scramble move out of it. Oh and the pre snap controls are ******ed.

ADP is a beast though, on 3 minute quarters my friend had 200 yards and no fumbles with him
It's cool. I was acting like a lame that day
I honestly didn't care as much but yeah that's what I've been hearing. I'm def. a NCAA guy & I mean i would cop Madden but I've been into to NCAA 11' so much I probably won't even play as much. Good look though
Every year I buy NCAA, play it for a month.. then never touch it again after Madden comes out. This year though I like NCAA much better I think.
Every year I buy NCAA, play it for a month.. then never touch it again after Madden comes out. This year though I like NCAA much better I think.
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by CasperJr

i think ill just wait to the update to even buy it
What is this update you speak of? This game got terrible reviews I'm thinking of passing. Is sold out completely? I really don't wanna drop $60+ in store for a wack game but I need a football game in my life

they say there will be a update with the option so people can have a choice to play with the old lay out or the new strategy pad I will not #$$# my record up trying to use that weak $$*+
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by CasperJr

i think ill just wait to the update to even buy it
What is this update you speak of? This game got terrible reviews I'm thinking of passing. Is sold out completely? I really don't wanna drop $60+ in store for a wack game but I need a football game in my life

they say there will be a update with the option so people can have a choice to play with the old lay out or the new strategy pad I will not #$$# my record up trying to use that weak $$*+
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by CasperJr

i think ill just wait to the update to even buy it
What is this update you speak of? This game got terrible reviews I'm thinking of passing. Is sold out completely? I really don't wanna drop $60+ in store for a wack game but I need a football game in my life

they say there will be a update with the option so people can have a choice to play with the old lay out or the new strategy pad I will not %%!% my record up trying to use that weak !%#%
Originally Posted by gregzzy23

Originally Posted by CasperJr

i think ill just wait to the update to even buy it
What is this update you speak of? This game got terrible reviews I'm thinking of passing. Is sold out completely? I really don't wanna drop $60+ in store for a wack game but I need a football game in my life

they say there will be a update with the option so people can have a choice to play with the old lay out or the new strategy pad I will not %%!% my record up trying to use that weak !%#%
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