The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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If Cleveland was smart, they'd limit the ball in Kyrie's hands. Let LeBron facilitate more and work off of him running the offense. I see Livingston being consistent this whole series. His body size, able to work the post a little, and that mid range jumper is going to be much needed. As long as Iggy and Dray keep playing great D in the post, I don't see Cleveland winning.

It sucks for Cleveland not having great defensive players. All Steph has to do is run around and everybody is focused on him, it happened all last night, even though he wasn't scoring, so imagine how it's going to be when he is hittin his shots.

Kevin Love can't do anything in the paint, son too light in the butt. Dubs big men aint givin any leeway down there and forcin him to take those fadeaways; he better call Dirk for pointers in that dept.
Ya'll too sensive if you gonna let that a reason to hate on a guy...

Lebron been under the spot light as a kid way before he got drafted... Came in the NBA with all that hype and has lived up to it.. Drafted by one of the worst franchise in history. Carried that franchise in the playoffs at a young age without a HOF coach.Cavs had one of the highest salary cap in the7 years he was there. The best player they were ever to sign was an old shaq, old jamison, and mo villiams. Played out his contract with out any complains. Gilbert was a cheap bastard and was just trying to cash in on Lebron's fame, he thought he didnt have to over pay for any other stars.
I've said many times that it's absolutely amazing he's turned out as good as he has after being in the spotlight since he was 13/14. I would've been in prison by now probably. But that doesn't mean the many things he says/does make him extremely unlikeable. He's easily a top 10 player of all time, but doesn't mean it's hating when the unlikeability is justified.
-Never seen Lebron get stripped that many times. Dude was terrible after having a great 1st quarter.

-Lue stuck with with JR way too long. They was basically playing 4 on 5 with him on the court. Everybody knows he checks out of games. I don't know why had patience with him.

-GS got a lot of easy shots. Wide open shots, cuts to the rim, Livingston was shooting over dudes 6 inches shorter than him. Everything Cleveland got was hard.

-Curry was garbage but I guess he was hurt cuz it's impossible for the golden child to have bad games.

Still think it's gonna a long series but Cleveland got work to do.
Twitter is a foul place man :lol:. Saw a tweet "Those zookeepers had a better shot than Kyrie"
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if curry and klay show the hell up like the rest of the team this series will be over in 4 games I see nothing in this cavs team that tells me they have a chance
***** Bron will never change.

View media item 2054698
In other words, he needs more help. BUT YET, HE IS THE ONE THAT BUILT THIS TEAM. HE DID NOT SIGN UNTIL THEY GAVE TT 80+ MILLION $ ... Dont cry now!

what the hell did he say that wasnt true? You'll find anything to hate on.

Dudes are pathetic man, so hard to read these sports threads because cats say the dumbest ****. I know it's sports but I can't feign that much ignorance, not even with Paul Pierce who I can't stand.

On Livingston though dude had one move, I don't understand how he kept getting it off.
@DCAllAmerican whats your take on why Lebron doesnt drive to the lane more? or back down in the paint?

its either a 2, a foul, or 3 point play. almost everytime.
When Barnes was checking him, it was easy.

When Draymond or Iggy guarded him, he struggled.

It takes energy to drive man. Can't expect someone to do that so much. Especially when they are getting hit, bumped and then that person has to play defense. People SETTLE because of fatigue
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican whats your take on why Lebron doesnt drive to the lane more? or back down in the paint?

its either a 2, a foul, or 3 point play. almost everytime.

View media item 2054727
That's from last night. Nearly 80% of his attempts came in/around the rim & paint.

Lue should try running more pick & roll with Irving/Delly as the ballhandler & Bron as the roll man. Emphasis on roll, no pick & pops. Run it below the 3 point line so Iggy can't sag & has to step up. Then you throw the pocket pass or if they send help, hit the open man.

Obviously if Barnes is the defender then they can just throw LeBron the ball & skip all that. Barnes struggles mightily in that matchup.
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From what I've seen that's what Livingston does. He's nice at hitting that midranger with a hand in his face. If the series ended today he'd be finals MVP.

It did seem like the dubs were getting away with a lot of contact at the rim tho. I was shocked to see the refs let them play so physical. Even more shocked that lebby wasn't crying too much about it.

I watched the 1st quarter and fell asleep.
Zero though? That's 80-90's era ball.
**** that

Same. Was nodding off in the 1st and straight up went to go lay in the bed before the 2nd was over. You could see the blowout coming a mile away, even when the calfs took the lead for a quick jiffy.

When I was listening to lebron's pregame speech I knew it was a wrap. Bruh talking bout some 'enjoy the moment ' bs. Dude knows this team doesn't have a chance.
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This Cavs loss falls on Shumpert and JR Smith.
Shumpert and Smith repeatedly sagged too far off perimeter shooters on a jump shooting team.
Dudes getting back on defense and setting up 2ft inside the 3pt line :smh:
You can throw Love in their too but I don't even know who he was guarding last night.
I don't think curry will ever win a finals mvp the Warriors as a whole play so well in the finals he doesn't need to light it up 24/7 so when the comparisons to Jordan come leave the 6 finals mvps out of the discussion :smokin lol
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican whats your take on why Lebron doesnt drive to the lane more? or back down in the paint?

its either a 2, a foul, or 3 point play. almost everytime.

View media item 2054727
That's from last night. Nearly 80% of his attempts came in/around the rim & paint.

Lue should try running more pick & roll with Irving/Delly as the ballhandler & Bron as the roll man. Emphasis on roll, no pick & pops. Run it below the 3 point line so Iggy can't sag & has to step up. Then you throw the pocket pass or if they send help, hit the open man.

Obviously if Barnes is the defender then they can just throw LeBron the ball & skip all that. Barnes struggles mightily in that matchup.
The Delly-Bron pick and roll with Frye-Jefferson-Shump spacing the floor ran other second units off the court so far in the playoffs, but Kerr decided to start Draymond at C to start the 2Q instead of Varejao/Ezeli to scratch that option off Lue's list. Frye ended up only playing like seven minutes because of it.
On Livingston though dude had one move, I don't understand how he kept getting it off.
He was basically wide open on all of the shots he took, not to mention being 6' 7" helps.  It's not like the guy was doing anything he normally does, he was just getting really easy looks.  

All of his shots were basically in the paint and damn near all of them were wide open.  The only one I can think of that was well contested was that turn around jumper over shump from the wing.
***** Bron will never change.

In other words, he needs more help. BUT YET, HE IS THE ONE THAT BUILT THIS TEAM. HE DID NOT SIGN UNTIL THEY GAVE TT 80+ MILLION $ ... Dont cry now!
what the hell did he say that wasnt true? You'll find anything to hate on.
I mean i'll let ****** rock with certain Lebron hate but nothing he said there was deserving of hate. Dudes just got this weird *** hate in their heart for lebron even when he says something thats right.
This Cavs loss falls on Shumpert and JR Smith.
Shumpert and Smith repeatedly sagged too far off perimeter shooters on a jump shooting team.
Dudes getting back on defense and setting up 2ft inside the 3pt line

You can throw Love in their too but I don't even know who he was guarding last night.
I disagree, Kyrie Irvings defense was putrid.  Any time he got switched onto a bigger barnes or was guarding livingston it was an easy layup/open jumper every time.  Shump was actually pretty decent defensively last night.
what the hell did he say that wasnt true? You'll find anything to hate on.

He is slighting curry. It's obvious. All he cares about is being viewed as the best player.

If he loses but keeps it in the medias/publics brain that "I'm better and curry is only here because of his team" lebron will be fore the most part satisfied

Sad man
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When Barnes was checking him, it was easy.

When Draymond or Iggy guarded him, he struggled.

It takes energy to drive man. Can't expect someone to do that so much. Especially when they are getting hit, bumped and then that person has to play defense. People SETTLE because of fatigue

i know it does, i know.

just asking if you thought it was something more to it as people imply.
This Cavs loss falls on Shumpert and JR Smith.
Shumpert and Smith repeatedly sagged too far off perimeter shooters on a jump shooting team.
Dudes getting back on defense and setting up 2ft inside the 3pt line

You can throw Love in their too but I don't even know who he was guarding last night.
That is one part of the entire story but to say the loss falls on them; not fair

But they have to do better. You are right
I'm not denying Lebby is an all time great player it's just that this idea that he's been in so many finals is somewhat misleading and overrated

History may not remember that though idk
Livingston was probably the most affected by OKC's length and athleticism last series. Now he has free will to elevate over Kyrie or Delly this series.
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