The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

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This is going to sound like a hater question, but does anyone think Lebron has significantly improved any part of his game since his first couple years in the league?  Don't get me wrong, lebron is great, but it doesn't really seem like he has progressed on much.
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at reading that and this is what you got out of it.
yeah i dont see what hes saying has to do with his team.  hes saying the truth. 
It's all on Bron too. Giving useless Tristan Thompson 80 million

Imagine if they would have instead made a play for a guy like Biyombo
they were over the cap already. i think they have the highest payroll in the L already. they were able to pay tt because they had his bird rights. they cant really make a play on anybody through free agency. they would have to change up this roster thru trades. 

He's not?

He's about to win 2 championships in his first two years and beat the regular season wins record.

He stands alone when you talking about success out the gate.

With how the Warriors contracts is structured, barring any injuries, they're going to dominate for a while.

If he was there from the ground up I could see it. But based on 2 years? Nah. He didn't even coach all of this season. They still haven't won this championship. I need to way more before I put him with that group.
This is going to sound like a hater questions, but does anyone think Lebron has significantly improved any part of his game since his first couple years in the league?

he was in miami. that was the only time, imo, where he was a truly complete player. but something happened to him where he declined, not just in athleticism, but skill. idk how. or what caused it. it legit looks like dude doesnt even practice unless the cameras are on.
I'm a Warriors fan... But I always imagine what Lebron's career would have been like, if he played for a more than capable franchise like the Lakers, Spurs, Bulls with coaches like Pop, Phil Jackson, Pat Riley... I mean the closest thing to that is the Heat. But even that team still had Spo as a coach who I thought was horrible in his first year.

when Lebron left for Miami, then back the Cleveland, i always wanted to see him in a real system like San Antonio or Utah

its too bad we never got to see it
I'm a Warriors fan... But I always imagine what Lebron's career would have been like, if he played for a more than capable franchise like the Lakers, Spurs, Bulls with coaches like Pop, Phil Jackson, Pat Riley... I mean the closest thing to that is the Heat. But even that team still had Spo as a coach who I thought was horrible in his first year.

when Lebron left for Miami, then back the Cleveland, i always wanted to see him in a real system like San Antonio or Utah

its too bad we never got to see it

dont worry, you'll see it next.
I saw Bron try to post up a few times and GS just shrunk the court on him, 2 backdown dribbles and everybody was within an arm's reach and all he could really do is pass out to the perimeter and many of those were getting deflected and stolen. They're going to have manufacture transition offense somehow, get more stops and steals, maybe even be overaggressive gambling and switching, trapping everything. It likely still gets you backcut or the ball still finds its way to the open man for 3, but you have to risk it and give yourself a chance if even just for short stretches.

They have to lock JR Smith up in the hotel room and only allow him to go straight to the gym to get shots up and play the game and straight back, confiscate all his mobile devices. Or the opposite but just order all the **** and weed to his room. Reward him based on his performance with more or less of said weed and ****.
I honestly thought Bron would've developed a post game and a mid-range game by this time in his career but it just hasn't happened. Dude is what he is at this point and I don't see him changing. He's lost a step and he's in his 30's now so it all goes down hill from here. If he never had a shot now, he's never going to have one.
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This is going to sound like a hater question, but does anyone think Lebron has significantly improved any part of his game since his first couple years in the league?  Don't get me wrong, lebron is great, but it doesn't really seem like he has progressed on much.

He hasn't. If anything he's lost a step. Never really developed a jump shot. He just felt like he could turn it on whenever. It's because he's played for so so coaches throughout the years who's never called him out on his fundamentals. The living embodiment of jack of all trades but master of none...
Man lebron's minions didn't take long to come up with the excuses.

He isn't playing on a team with a deep bench because he chose to create a top heavy team with players that aren't as good as wade and bosh.
This is going to sound like a hater question, but does anyone think Lebron has significantly improved any part of his game since his first couple years in the league?  Don't get me wrong, lebron is great, but it doesn't really seem like he has progressed on much.

I don't see that he's improved anything which is probably one of the reasons he's been losing lately. If anything, he's regressed a little. Still great player but he hasn't improved in the areas he could've such as shooting, fts, etc
You really can't disregard what Bron is doing. He chose to go back home and change the entire culture of the franchise from being unprofessional, late, and just plain losers to back to back NBA finals.

I can't imagine any other player in Bron's caliber who would be willing to do that. Maybe Iverson if he had his head straight and put his ego in check.
Calfs looking like food network on d, with a pinch of cilantro.

I will say this though, as bad as last game looked and as bad as Steph and Klay played, this series is far from over.  The Cavs missed 28 shots last night in the paint.  Most of those were contested, but I expect games 2 through whatever to be much, much closer.


:rofl: I said the exact same thing hahahahaha. I'm like 'enjoy the moment'??? what cuh? insert nick young jpeg And he didnt say a single 'dawg'. Brutus not ready. He doesnt believe.

I think I even saw tt looking around like 'wtf??'

Kerr the easiest coach to like in the league.

It's crazy that he wasn't really that great in the Fromt Office but is on his way to be one of the best coaches in history.

Vice versa for phil
You really can't disregard what Bron is doing. He chose to go back home and change the entire culture of the franchise from being unprofessional, late, and just plain losers to back to back NBA finals.

I can't imagine any other player in Bron's caliber who would be willing to do that. Maybe Iverson if he had his head straight and put his ego in check.
Lets not act like he didn't see the window closing in Miami with Wade and Bosh getting older and limited cap space.  
what hapened to his post game? hakeem failed him :smh:
LeBron failed to grasp the basics. You can lead a .... you know the saying.

:lol: at reading that and this is what you got out of it.
what's the point of reiterating something everyone knows. If you can't comprehend what he is trying to say (I can't do it by myself against a "team") then you have bigger issues.

Ya dudes put blinders on and can't analyze what's being said.

So what now, GSW has a deeper bench and LeBron can't do it by himself, RIGHT?

[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji] Some of ya are some clowns.

He laid his bed, now laid in it.
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