The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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Draymond ain't getting suspended. He was teeing off on Adams package for two straight games and didn't get tossed. He's good. If you watch the whole play it all started because Dray was out there O-line illegal screening again and Bron got tired of it and threw him down and then it got girly from there with both of them.
Finals MVP?
because it sure aint curry imo
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The only way Cavs can win a championship next year:

1. Get rid of Love and get Durant with Love's cap space

2. Make LeBron the starting PF with Durant as the starting SF, have LeBron work out some more with Hakeem on his post moves over the summer perhaps

3. Have Kyrie be the primary ball handler and try to have him be more of a pass-first PG

4. Fire Lue and get a real, experienced NBA coach instead of continuously trying to gamble with rookie coaches who never accomplished anything in the NBA before

5. Maybe LeBron will be willing to sign for a little less after his billion dollar Nike deal so try to get a couple of more pieces, a rim protector and a 3-and-D player. Most importantly players they will USE, not a hyped signing like Mo Williams who hasn't played in the finals except in garbage time. Remember how excited Cavs fans were about Mo Williams as an off the bench contributor after they signed him last summer. What happened there?
The only way Cavs can win a championship next year:

1. Get rid of Love and get Durant with Love's cap space
2. Make LeBron the starting PF with Durant as the starting SF, have LeBron work out some more with Hakeem on his post moves over the summer perhaps
3. Have Kyrie be the primary ball handler and try to have him be more of a pass-first PG
4. Fire Lue and get a real, experienced NBA coach instead of continuously trying to gamble with rookie coaches who never accomplished anything in the NBA before
5. Maybe LeBron will be willing to sign for a little less after his billion dollar Nike deal so try to get a couple of more pieces, a rim protector and a 3-and-D player. Most importantly players they will USE, not a hyped signing like Mo Williams who hasn't played in the finals except in garbage time. Remember how excited Cavs fans were about Mo Williams as an off the bench contributor after they signed him last summer. What happened there?

This is something a casual NBA fan would say.

Sign KD. Really? How much longer is LeBron going to work with Hakeem? Make Kyrie the primary ball handler? Fire Lue, but who's available to coach the Cavs? JVG?

As long as the Warriors stay intact or add some rebounding, the Cavs won't be winning. Also, until LeBron develops a mid-range jumper where it's almost automatic, he won't win ****. It's so easy to stop the guy if you back away and funnel him into help defense. He won't be able to barrel his way to the hoop for much longer.

BTW, no one has mentioned how key Varejao was at the end of the 3rd. Pretty much what started the momentum for GS.
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If Bron wants to win, he has to take a pay cut because he can actually afford to.

It's really not that much when he's making 40-50 million off the court and would make even more if he wins a ring.

If he gets rid of Love and takes like 1+1 for cheap, sign Whiteside and have space for next year.
Doesn't Whiteside want to be THE man wherever he goes? That seems to be the biggest issue with him in Miami. Besides, with Bosh's health concerns, Miami will throw the max to him.
Refs watch the whole Bron and Steph ordeal :rofl:


this gif is gonna come in handy.

that is pure comedy.
The cavs lost the game in the 4th quarter. They decided to play Iso hero ball the whole 12 minutes. It's like they didn't take notes from OKC. The Iso hero ball is so damn easy to defend for gsw especially too. Just terrible. Bron playing Iso and just started jacking up shots same **** with swirving. When the **** are teams gonna realize Iso ball in the 4th is NOT gonna beat the Warriors.
Only ball movement came when bron was forced to kick it out after not getting a whistle in the paint.

Lue had no offensive adjustments or plays. Just bron attack basket and iso-irving
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