The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

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Only ball movement came when bron was forced to kick it out after not getting a whistle in the paint.

Lue had no offensive adjustments or plays. Just bron attack basket and iso-irving
That's what Lebron has done his entire career. That's what he likes.

Blatt tried to implement a system and halfway into the season there were a million reports about how Lebron ignores him, scraps his system, and just does what he wants.
If Bron says something about Ayesha to steph, it'll throw him off his game.

It is a scumbag move, but anything goes on the court.

He needs to say she taste like Cheerios or something at this point...

Won't hurt , the man is already hated.
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I don't think the NBA wants to give this guy Draymond MVP at this point. Branding and all that

Off street Andy Varajao having the same impact as 82MM Tristan Thompson.
So the NBA that spent a decade hyping Bron into GOAT, only to throw it all away because an overnight sensation can pop 3's?

Nah, they aint givin the Wariiors nothing the Warriors takin it.

 @ wanting Dray suspended over that

Da desperation
I don't believe you.
Is this true?
He punched Lebron in the D when Bron stepped over him
it appears this way ... at least the hit went into the immediate area where a man should have a D. But key here is what LeBron did before and after.

Draymond foul man, it happened to lebron so no one in this thread will care but this dude has a habit of doing this **** and getting away with it

yes, DGreen might get away with a few things but again look at the person that the incident occurred, another person that gets away with equally or more stuff. Crabwalk, Offensive Fouls, Flops, Dirty plays, etc.

Somebody somewhere has a tally on Dray's nut punches since game 1 of the Playoffs.

He's got to be going on like
Punches to the Peter's of other men.
Well, someone somewhere has a tally of offensive, flops, crabwalk, dirty plays phantom whistles, etc Bron gets away with.

only on Lebron James will NT defend getting struck in the nuts :smh:
Not true .. there are others where NT wouldn't mind. However, looking at a 1 sec video is very misleading. But anyways ... like he clearly said, his a fMily man with 3 kids, he doesn't need anymore.

Lebron was heading back into the play though, a REAL Basketball move that can be defended as such when looking at a suspension.

It's a wrap for GSW, yall put your monies on Cleveland ASAP, that's 2 games my man Dray is gone for:smh:  
at this point I'm just quoting you to point out the obvious hate for the team that rip your heart out. For the team that broke down both of your "supers stars", the team that finally put a stop to that ******* of pregame running man, dab, Nene, etc ... to the team that has one of the biggest load mouth in the game. I still like the thunder, but they are what they are ...

And really going back to the play? Watch the video again buddy. DGreen was on the ground LeBron was looking at him and only when DGree started to get up was when he decided to climb over him ... is clear as day ....

Lebron threw him down though?
Man quit.

Flailing is something Dray admitted to. He flailed himself right to the ground in this instance.
man, is this how stupid I sound when I point out facts about LeScum? Please refer to the video below and just watch the first 4 second. Now slow it down and please tell me if LeBron doesn't need to be suspended. To me it looked like they both got tide up and LeScum place his leg behind and sweeper DGreen , then as D Green started to get up LeScum tried to play him by stepping over him. In addition LeBron kept playing on an was not upset .. only when he was called a ***** this this ***** catch a fit.

Still quoting to show people your hate ...

Totally didn't understand the last minute of the game where they kept fouling until there was 10 seconds left but they were only taking 2s on the other end.
Please read below

It's really not that complicated.

Lebron wanted to pad his stats without ruining his FG%.
Exactly ... smh ... them you'll have an idiot in NT quoting that performance in the future to prove that he played his heart out.

Dave McMenamin [emoji]10004[/emoji] @mcten

According to a source familiar with the spat between LeBron James and Draymond Green, the trigger word was DG calling James a "b*tch"
12:37 AM - 11 Jun 2016
Clear as day .. after that he even pushed the ref trying to get the ref of him as well as teammates. Even if it was unintentional that's an injection if you ask me. But stand don't want to hear that .. O

He's officially entered the realm of a dirty player though.
I can see that ... but everyone need an enforcer .. call him the DRodman. Perfect ...

quote name="Hank Scorpio" url="/t/649456/the-official-nba-finals-thread-warriors-2-1-cavaliers-1-2-game-4-friday-june-10th/12720#post_25983732"]Wait, LeBron got upset because Dray called him a female dog? You can't be serious :lol:[/quote]
The replay doesn't lie ... what else would a ***** do when they are called *******? Seriously .. they lose their marbles... why you calling me a ***** ***** ... lmao

You just gonna post a half second of the incident? :lol:
What else can a stand do to validate his point of view. Look at the entire sequence. Let them play on .. and if DGreen gets a flagrant I don't see how LeScum doesn't get suspended. He initiated the contact thru a player to the ground stepped over him followed the player after shoving an official and continued to play dirty after ... please referred to the BS foul he did against Curry without the ball. Clear hard Fouls an pushing for no reason.

Appreciate the link, @a-friend
!  Doubt Green gets suspended.
Not saying that he shouldn't be, but Warriors get away w/ anything these days.


Cavs have never believed in Love.

How is this loss his fault. 
He didn't even get to shoot in the 2nd half and split time w/ Richard Jefferson.

This blame belongs to Lebron and Lue, and only Lebron and Lue.
Although everything before this has been pure Caca, this is about the only valid thing you have said all night.

So you gon believe that and just ignore the video of green hitting him in the nuts?
Quote because of the nonsense . You just going to ignore what happened before that. Again look at the first second and only 4 second of the entire incident and tell me if LeScum doesn't deserve to be ejected. Throwing bodies unsportsmanlike conduct etc. You missed me with this B's.

Tryon lue already the worst X's and O's coach in the league
Man its crazy that he's gone to the Finals 7 times and was the underdog in four of them.

Everyone should have expected them to lose but not like this. LeBron is playing so passive it's scary.
Man its crazy that he's gone to the Finals 7 times and was the underdog in four of them.

Everyone should have expected them to lose but not like this. LeBron is playing so passive it's scary.
is it that his playing passive or that he is not as athletic and feared anymore?

Only game that he got off was when Kyrie open the flood gates and doors for everyone else. If not he would of have been Garbo ...
much respect to most of you guys...

but this thread lost a lot of respect with the few folks that said PGs of the 90s couldnt keep up with the PGs of today as far as guarding them. :smh:

the NBA has cut the nuts off perimeter defenders by not allowing the offensive players to be touched. any guard that specialized in strength was immediately stripped of his money maker.

no way any PG can keep up with a talented offensive PG if you cant even touch him. :smh:

bigups to...

GP, with the old rules would clamp curry like a bear trap
Mo Cheeks
Nate Mcmillan

etc etc
much respect to most of you guys...

but this thread lost a lot of respect with the few folks that said PGs of the 90s couldnt keep up with the PGs of today as far as guarding them. :smh:

the NBA has cut the nuts off perimeter defenders by not allowing the offensive players to be touched. any guard that specialized in strength was immediately stripped of his money maker.

no way any PG can keep up with a talented offensive PG if you cant even touch him. :smh:

bigups to...

GP, with the old rules would clamp curry like a bear trap
Mo Cheeks
Nate Mcmillan

etc etc

Nothing new, people have short memories and always think whatever happens in the current era is the "best"
Barbershop NBA

"I think Cleveland needs to run the offense through Jr Smith"

"Klay Thompson and Draymond need to leave next year for more money"

"LeBron is a better jump shooter now than he was in Miami"
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