The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

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When did "stepping over someone" all of a sudden become a flagrant offense.

Dudes been praising the beauty and heart of AI's step over since I joined this board.
Now it's "one of the most disrespectful things in Basketball"0]

just because Lue sat there like a little trick doesn't make the act any less disrespectful and offensive. even with rings he win with LAL, Lue's career has been overshadowed by that one moment. you mean dray is gonna be okay with another man doing that on national (worldwide) tv and not respond?

in addition to that, iirc AI crossed Lue and he fell, while lebrick pushed dray to the ground and proceeded to step over him. different antecedents generate different responses
the stop snitchin movement died when lebron got on tv after the game to cry about draymond offending him as a parent and husband

RIP stop snitchin

I'd like to think most are complaining about the inconsistency on behalf of the league office.

Had they taken the appropriate action after the kick to Fuanki's kiwis,

they wouldn't be so up in arms about this.

Now, Draymond has been suspended for an action that seems extremely silly in comparison.

A kick won't do it,

but a brush to the mushroom cap will?

That's shenanigans.
As *****y as Lebron is, Draymond is leaps and bounds above him. ALWAYS crying about calls against him and then playing dirtiest in the league. smh. I hope he gets a tech in game 6 and doesnt play in game 7 either, **** him
Klay just said in presser lebby is in his feels about being called a bad word..He said I've been called worse on regular[emoji]128514[/emoji]
 . you mean dray is gonna be okay with another man doing that on national (worldwide) tv and not respond?
Response is fine.

I'm not sure hitting him in the **** was the best move though.

But calling for Lebron to be suspended for disrespecting Dray, is ludainsanecrueldumbing
Capes still flying for Dray?

Guess it was just another basketball play like this right?


but wait, where's russy's right leg?? how convenient to ignore that when you're trying to prove a point


It wouldnt even be near his head if Dray wasn't tryna sweet chin music dude though :lol:

tell me, how is the motion and position of dray's leg impacting Russel's right leg? if someone was standing behind russ, good luck

yall act like players kickin their foot up to create contact is something new. Reggie Miller did that from the perimeter every single time. stop actin brand new

Is anyone standing behind him though? :lol:

Like I said,I guess sticking ur leg up to someone's head is a normal way of rebounding :lol:

I'll let you cook though,keep up the good fight


you still ain't answer my question. you out here acting like dray is the only party guilty of kicking his leg out yet in your "evidence" there's clearly another player doing the exact same thing, but in the opposite direction.
He didn't do anything. Honestly what's wrong with some of y'all I don't get it
If a grown man gets physical with me, knocks me down and attempts to step over me. Im swinging when I get up. Period. 
Once again, Draymond decides to give him a nutslap instead of getting up and pushing him. If Draymond gets up and pushes him and they do the usual WWE **** with them in each others face talking trash until their teammates break it up, draymond would be playing tomorrow. Instead he is out for game 5.
When did "stepping over someone" all of a sudden become a flagrant offense.

Dudes been praising the beauty and heart of AI's step over since I joined this board.
Now it's "one of the most disrespectful things in Basketball"0]

dude AI's step over was hella disrespectful :lol:

It's absolutely one of the most disrespectful on court moments in NBA history,not sure what a-fiend is talking about :lol:
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Is anyone standing behind him though?

Like I said,I guess sticking ur leg up to someone's head is a normal way of rebounding

I'll let you cook though,keep up the good fight
you still ain't answer my question. you out here acting like dray is the only party guilty of kicking his leg out yet in your "evidence" there's clearly another player doing the exact same thing, but in the opposite direction.
lots of players kick. not defending dray at all. he shouldve got suspended against okc but acting like hes the only one is ridiculous..they need to have harsher punishments and get rid of the kicks and flailing these guys do

.. westbrook kicks all the damn time. i dont know how to post gifs but heres a few links. 

Anyone turn it into a habit like Dray though? Dude is the second coming of Bruce Bowen with that on the line style of play :lol:
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Lebron pushing the agenda against Day Day :smh:

Son is more ***** made than i initially thought. Losing more respect for him as time goes on.

No worries though, we still going Back 2 Back. And Lebron and "The Land" can hold yet another L, in their GOAT collection of Ls
Anyone turn it into a habit like Dray though? Dude is the second coming of Bruce Bowen with that on the line style of play :lol:

kobe was striking dudes with that follow through with his right arm. remember him busting mike miller and ginobili in the same week. ol boy said it was how he shot. funny how quickly he changed it after being suspended
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