The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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Actually seeing all the Cavs fans faces on Thursday will make this setback worth it.
Steph's poor play in these finals is disturbing.
He'll be okay his play will be an after thought. Dude will never recieve the criticism he deserves. Nobody thought he would be what he is. Dude is pretty much safe from harsh criticism.
He'll be okay his play will be an after thought. Dude will never recieve the criticism he deserves. Nobody thought he would be what he is. Dude is pretty much safe from harsh criticism.

I don't think so. He was getting it pretty good after they went down 3-1 to OKC. If they blow this and he continues to struggle, the honeymoon will be over.
Yo the Draymond Green compilation has me cryin

i've never seen the clip of him tackling the two Celtics in the same play before :rofl:

The slow mo of him hitting the ref *diseased*
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She already did
It's crazy how much slander Green gets for being a "dirty" player when Dellavadova was doing the most last season...

Draymond looks like a saint in comparison to some of the grimey acts commited by that bum. :smh:

:lol: :lol: what a desperate reach
Look at Steph flopping... Just pitiful. Why switch up now. You've been winning by being the best scorer on the floor. Now you wanna win by flopping and hoping klay carries you

so in your opinion, varejaos 2 flops were worse than the fouls lebron BY HIMSELF got away with. k.
Yes its the playoffs my dude, they cant/wont call every foul. Varejo's flopping almost changed the makeup of the game. In years past people wanted the refs to let them play, now that they KINDA do that and people still complain. Damned if you do, damned if you dont...

He's had near triple doubles in the first 4 games and yet was ineffective for the most part and his team last 3 if those 4.
What did his TEAMmates do to back him up? Not enough...
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Look at Steph flopping... Just pitiful. Why switch up now. You've been winning by being the best scorer on the floor. Now you wanna win by flopping and hoping klay carries you

i mean kev did lowkey toss the shoulder, steph just sold it.
Where that stat that everyone kept posting of iggy shutting lebron down
Iggy defense and stat padding aside, Bron is still putting up massive numbers this series.

28 points, 12 rebounds, 8 assists, 2 blocks, 2.4 steals, .496 fg%, .375 3ptfg%
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numbers dont even tell the whole story. like the fact that lebron disappeared in the 4th like usual and was bailed out for most of the game. he got away with absolute MURDER. and there really might be some correlation between lebrons numbers when dray is guarding him vs this game after getting him suspended. but i digress, its a nice stat line nevertheless. big *** asterisk next to that thing tho. in bold. and underlined.

Can't put an an asterisk next to a game where "last year's finals MVP" was the one guarding him most of the time...

Then, in the same breath, give "last year's finals MVP" all the credit for slowing LeBron down last year.

It's a total contradiction
Delly was playing out his mind on a Queen James led team and is probably the reason he ain't get suspended at all. Despite the fact he injured two players and kept constantly going for kneecaps.

The Lebby coddling and D riding by the league needs to stop is all I'm sayin...
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