The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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curry hurt every time he has a bad game?

the treatment light skinned brothers get on NT is disturbing
at you acting like the differing treatment between Curry and Lebron is due to the variations of their skin.  People hate Lebron because he is a douchebag, not because he is blacker than Curry,
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lol dont make excuses for soon to be le2/7
no i actually want the cavs to lose

im a huge draymonds fans

but the warriors arent looking so great right now

i wouldnt be surprised if he gets ejected again next game since silver wants  to extend the series so badly
Yall have to understand how injuries work in order to progress in the conversation. Especially ligament injuries. Saying 'I'm Here, I'm byke' doesnt mean he's 100%. It means he feels good on that given day and it lent itself well to his rhythm. Because he of the fact that he was never 100%, I'm sure some days he is toying with 85-90% and others maybe in the 70s. Its not an excuse, it's human physiology. I'm sure there are good and bad days. Maybe the knee experiences more stiffness than other. Maybe there is soreness elsewhere with the rest of the body compensating. He's been icing the shoulder more recently. He's never really been one to embrace excuses, so I'd venture to guess its genuine.

The funny thing about his decision making, while a lot of the decisions have been poor, when your body isn't 100% that can happen. It's an interesting concept, one would think 'hey, if your body isn't working, your mind should at least be able to pick up the slack', like they're independent of each other. But it's actually all one chain. When the body is hurt or injured, chemicals are released, chemicals that can heap with pain and and healing. Those can also affect the neurological system, the bits that control aiming, depth, distance, etc.

I say all of that, not to make excuses, he is playing pretty crappy. But no, I say that just to offer some insight as to why he's been so hot and cold game-to-game. The key to note is that he was NEVER healed, only that he was to a point that with precaution, he wouldn't further damage himself, and the soreness/pain has been manageable.
im surprised that Richard Jefferson was never an AS in his NJ days.

its pretty dope to see him come alive in this finals
yall ever played 1 on 1 with that guy that you beat 20 times and he always wants a rematch and then finally he wins one and he says he beat you hes better? yeah those are cavs fans. lol
Seriously though, it amazes me how much Lebron gets a pass under the guise of he needs more help.  The guy is supposed to be a top 10 player of all time and has hand picked his last 6 finals teams.  Maybe Lebron's inability to make rational decisions about teammates that would fit his style of play is part of the reason why he loses so damn much.
im surprised that Richard Jefferson was never an AS in his NJ days.

its pretty dope to see him come alive in this finals

Always hated that fool. Hated him when he was on the Warriors and still can't stand him. Was going crazy when he got banged on by Shaun last night. That dunk was :x
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