The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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im pretty sure that everybody agrees that bron had an amazing game last night but the way he achieved that wasn't and shouldn't be respected.

this. that is all that needs to be said. Bron stepped up, on the biggest stage, when nothing was stacked against him. Fantastic. Congratulations.
i always wonder how old are those people who wont accept the truth that the nba is fixed...
There is a difference between being fixed and favoring certain outcomes.  It would be ridiculously difficult to actually fix games.  Now can the league take certain actions that will get them better ratings?  Absolutely.
lmao yall are crazy!! Kyrie better than curry? LMAO. Isiah thomas better than curry LMMFAOO!!! He had 1 bad game The rest were good games. I understand that you want him to drop 50 points a game but thats not realistic. Yesterday he he did shoot 38% which is low for him but still got 25 points, 7 rebs, 4assts and 3 blocks how is that trash?

You didn't eeeem watch the game last night, b. What room do you have to debate this? :lol:

Those stats are empty, he was T-RASH last night.
It is entertainment but as much as the word excuse gets thrown around on here I think thats a real excuse. Rigged talk only comes up when the Cav's win a game in the finals, aint no rigging putting those shots Kyrie and Bron where putting up in last night or Curry missing his thats just sports.

Sure i'm like a 12 year old because I recognize there are more realistic sports reasons a team beat another team instead of jumping to it being fixed 

When they say that they just mean a series going longer. Doesn't mean the NBA is out here actively fixing games it just means there is more money in a longer series everyone gets that but again doesn't mean they are out here actively fixing games.
so what about that ref Tim Donaghy he was actually fixing games. He also went on record to say the NBA has fixed games and him and his fellow refs fixed games. as well as this
I didn't mean to come off like it never happens we have seen instances in sports where games where fixed I get that. And this was only one guy throwing out a conspiracy imma need more evidence than that.

My problem is when the fixed talk only comes up when someone is up set their team lost and can't think of any other reasons to rationalize how there teams lost. Ya'll throw around excuse talk in here a lot now thats an excuse.
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I'm glad that we agree when ish gets real lebron does it by himself, cause when he has help.. See last night
So he has only had help 1 game this series?  What about the other games where Kyrie has put up 30 and they lost?  

Lets not act like Lebron doesn't **** up the flow of the offense either.  Dude has been dribbling the ball for like 15 seconds and constantly doing ISOs all series long.  Hard to get involved when a guy wastes 2/3rd of the shot clock every possession.
So he has only had help 1 game this series?  What about the other games where Kyrie has put up 30 and they lost?  

Lets not act like Lebron doesn't **** up the flow of the offense either.  Dude has been dribbling the ball for like 15 seconds and constantly doing ISOs all series long.  Hard to get involved when a guy wastes 2/3rd of the shot clock every possession.

I actually agree with those critisims, same way I feel about Chris Paul.
no lie, back in the days i always wondered why old legends such as mj used to belittle bron. i kinda thought one of the possibilities was that bron had a chance at the GOAT title but as time progressed i came to realize nobody is taking that title and mj ***** on bron bc bron a straight up ***.
I didn't mean to come off like it never happens we have seen instances in sports where games where fixed I get that. And this was only one guy throwing out a conspiracy imma need more evidence than that.

My problem is when the fixed talk only comes up when someone is up set their team lost and can't think of any other reasons to rationalize how there teams lost. Ya'll throw around excuse talk in here a lot now thats an excuse.
not really. i really didnt care who won between okc and gs .... draymond shouldve been suspended for kicking adams  but nba going to nba. not to say they loss cause of a ref fix but situations like that is what im pointing  to. 
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Why couldn't game 6 be tomorrow?

Gotta deal with the hottest of takes because everyone is bored
Yeah I don't really understand the extra rest inbetween games for the finals.  If anything it just favors the team who isn't as deep.
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I've essentially watched 1 full game this entire series because of the stupid start time. Straight up took the allure out of the series for me.
game 6 should have been Friday night, if they wanted to keep the game 7 possibly for sunday

or game 5 should have been sunday night.. game 6 Wednesday.. then IF there was a game 7, then it would be on saturday

and the games should be starting at 8 instead of 9
I didn't mean to come off like it never happens we have seen instances in sports where games where fixed I get that. And this was only one guy throwing out a conspiracy imma need more evidence than that.

My problem is when the fixed talk only comes up when someone is up set their team lost and can't think of any other reasons to rationalize how there teams lost. Ya'll throw around excuse talk in here a lot now thats an excuse.
not really. i really didnt care who won between okc and gs .... draymond shouldve been suspended for kicking adams  but nba going to nba. not to say they loss cause of a ref fix but situations like that. 
I get you're not saying that its just that when GS loses others pop up saying that and thats the only time they talk about it making excuses, not you just others i've seen.

And to me Draymond should have been suspended before but the NBA didnt cause they didn't want to take a player that can impact the game like he can out of that series for a match. The reason he got suspended for game 5  in the finals is cause he never reigned himself in provoked or not he shouldn't have done better knowing the situation he was in so thats why he had to be suspended for that game it was more for his actions throughout the playoffs than that scuffle with Lebron. 

Did they have to suspend him? no. But did Draymond make his own bed? Yeah.
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