The Official NBA Finals Thread: Game 7 - Cleveland Cavaliers are your 2016 NBA Champions

Who will win the 2016 NBA finals?

  • Dubs

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  • Cavs

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You guys need to stop speaking such frightening things into existence...


lowkey..that is one of the things i worry about. too many people giving too much positive energy to the things I don't want to happen.

dubs winning. and thats it. Parade saturday. lit.
I don't think Warriors HAVE to win Game six as much as you guys all think (although ideally they should close it out now) - Game 7 at Oracle, advantage still goes to the Warriors there. I also still don't think they'll lose 3 in a row, and their defense will be a lot better with Draymond back. Not to mention, LBJ and Kyrie won't shoot that well for three games straight. No Bogut hurts, but Ezeli is more than fine to take his spot before they inevitably go small.

Warriors definitely need Curry to get going, and I'm very confident he'll come through tomorrow.
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Silver is showing his weaknesses. Stern would've never allowed this much time between games. You have to strike when the iron is hot and the attention span is focused.
Silver is showing his weaknesses. Stern would've never allowed this much time between games. You have to strike when the iron is hot and the attention span is focused.
I just don't understand why they decided that there needs to be more time between games.  If anything this is a disadvantage to the deeper teams.
Love this thread. :rofl: its like a1rmen, or whatever his name is, posts over and over under different screen names. The level of hate towards a basketball player would make you think he personally farted in yall s cheerios....still got GS in 6, since the start, but can't front that this thread would be faaaaar more entertaining if the Cavs won..
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Silver is showing his weaknesses. Stern would've never allowed this much time between games. You have to strike when the iron is hot and the attention span is focused.
Stern probably would've done the same thing. Thursday nights are the nights people watch the most TV. Sundays are days where people relax and spend time with family, which can be done watching TV. Adam Silver isn't stupid, it's inconvenient for us as fans because it seems to drag but it's all done for the viewership.
Love this thread.
its like a1rmen, or whatever his name is, posts over and over under different screen names. The level of hate towards a basketball player would make you think he personally farted in yall s cheerios....still got GS in 6, since the start, but can't front that this thread would be faaaaar more entertaining if the Cavs won..
Unless I am missing something here, no one is really hating on Lebron.  Pretty much everyone is giving the guy his due for game 5.  He played great, he deserves recognition.
Dubs win tomorrow, Curry with signature game 48 points 12 threes

Locker room still smell like champagne

LeBron retires after

False hope :smokin it'll hurt worse if they actually believe they can do it. yessssssssssssss ***.

if the cavs win at the oracle in 7 I will be walking around with a boner the size of mozgov for weeks
Love this thread. :rofl: its like a1rmen, or whatever his name is, posts over and over under different screen names. The level of hate towards a basketball player would make you think he personally farted in yall s cheerios....still got GS in 6, since the start, but can't front that this thread would be faaaaar more entertaining if the Cavs won..

Unless I am missing something here, no one is really hating on Lebron.  Pretty much everyone is giving the guy his due for game 5.  He played great, he deserves recognition.
You're def missing/missed/have missed something :LOL (all deer in the headlights foh)
i really hope the series ends tomorrow if for nothing else than to end all of this anxiousness between games. I'm gonna be pissed if i have to endure more days of these chats. everybody is an ANALyst. My nerves would be shot heading into game 7. I want this stress gone bruh bruh.

So much this.
hay warrior guise i'm begging you..plz plz don't shatter my hopeless cleveland dreams i've had since i was a young chap...can you let us win plz
I think a lot of folx are trying to get warriors' fans to hit the panic button after monday, especially after losing on their home court and losing bogut. however, those people are straight trippin. last year, in a closeout game in cleveland, dubs played with no bogut and ezeli stepped up. game was over with 8+ minutes left in the fourth quarter.

in order for the cavs to have any sort of chance in game 6, kyrie and bron are going to have to combine for 80 points again while hoping steph doesn't get past 20 points and continues to have a 1:1 assist to turnover ratio. doubt either scenario happens. warriors closeout in 6 (as many of us predicted) by a 11 points
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