The Official NCAA Football 09 Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Does anybody find the blitzes really slow ? I could be sending a all out blitz and dudes take mad long to get to the QB.
how realistic,
Cuz right now i'm using EARosters com and they pretty good.
same one i got but i made some slight changes to make all the facemask, armbands, shoulder pads, and skin tone correct!
Can someone please tell me how to stop ppl from throwing a bomb pass and just straight up Randy mossing me?? They will switch to the wide out when the ball isin the air and i will switch to the corner gaurding him and when i get to the marker i just hit triangle and i guess they do to and they catch it 90 percent ofthe time. Should i press L2 to face the ball and then jump or what? also can you give me a good play to stop that..
^^ if your going up against a tall wide out just swat it using X. but yeah you should be using L2 to square your shoulders up.

anyone else having problems with the server? i "lost connection" to the last two games i was in, i swear it better not count as an L
Originally Posted by nnarum

Jackin someone up is always nice



Can't wait to getthis game.

Which one of my NT brethren can I hit up for the PS3 rosters?

I just got it today first game I played was Vandy at Tennessee and it was awesome then Auburn at Georgia, anyone using colossal chicken's rosters?
I can't get a hold of the user controls yet since the movements are so fluid. The players slide all around like crazy on defense. I learned it's not agood idea to do any cross pattern bombs on anyone with halfway decent stick skills, regardless of the match up of the actual players or how open the WR is, theDB picks it 98% of the time.

I'm using Colossal Chicken's roster, is EA Sports Com better?
Can someone tell me how to connect to the EA servers so I can actually get the real weather for the stadiums..Every stadium I choose it says 75 degrees for andits irkin me.
Yo, my user pick game was mean up until NCAA '08....

Its coming back now...But not like it used to be just yet.

My favorite NCAAa was NCAA 03...Because you could make mean @%# moves w/o the realistic body movements...

Didn't even need the juke button cause if your stick work was right, its was better than the programmed jukes
^^Goldenticket those were insane plays..i had a similar one on a punt return but it was only 80 yards but you could really see my player usin his field visionto outrun and outmanuver everyone on the field..
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

We gotta wait till next week for the patch

Patch Announcement


We have identified and fixed the bug causing the game to crash when editing rosters. This bug also causes teams to disappear and team ratings to change.

The patch is being tested tonight, and assuming all goes well it will be submitted tomorrow for certification. The expected release is in 5-10 days.

Until the patch, we recommend you cease editing rosters. Rosters that have been corrupted by the bug will not work after the patch. If you have a roster in progress and have not encountered any freezes or missing teams, it will work after the patch. There is a possibility a roster can be corrupt and not have surfaced any problems yet. This is why we recommend that you stop or back up your work among multiple save files.

We are also fixing the bug where the depth chart gets reordered after editing a player with this patch.

These are the ONLY fixes in this patch. We are planning on a 2nd patch with many fixes, but we had to get this one out the door.

We appreciate everyone's patience on this matter.

Special thanks to CDJ, 21SEC, and Fairdale Kings for helping us track this down.

the 2nd game i played online i went to PSU and

i was like *%$? dude saw my team he said but all i saw was the person i was on's number...was wild he friendly quit me at least. im like 6-3 with 2disconnects cus my comcast went out at 3am FTL...

see me fellas

o and how do u guys make those highlights? i had 1 i was trying make the other night when dude picked me off then i clapped em with my QB and ran it in for aTD lol..
Dude was over-joyed and he wasn't even the one with the ball

This game is by far the best NCAA game I've ever played...
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