The Official NCAA Football 09 Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

anybody else played campus legend as a WR?

I'm finding it frustrating
.... coaches calling screens on 3rd and8+, QB holding onto the ball way too long, consistently throwing into double/triple coverage to my 3rd WR even though I'm wide open and a HeismanCandidate... wish there was an option to go nuts after the game even if it gets you benched....

and what happened to all the solo events during the week... (the last one i played was 07 on PS2).... I actually learned stuff playing it and enjoyed it.....where's my dorm room?.....picking a major?

Custom playbooks? Create a School?

dont get me wrong, I'm still enjoing it, just not as much as the older versions, EA better have ALL that stuff in 2010 or they wont be getting my 60 nextyear....
this is almost as bad as the kids who started a 2k8 league with stipulations on EVERYTHING

"you can only score 40 in the paint, 25 midrange, and 30 from the arc, and you cant full court press, and...."
I'm starting to get it - you're one of THOSE guys... one of those, i'm going to exploit every angle in the game to win at any costsort of players. Okay, now i see why you win so easily on heisman.

If you can't understand why video game 'stipulations' are put in place by people who run leagues and such, than there's no talking to you. Games are designed with flaws - i remember the old nba games where you just couldn't inbounds the ball if somebody full court pressed... you're sayingthat because it's in the game, it's perfectly fine to play this style of game

I prefer playing a semi-realistic style of game, personally.. in all my sports games. I know there are certain plays i can run every single time agaist the AIon any level and score 90 percent of the time, and win easily.. but i don't get my kicks that way. I prefer to run a realistic style of game. Yes, icould win by exploiting the flaws in the game that don't fit into a realistic type of sports game, but i don't find that very enjoyable.
I need help getting the last 3 achievement!!

Tippy toe one
Mr. February
Getting a BCS invite or something

Any ideas??
I prepaid for the game. Im on my 3rd ps3. My bday was July 14th. The only game I play all year long. My new, just replaced by the company PS3 broke. Notreading any games or movies. The day before my bday. So now, I have a return box coming for my ps3, I have the game I play the most in it's box looking atme, and it's almost been a whole week. And you guys are crying about the game difficulties? Be thankful. When I get on sticks again I will be wreckingshop. Hopefully, we can all get along and get smacked in the online dynasty. ESIMS206
so if you start the dynasty tonight and those two dudes still havent done their preseason tasks, are you going to sim it or just delete them? & did youmake any custom schedules?
Originally Posted by akf0dy7

so if you start the dynasty tonight and those two dudes still havent done their preseason tasks, are you going to sim it or just delete them? & did you make any custom schedules?
Deleted and eventually replaced by the people I have lined up...

Custom schedules are done. No one has two games against FCS teams and everyone playes at least two other people and all games are split home away so nothing isunfair.

And the sliders are golden...YOU CAN RUSH THE PASSER!!! and you can RUN
and QB completion percentages in the 50's and 60's

The deadline to play week one games is SUNDAY night unless otherwise noted
Originally Posted by theone2401

Originally Posted by akf0dy7

so if you start the dynasty tonight and those two dudes still havent done their preseason tasks, are you going to sim it or just delete them? & did you make any custom schedules?
Deleted and eventually replaced by the people I have lined up...

Custom schedules are done. No one has two games against FCS teams and everyone playes at least two other people and all games are split home away so nothing is unfair.

And the sliders are golden...YOU CAN RUSH THE PASSER!!! and you can RUN
and QB completion percentages in the 50's and 60's

The deadline to play week one games is SUNDAY night unless otherwise noted


whens the dynasty starting? tonight? i can play tonight but wont be able to play at all tomorrow.

i'm hyped!
Yo theone, can you hook it up with the sliders you're using for 360? I haven't found any I really like yet...
danny, PM on NT or msg me on PSN for a good time so we can play, I think we are the only two with player vs player game in week 1
Gunna, did you get the email I sent you for the FF league this year?

Why they got my dude Corey Surrency at 6'0 ???

Dude is 6'5

But yeah, I need my PS3 rosters....I'm sending out messages when I get on PS3 tonight/Tomorrow

I'm hesitant on using Gunna's rosters...

I'm pretty sure he has Myron Rolle at 68 and Antone Smith at 70.
I cant wait till football conditioning is done next week, so i can finally start really diving into this game.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Yo theone, can you hook it up with the sliders you're using for 360? I haven't found any I really like yet...

try these.....

I love them and this is what Ima use, it definetly makes it a whole different game IMO...

Accuracy 30/30
pblocking 0/0
wrcatching 0/0
rbability 45/45
rublocking 0/0

awareness 10/10
knockdowns 0/0
INTS 0/0
breakblock 0/0
tackling 30/30

FG power 10/10
FG accuracy 25/25
puntpower 0/0
puntaccuracy 0/0
kickoff power 60/60

And Dre I am pretty sure you can edit him after this week...just dont let me see that you edited nothing else
And Gunna yall dont play till week two hopefully since there is only like 3 games I may be able to advance it earlier...
Originally Posted by GUNNA GET IT

yea Dirk, Imma sign up! dont throw my spot away

Don't worry... Somebody's gotta finish last, so I figured we'd keep your spot open as long as you needed...

Good looks on the sliders, theone... I'll give em a shot.
Having a great recruiting class is possibly one of the best feelings in this game.

I just picked up 16 Four -Stats with Vanderbilt University
wow %%+! you EA

i sent them an email to try and get my situation straightened out.

here's what i sent them
While trying log into NCAA Football 09 for the Playstation 3 i get an account error that says my account must be approved by an adult.(I am 20 years old for what it's worth) It tells me to enter the email address of the adult that will approve my account. I tried sending the email to 4 seperate email accounts amd none recieved the message. i sent the email account to my own address and i get an email that says

[Dear customer,

Your new EA Master Account has been created. Welcome to the EA community!

From now on, please log in to your account using your email address [email protected] and your password.

To add more profiles, log in to the EA Account Manager and click Profiles ]

It does not let me approve my acoount and I stil am unable to go online with the game.

I have an EA acount under [email protected] but my PSN ID is [email protected] if that makes any difference. I believe the problem is on your end because i can connect online with other games, but not this one.

heres what they sent me


Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

In order to play EA Games online, you must be atleast 13 years old. If the date of birth mentioned by you in your Gamertag profile shows you to be below the age of 13, then you will not be able to play our games online.

We are sorry but this information is not stored with us and to get your correct date of birth listed on your account you will need to contact Xbox Live support, You can contact them at at 1-800-469-9269 or by visiting

If there is anything else we may do to assist you please let us know.

Thank you,

EA Online Support


no online dynasty for me i guess
Originally Posted by swendro88

wow %%+! you EA

i sent them an email to try and get my situation straightened out.

here's what i sent them
While trying log into NCAA Football 09 for the Playstation 3 i get an account error that says my account must be approved by an adult.(I am 20 years old for what it's worth) It tells me to enter the email address of the adult that will approve my account. I tried sending the email to 4 seperate email accounts amd none recieved the message. i sent the email account to my own address and i get an email that says

[Dear customer,

Your new EA Master Account has been created. Welcome to the EA community!

From now on, please log in to your account using your email address [email protected] and your password.

To add more profiles, log in to the EA Account Manager and click Profiles ]

It does not let me approve my acoount and I stil am unable to go online with the game.

I have an EA acount under [email protected] but my PSN ID is [email protected] if that makes any difference. I believe the problem is on your end because i can connect online with other games, but not this one.
heres what they sent me


Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts.

In order to play EA Games online, you must be atleast 13 years old. If the date of birth mentioned by you in your Gamertag profile shows you to be below the age of 13, then you will not be able to play our games online.

We are sorry but this information is not stored with us and to get your correct date of birth listed on your account you will need to contact Xbox Live support, You can contact them at at 1-800-469-9269 or by visiting

If there is anything else we may do to assist you please let us know.

Thank you,

EA Online Support


no online dynasty for me i guess

no problem dude thanks for letting me know. Ima miss spankin the wolverines...
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